


House prices as a fact are amiably mostly dependent on the supply and demand factors prevailing as per the current situation in the market and the likelihood of increase or decrease or invariably other factors which determine the prices to fall or to rise despite the curb in the supply or demand.

The most favourable factors undermining the rise or fall in the UK housing industry preferably depends on both factors which we are discussing in the below facts and figures amicably effecting the UK mortgage industry.

Steep downfall in the prices of the houses in the recent past could be adjudged as a combination of both recession and the rising unemployment. Recent figures have shown that most of the UK citizens or domiciles have returned to their homes to live with their family already residing in the UK, where the average living cost per individual increased compared to the earnings ratio, which also had a negative impact on the prices.

Let us first lay some emphasis on the demand side factors in comparison to the figures for last three years.

2. The factors effecting the house price values in uk for the last three years 近三年来英国市房价影响因素的影响因素分析

2.1. Real Income/Economic Growth

Increase in income capacities will help enable people to increase the cost on spending more for buying a property or a house. Initially the rising income capacities would impact the mortgage price by x3 of your original earned income. Basically, if your annual earnings in a financial year work out to be nearly £30000, the building societies would be lending about £90000 for your mortgage.

This factor also raises the suspicion on the analytics as to despite the fact that house prices have doubled in the past 5 years why are they still affordable?

This is because of the House prices to incomes ratio, which would entail the common phenomenon as to how the income levels affect the increase in the house prices.

2.2. Interest rates.

The rate of interest varies with the different lenders and ultimately it affects the total cost bearing the payment for a mortgage. As mortgage payments form the biggest share of their monthly share for any homeowner interest rates form a very distinct factor and play an important role for a middle-income household earner.

From UK's economic view of standpoint, mortgages form an integral part of the UK economy in terms of capital income, growth, and market share. The majority of mortgagors in UK have a common product called the variable mortgage which is directly proportional where the interest rates rises which will in turn causes the mortgages to rise, intimidating the people to buy the houses.

The committee which sets the base rates is the Bank of England, which usually affects all the commercial interest rates for both commercial and industrial sectors on the financial front.

2.3. Consumer assurance

During the phase between the years 2001-2007, where there were 100% mortgages and

interest-only mortgages were very common, but people insisted on getting a mortgage with higher debt to their individual income or jointincome ratio. It was a risky factor for observance for both banks and the consumers, but people were optimistic about the housing markets during that tenure of time.

2.4. Availability of Finance for Mortgage:

While in the years 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's, it was found that there was rigorous restrictions imposed on the availability of money or finance for mortgages. However, due to the fact that there was a deregulation of both the finance and the banking sector which aggravated the fierce competition led to the rise in the number of products offered by the banks, financial institutions, and building societies for mortgages. There were many products available in the market such as mortgage interest-only, self-certification mortgages, and mortgages up to 6 times income were more prevalent thereby enhancing the demand for housing. However, due to the recent recession of 2008, most of the financial products or mortgage products which were on offer fell drastically leading to shortage of money in the market.

2.5. Demographic factors:

It was found to be a very constant rise in number of households in United Kingdom. The current population is less than the number of households and if there is an average calculated in each instance, it would result that more single people are living alone on their own, so this factor resembles many other reasons which could impact both the households and the family members. Some of the reasons are more people coming in as immigrants from eastern European countries.

The second reason is most likely to be the number of people getting divorced thereby increasing the number of households with single person living alone.

2.6. Speculation:

There is an increasing rate of mortgage products to suit different group of individuals depending on their preferences and income levels. In today's economy not every individual has the will and potential to buy the houses. The individuals who invest in the house property try to make the profit by renting the property. They usually invest when the rates or prices of the property increases and sells the property when the market is about to take a turn. But buying a property involves the costs like estate agents fee, stamp duty, registration fees etc.

Prices of rented property: In the past few years the prices of renting the houses has increased rapidly which has in turn increased the demand for the individuals to but the property and rent them which is a reserve to gain profits. Individuals buy houses or mortgage them and later they rent the property.

2.7. Inherited Wealth:

Most of the households would buy houses with the wealth which has been inherited by them. This also would explain as to why there is a rise in the ratio of house prices to income levels. Nowadays, it is quite a common practice for most of the parents to lend some deposits for their children when they are buying new properties or houses for the first time.

