



In this essay, three parts are covered.  The first part is the quotation of architects and non-architects about their various opinions on the architecture, and the background of them are briefed.  Following this, the author argues with every quotation and gives his own opinion whether agree with or reject the opinion.  At last, the author gives his anticipation about the trend of the development of architecture, namely localization, intelligent, and automation.   


2.1 Different opinions

This section quoted a lot of architects and non-architects, and due to their various backgrounds and most of them personalized architecture and likened architecture to certain kind of wonderful things, so their views on architectures differ greatly.

Steven Holl used four words to describe architecture, i.e. abstract, use, space, and idea (Fox, 2013).

As to abstract, he asserted that the job of artists is changing the real to the abstract, while the job of architects is changing the abstract to the real.  Specifically, architects need to consider the restrictions of engineering safety, function, accountability of climate as well as economy.

The function of architecture is to inspire through constructing the shining spatial energy.  The highest use of architecture is to move us from our heart.

Architecture is the art of space.  The volumes of architecture is connected in the trail of overlapping perspectives, surround us like music.

Every architecture possesses an idea, the organic connection between the concept and its corresponding structure.  This idea works like a shapeless thread attaching different parts with precise intention.     

Steven Holl’s multi-faceted idea could not be separated with his own experiences.  He was born in 1947 in US, the most innovative country in the world, so it is not doubtful that he is creative and asserted that every architecture possesses an idea.

Pei Yuming (Hou & Tian, 2013), a famous Chinese architect asserted that although the new materials and new technology are important, it is more important for architecture to possess its unique national form and style through using correct nationalization path.

Although Pei is a Chinese, most of his fame was won in US instead of in China, while he did spend a lot of time in China to merge the traditional western architectures with Chinese elements, then his words could be easily understood after knowing his background.

Winston Churchill (Sturm et al. 2012)said that we built our architectures, and then our architectures shape us.

As one of the most important politicians in the world, Churchill spent his lifetime to build an effective environment or a platform for his countrymen to get better achievement, and this should be reason why he said the above words.

Jim Rohn (Tian, 2013) said that whatever useful stuff we build would build ourselves later.

Jim Rohn is an American entrepreneur and motivational speaker who spent all his life in personal development industry, so he would say the words above.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Lavallée & Varley, 2012) said that architecture should be called frozen music.

As one of the most influential Germany writer, it is natural for Goethe to use metaphors to describe architecture.

Ayn Rand (Leavy, 2009) asserted that she did not build for the aim of getting clients, instead, she had clients for the aim of building.

Any Rand is a Russian-born American philosopher and novelist, her main idea in her books is advocating individualism, so she would express the above view.

Frank Lioyd Wright (Whitebook, 2004) said that every significant architect must be a wonderful poet, he needs to be a successful original interpreter of the time and the age he is in.

Frank Lioyd Wright is an architecture who had a very long lifespan that died when he was 91 years old, while he was extremely productive in a very long time period that he designed more than one thousand buildings, so he would gave the obove view.

Gilbert K. Chesterton (Jones, 2011) said that all kinds of architecture are wonderful architecture after sunset, and maybe the architecture should be the nocturnal art, just like the art of fireworks.

Chesterton was a British writer who was extremely productive and was famous for his criminal psychology novels, so he loved to think and observe in the night when crimes happen more than in the day time, and that is the reason why he would express the above opinion.  

John Ruskin (Hartmann, 2012) said that there are two kinds of goodness we need from architectures, the first is we could do our jobs well in the architectures, and the second is we could feel happy in doing our jobs in the buildings.

John Ruskin was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era, so he would use critical attitude when reviewing the meaning of the architecture.

Philip Johnson (Fogel, 2011) asserted that architecture is potentially an art of wasting space.

Philip Johnson was a famous American architect who advocated to making most of the space, and he built the famous glass house.

Richard Rogers (Evans, 2011) asserted that his great passion and great happiness for architecture as well as the reason he enjoys more about the architecture when he gets old is due to that he believed that the architects could affect people’s life quality.

Richard Rogers is a big believer about the ability of technology, so he designed a great number of high-tech buildings such as the famous Centre Pompidou von Sanmaritane, and this is the reason why he would stress the importance of architects in influencing people’s life quality.

2.2 Argue

The author agrees with the first three opinions of the four opinions of Steven Holl, i.e. abstract, use, and space, while the author thought that the opinion of every architecture possessing an idea is too difficult to popularize, because if every architecture needs to possess an idea, then the cost of the architecture would be much higher due to the involvement of architecture’s minds, while if every architecture does not need to possess an idea, the cost of designing and construction could become more and more cheap due to the mode of designing and construction could become standardized, thanks to the advancement of computer technology and artificial intelligence.  For example, if an architecture could think out the design of a building and transform it into a program in the computer, then if he needs to design another building with similar use, he just needs to tune the parameters if he does not need to give the new building an ‘idea’, then the process would become extremely easy and thus the cost would be cut greatly.