2.8. Unemployment:

People are earning enough to invest in property as buying a property is a mode of saving where in they have the option of renting or selling if needed

2.9. Supply side factors:

Looking from a short run perspective supply of housing is most probably is assumed as fixed, because it takes a while to build houses. After analyzing it is deemed to be concluded that in the short run the affect of demand on prices is more often more than supply.

However, if supply of housing does not return to its incorporate its strategy of adopting to new changes and if it is inelastic in nature then however it is more likely that an increase in the demand factor will most often lead to a big hike in the prices of housing.

Long run supply:

When looking into the long run supply, there are many factors which can affect and be an obstacle in the process of supply. To construct the houses or flats or a building, the first thing is to take the permission or check the availability to construct the property. This could be tough in rural areas as it is not easy to get the permission.

Builders usually have to calculate the opportunity costs, if it is better to invest in some other areas. They will have to check the total costs and returns which they may get once the property is sold.

3. Analyzing the house prices figures:房价数据分析:

The below figures best illustrate the graphs which defines the rise and fall in the housing prices during the last three years, which apparently were the cause after recession and mainly due to unemployment.

Due to recession, many market leaders being it retail industry, banking, or IT companies went into liquidation or administration, following shortage of money in the money market. Accumulating all the facts and analyzing the causes there was a steep rise in unemployment and all the companies adopted the policy of redundancy to safeguard their reputation and stand in the market, which started causing the houses to go on sale. Sub-prime mortgage lending was one of the major drawbacks for all the banks and financial institutions, which reflected lack of stronghold on the banks credit analyzing capabilities and the poor judgement of lending to people who cannot afford to keep their monthly mortgage payments.

In the year January 2007 the house prices began to increase until January 2008, after which the average house prices slowly started to creep down. The average house price in the month of January 2007 was £173,665 with a monthly change of 1.1% and an annual change of 8.2%. The price index was increasing till the January 2008 with average house price of £183,845 with a monthly change of 0.5% and an annual change of 5.9%.

From the month of January 2008 the house prices began to crash to a little low and in the month of January 2009 the average house price was £156,894 with a monthly change of -0.5% and an annual change of -14.7% which was the biggest since January 1996, which had a similar annual change of -3.9%.

When coming to the house sales volumes, it is quite obvious when the house prices increase there would be very few people who would be looking to buy houses or new properties, due to which the banks had to bring some new market products for mortgages such as the self certification mortgages, which allowed the people to self-certify their income levels when they want to purchase the houses. The other type of mortgage was 100% mortgage with no deposits required as a security to the banks.

As the graph below depicts the decline in curve in the sales figures for the year 2007-2008 until January 2009 because of the rise in house prices, which was not quite common, but it slowly started to increase from January 2009 which also increased the volumes for sales bringing some relief to the money market, thereby pumping the flow of cash for trade market and the shares business, which helped the markets to confront their stability and market hold.

After analyzing the above facts and figures the conclusion would be that recession had a very huge impact in the money market, which influenced the whole industry of mortgages, with decline in the house prices affecting the most of the UK economy which is mostly dependent on the mortgage business.

The most affected group of people who were impacted by this, were the ones' most likely who are unemployed, single living, aged people, divorced, or young people who left their homes to settle down early in their lives.


As per the current trend there is a slight rise in the housing prices index and market is slowing gaining the momentum of getting into the process of selling and buying the houses, but as a precautionary the banks, building societies, and the financial institutions are very cautious in the lending process, where most of them are seeking to have maximum deposits for any houses which are being sold. In the near future within three years time it can be predicted that the market would rise with the increase in the house prices, but there would be very less households which would go for residential properties and would opt for commercial buy-to-let properties thereby the borrower will not suffer in most of the cases of missing their monthly instalments and there is less probability of any borrower defaulting on any mortgage payments or any other credit facilities given by the banks and other financial institutions.

This would be the right move for any new home buyers or investors to apply for mortgages as the price of houses would deem to rise in the near future and making most of the profits for the capital invested. As the UK economy is mostly dependent on the mortgage business it would be the right option for people from different global locations to invest in the properties to reap the benefits, but keeping in mind the activities in the money market and the shares business which are interdependent and could create rise or fall in the business trend.


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Albanian society during the years has incurred different and important social and economic transformations. Albania a small country with a surface of 28.748 km2 and with a population nearly 3.5 million people has a population quite young and it is one of the countries with the youngest population in Europe. The average age of Albanian population is 33 years old. One of the major phenomenon which have associated Albania during the years is Migration. Migration has been a very important part of transition process in Europe and in the whole world. It continues to be significant for places that are in transition. This is the reason why we chose this theme. We chose (1992-2001), because this was the period when Albanians have migrated more.

“Migration is the phenomenon that is at the heart of economic, social and cultural change in Albania over the past 15 years” [1] . It is the movement of people from one place to another for different reasons. There are two types of migration: External and Internal. External migration is the movement of people from one country to another. Until 1990 external migration wasn’t allowed by the government. Internal migration is the movement of people within the same country, which was one of the most dramatic features of the Albanian transition. The purpose of this paper is to see the effects of migration on economy and how migration has influenced on Albania society. The biggest part of these migrations, both external and internal has affected the viability of many rural communities in the north and the south of the country.

In this paper we will focus on social and economic aspects of migration after 1992. We will treat migration’s causes to understand the reasons why people migrate and the main movements inside thecountry, we will see the most important effects of migration on economy, that are remittances and the effect of the migration on the society. Main impacts of migration are: remittances, return migration and demographic effects, but we will treat only remittances which have an important role in the development of Albanian economy. We will see this effect during (1992-2001), because INSTAT makes these registrations once in 10 years.

2. Migration’s causes

Nobody leaves his/her place because he/she wants. Even “volunteer” migrations where it is expected an improvement of social and economic conditions have a “prehistory”, a reason that can be a migration cause.

Causes that make people migrate are economic and non-economic. We can mention as economic factors the employment opportunities and as non-economic the security and political persecution. They are also divided in push and pull factors. Push factors are negative because they make a person leave his/her region or country while pull factors are positive because they make a person move to a certain region or country. In Albania push factors are: lack of employment opportunities, poverty, natural disasters, climate conditions, political persecution and education. Pull factors are: employment opportunities, safety and security.

Dates show that 2/3 of Albanians want to migrate for economic reasons, such as: to improve the living standard (36.7%), to find a job (19.7%) and because the job they have it’s not satisfactory (9.3%). These were three main reasons to migrate.

The desire for a better life makes people migrate. In the internal migration mostly, people move from village to the city, which has a better standard of living and variety on opportunities of employment. In the village the only opportunity to deal with, is agriculture. A main reason why internal migration exists is that except the job opportunities there are: climate conditions, lack of security and the big distance between villages and hospitals, universities etc. Traumatic experiences such as wars are also very important reasons that make people migrate.

Countries where Albania has more emigrants are Greece and Italy. After 1990 Albanians has emigrated more in this two countries because they are near our country and offer better conditions. The wages are higher and the living standard is better.

3. Main movement

During these years Albanians have moved inside their place and abroad for different reasons that we mentioned above. Internal migration involves these main movements: Inter-regional: These movements include people’s movement in different region inside the country. These are mostly in this direction: from the north and north-east such as Tropoje, Puke, Kukes, Diber, Mirdite etc. to the central part of Albania such as Tirana and Durres, which nowdays are overpopulated.

Intra-regional: On this kind of movement we can mention rural-urban migration. “The city of Shkoder has become a major destination for in-migration from the rural hinterland in the north of the country” [2] . “For instance more than half of in-migrants in the city of Shkoder originate from the district of Malesia e Madhe” [3] . “The same exists for Gjirokastra, where the majority of the city’s population increase is due to in-migration from the district’s (especially mountains) rural areas and from adjoining districts such as Tepelene and Permet” [4] .

Inter-prefecture: The prefecture of Tirana has been for a long time the destination of nearly the half of internal migrants. After Tirana there is Durres with 20% of all internal migrants. Of particular interest in this category of movements is the urban-bound share, which accounts for almost 60% of total inter-prefecture migrants [5] .