As to the opinion of Pei Yuming, the author thinks that his opinion is of great importance in the globalization era, when the architect firms not only in the developed countries but also in the developing countries are expanding on the global scale.  The author thinks that the key for an international firm to get successful in the local area is localization, whatever the industry the company is in.  The typical example is McDonald’s, which was born in a country that has little cuisine culture conquered numerous countries that have long-history cuisine cultures by its localization strategy (Hou & Tian, 2013).

The author completely agrees with Winston Churchill’s and Jim Rohn’s opinions, because the author thinks every good thing would continuously change our habits little by little, such as that the author was born as a native Chinese speaker, however, after learning more and more English, the author right now just read news in English and watch most of the videos in English, because the materials in English is more professional and more in-depth.

The author does not agree with the opinion of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, because his opinion does not conducive the modeling and automation of architectures in the era of computer technology, because even one day the artificial intelligence is smart enough and could do the architecture design job, designing an overly ornate architecture still needs much more computation time than designing a normal and useful architecture.

The author partly agrees with the idea of Ayn Rand, because in our era, competition is ubiquitous and although architects need to earn fame by their own opinions, almost nobody could get enough clients without marketing.

The author completely agrees with the opinion of Frank Lioyd Wright, because every product needs to keep cutting-edge, or it could not attract the purchase willing of the customers.

The author completely agrees with the opinion of Gilbert K. Chesterton, because in this era, more and more companies start to apply the strategy of flexible working time that the architects should consider the use of architectures in the night.

The author agrees with the opinion of John Ruskin, because in this era, namely the era of knowledge, creativity becomes extremely important that architects should pay great attention to make the architectures to make the people working in it feels happy, and then their creativity would probably be ignited.

The author completely agrees with the opinion of Philip Johnson, because the population on earth is keep expanding, and our era is also the era of sharing, so making most of the space is a great mission of architectures.

The author partly agrees with the words of Richard Rogers, because the author thinks that the innovation rate of architectures is too slow to keep up with the changing rate of our era, so there are no enough proves that show the architectures could greatly improve the living quality of human beings.

2.3 Trends of architecture

Based on extensive literature research and the experience of the author, the author thinks that there would be three trends for the future of architecture, namely localization, intelligent, and automation.

The first trend should be localization, because in nowadays, the gap between developed countries and developing countries are becoming smaller and smaller thanks to the popularization of computers.  As the result, developing countries start to pay great attention on nurturing architects, so it could be anticipated that in the nearby future, these architectures would pay great attention on the localization of buildings (Sturm et al. 2012).

The second trend should be intelligent, because this is a great trend for almost everything due to the development of computer programs.  This trend is sweeping the globe because everybody has computers and Internet access could find the cutting-edge technology information they want at once, and so the universal speed of technologies become extremely fast on the global scale.  The smart furniture and even robots are emerging in both the developed countries and developing countries, such as the desks that could tune its height for different users and the robots that could clean the room automatically.  As to architectures, there are lots of things to do to make them smart, while many of the strategies to make them smart could be done through the technology today.  For example, the architectures could use much more screens that more people could easily conduct the things they want to do and get the information they need easily, and the architectures could even change the local temperature and humidity for the people in them just like Mercedes-Benz does in its high-end luxury automobiles, and the author thinks this strategy could ignite people’s creativity.

The third trend is automation.  Artificial research and the accompanying robot research is a global trend nowadays thanks to the contribution of great companies including Google, FaceBook, Microsoft, and Apple as well as numerous companies with smaller scale.  At the same time, numerous researchers in universities are devoting their minds to robot research, and a typical example is the two researchers in Harvard University studying the behavior of ants for creating robots like ants to build structures. Although the current robots still could not replace human beings because they are not smart enough, it could be anticipated that the advancement in artificial intelligence as well as in robots would speed up due to the fast development of computation technology according to Mole’s law (Tian, 2013).  So as the result, the process of designing as well as constructing would become more and more automated.

3.    Conclusion

This essay covered three aspects.  The first aspect was investigating the different opinions of architects and non-architects, and it was found out that the ideas of different people varied greatly and was highly related with their own background.  The second aspect was arguing every quotation based on the knowledge of the author, and whether agree with or reject the opinion, the detailed reason is given.  The third aspect was giving the author’s understanding about the trend of the development of architecture, and in this section, the author thought that localization, intelligent, and automation would be the trends of architecture.


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