Inter-district: These are movements from one district to another. They can be inter-regional or moves in the same region. Even within districts that are considered as sources of out-migration, there are small pockets of in-migration, usually around the municipality of the district. “We can mention the case of Saranda as a major sending district, versus Saranda municipality, a clear in-migration zone within the district itself” [6] .

Rural-urban: This is the movement of the people from villages to the cities. The most serious population loss is observed in the rural North, as well as in the rural South, particularly villages high up in the mountains. “The country’s urban population increased from 35% to 42% of the total between 1989 and 2001” [7] . The biggest increase of 45 percent was recorded for the urban population of Durr?s-Tirana-Elbasan.

Urban-urban: This is another movement of Albanians. “For instance in 2001, two-thirds of in-migrants in the city of Tirana came from other urban centers” [8] . These inter-urban flows are directed particularly from the smaller urban industrial centers created during the communist era, towards the larger and more important cities along the coast.

Rural-rural: This movement wasn’t so development in Albania, but we couldn’t negligible. INSTAT [9] claims that 40% of internal migrants is made in this way


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Crowding out is a condition that occurs when there is a reduction in private consumption or even private investment. This is usually caused by an increase fin the government expenditure. In case the government increases its expenditure, while doing nothing on tax increase, it will mean that, the government will borrow more to finance its expenses, and in the process, interest rates will tent to go higher. This as an effect will reduce private investment, due to reduced private borrowing as a result of high interest rates which corporations and individual no longer afford to pay. In summary, 'the problem occurs when government debt 'crowds out' private companies and individuals from the lending market' (Herman & Daly, 2003). Considering the term crowding out in health economics, is a condition which occurs when programs that were expanded with the aim of covering the uninsured, have resulted to an effect of promoting the already enrolled in private insurance to change to the new programs.

In looking at the effects of an increase in the government spending on the IS curve, it is good to explain first that, the independent in an IS curve is the interest rate, while the dependent variable is the income level. The curve is usually drawn down slopping with interest rate on the vertical axis while GDP on the horizontal axis. An increase in the government spending will mean that, 'consumer spending + planned private investment + government purchases + net exports' (Herman & Daly, 2003),is not equals an economy's total output (equivalent to real income, Y, or GDP). This is because; an increase in government spending might affect the interest rates. For instance, if the government decides to raise the interest rates, fixed investment and the likes will be discouraged, which will then affect the income , which is at the equilibrium level for a given interest rate when the saving that the consumers along with other participants in the economy might choose to do out without of this income equals investment. The multiplier effect of a reduced fixed investment as a result of higher interest rates lowers the real GDP. This will then explain the entire shift of the IS curve on the right. In simple terms, the curve will be affected because in real sense, it just represents the causation from the increasing rates to reducing planned fixed investment and the likes to reducing national income and the output.

An increase in the supply of money, will lead to different alterations on the LM curve. For instance, the vertical intercept lets say (r) will be lower, while the horizontal intercept say (y, will be larger, as an effect, the whole LM curve will move to the right. In addition, the exogenous alterations that might bring about the excess money supply, that is, driving money supply above the money demand, will make the interest rates to rise in order to lower money demand along with equilibrating the demand of money, and the money supply. This will shift the LM curve out too. Another factor arising on the LM curve due to an increase in money supply is that, an increase in money supply will make individuals to put extramoney into non-monetary financial assets, as an effects, the issuers of assets can still offer lower interest rates yet still attracts the buyer. Graphically, an increase in money supply for instance by Fed M, will result in an excess money supply. An effect, this will make the LM curve to shift to the right, with the aim of restoring equilibrium as shown in figure 1

Being an essential component of any country's economy, there are different ways through which the government expenditure in education can be increased, without any increase in the money supply. For instance, the government can use the fiscal policy to influence the aggregate demand in the economy. In order for the government to attain 'economic objectives of price stability, full employment and economic growth' (Herman & Daly, 2003), this is based on the fact that, after increasing government expenditure in education and decreasing tax rates will end up stimulating the aggregate demand. This can be best applied during recession or low economic actions, with the aim of framework construction of strong economic growth. Then the resulting deficits will end up being paid for by the outcomes off an expanded economy in the booming season that will follow. The process of cutting taxes will ensure that taxpayers have extra money to spend, and as an effect, their will be an increase in consumption, hence creating markets for the products and services produced in the country. While the increase in government expenditure will increase, will also pump some money in the economy, the two will result to expansionary effects. In addition, the government has the ability of using debt financing and borrows some money for the education project. For instance, the government can issue out bonds with the aim of lowering prices while rising driving up the interest rates. Another source of finance that the government can use in financing its increased expenses in education includes raising taxes. It has been shown that, when the government rises, individuals will then have less to spend. As an effect, this will tent to reduce demand, resulting to fewer investments. As a side effect, it will then shrink the country's economy. But when the entire increased tax is spend by the government; the stimulus of increased expenditure in education will over weigh the raised contractions due to high taxes. This is based on the fact that, some of the tax money being spent would have been saved.

In looking at the causes on inflation and the available method of combating it, it is good to start with the definition of inflation. Inflation has been defined as an increase in prices that makes the purchasing power of a country to fall. It has been considered as a normal economic development, provided that the annual percentage continues remaining low, but, when the percentage rises above the predetermined level, and then it becomes an inflation crisis. There are several causes of inflation depending on a number of factors.

In most cases, inflation might occur due to excessive money supply. This usually happens when the government prints a lot of money to deal with a certain crisis. As an effect, prices ends up escalating at an extremely high rate to keep up with the currency surplus. This form of demand is called demand pull, which, the prices are forced to go up due to high demand, (Herman & Daly, 2003).

Another common cause of inflation is an increase in the cost of production. This in one way or the other, results to an increase in the prices of final products. For instance, if the prices of raw materials increase, this increases the cost of production, which in response makes the industries to increase the prices of their products with the aim of maintaining steady profits. In addition, labor costs can also cause inflation. This is based on the fact that, when workers demand wage increase, industries usually have no choice apart from passing similar costs to their customers. Also an increase in workers wages, increases demand, since such workers will be having more money, as an effect, raises the demand pool, which one form of inflation.

Apart from the two discussed above, inflation can also be caused by international lending along with national debts. This is due to the fact that, when nations borrow money, they normally have to deal with interests, which at the end leads to price increase as a method of keeping at par with their debts. A drop in the exchange rate can also lead to inflation. This is because; the government will have to deal with differences in the import and export levels.

Inflation can also result as an effect of federal taxes imposed on consumer products like cigarettes or fuel. An increase in tax, will make suppliers to pass on such like expenses to the consumer; the catch, on the other hand is that, once prices have increased, it has been proved that it will then be very difficult to come down, even if the taxes are reduced later on. wars have been the cause of inflation in the recent times. This is rooted in the reason that, during and after wars, the governments have to recoup the money spend and repay the cash borrowed from the central bank. In addition, it has been proved that, wars affect everything that is on the international markets, starting with labor costs to product demand, so at the end, wars usually produces a rise in prices which rarely comes down after wards.

Since 19th century, unemployment has been the major cause of inflation. The reality in the 19th century is that, there was an emergence of large unemployment scale. The connection between inflation and unemployment is invested in that Marxian theory. The theory asserts that, unemployment acts as a reservoir of labor, which in one way or the other restrains the wage inflation. In the 20th century, same aspects in the Keynesian economics include Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment and the Philips curve, which further explains the connection of inflation and unemployment.

There have been several policies that have been recommended for combating inflation. Monetary policy has been considered as being the main tool for combating inflation. The central bank has to be charged with the responsibility of maintaining federal funds lending rate at a very low level per year along with a targeted low inflation range. This low inflation rate is aimed as deflationary circumstances are seen as being dangerous for the economy health. The central bank can affect inflation through interest setting, along with other operations. The central bank can maintain high interest rates and low growth of money supply as the traditional way of inflation control. Monetarists have emphasized to control inflation, maintaining steady money growth rate and usage of monetary policy are the best ways. On the other hand, Keynesians have on their part emphasized that, the process of reducing aggregate demand at the times of economic expansions and increasing demand at recession times, are the best methods of controlling inflation. Controlling aggregate demands can be attained by the use of both fiscal policy as well as monetary policy.

Another policy that has been proposed in dealing with inflation is fixed exchange rate. In a regime of fixed exchange rate, the currency of the country is usually tied in value to another single currency, or a group of other currencies. In the process of stabilizing currency value, affixed exchange rate has been proposed as being the best method. It can also be applied as a means of controlling inflation. 'But as a currency reference value falls and rises, so does the currency pegged to it' (Abel & Bernanke, 2005). This reasonably means that, in a country with fixed exchange rate, inflation is determined by the rate of inflation of the country whose currency has been pegged on. In addition, the government is prevented from the usage of domestic monetary policy with the aim, of attaining macro-economic stability by the fixed exchange rate. Currently, most countries have their currency pegged on the U.S dollar. This in one way or the other limits the inflation rate in such countries, however, are exposed to the danger of speculative attacks.

Wage and price control has been proposed by several economists as another way of dealing with inflation. This has been successive during war times, though the policy has been regarded as a short term inflation control policy, but long term if coupled with policies that are designed for the reduction of inflation causes during wage and price control regime. Though its notable failure occurred in 1972 when it was imposed by Nixon Richards. This policy has perverse impacts as a result of distorted signals that it sends to the market. Artificially, low prices leads to rationing and shortages, which might discourage future investment, which might further the shortages. Normal analysis of economy, underpriced commodities is over consumed, hence resulting to its own effects in the long run. Temporary controls might complement recession as a way of fighting inflation. They usually control recession efficiently, as a way of dealing with inflation. However, generally, the advice of economists is not price imposition, but controlling and liberalizing prices by making an assumption that, economy will adjust which will result to the abandoning of unprofitable economic activities. The lower practices will place fewer demands regardless of the commodities that were driving inflation, as inflation will fall economic output in total. This in most cases has proved to giving rise to a severe recession period. This is based on the fact that, due to the reallocation of productive capacities, will result to unpopular outcome to individuals whose livelihoods were destroyed, (Abel & Bernanke, 2005).







有相关资料显示,目前中国环保产业的从业人员仅有13万余人,其中技术人员8万余人,按照国际通行的惯例计算,中国在环境工程这方面的缺口在 42万人左右。在国外,环境工程专业的就业环境已经较为成熟,以美国为例,留学环境工程就业分布大概为43%的毕业生在政府部门工作,21%从事管理、科 学、技术咨询服务行业,15%从事建筑工程相关行业,剩下2%为自由职业者。美国在环境领域发展相对国内比较成熟,对环境类从业人员的需求也日益增加,薪 水也水涨船高。这给了赴美留学读环境工程专业的学生提供了良好的职业发展空间。


创意媒体专业是为创意经济培养传播人才的。留学专家分析,在国外,创意经济已经成为不少国家的支柱经济,全世界创意经济每年创造220亿美元, 并以5%的速度递增。在一些国家增长速度更快,美国为14%,英国为12%。在中国,由于国家实施从中国制造到中国创造转变的战略,创意经济获得大力地发 展,这将成为未来几十年中国最热门的经济领域。


作为涉及理工、文艺诸多领域的综合性专业,建筑学包括技术和艺术两个层面。建筑学专业的毕业生,可以在工业或者是民用设计院、城市规划设计院、 国内设计公司、园林景观设计公司,从事建筑、形体、空间设计工作。又可以在房地产公司,从事项目前期策划、投资开发等工作。也可以再城建部门和房地产公司 从事房产管理开发工作,还可以在高校从事教学研究工作。除了建筑设计院之外,房地产公司、监理公司都欢迎建筑学专业毕业生的到来。


土木工程的研究对象包括各类工业与民用建筑、地下建筑。如房屋、道路、铁路、隧道、桥梁等。学生需要运用数学、物理、化学、计算机、信息科学等 基础科学知识,力学、材料等技术科学知识,以及相应的工程技术知识的研究设计和建造工业与民用建筑,隧道与地下建筑,公路与城市道路、桥梁等工程设施,市 政工程设计院、工程质量监督站、房地产公司、工程造价咨询机构是土木工程专业毕业生的主要就业单位,毕业生大多从事建筑工程、交通土建工程、水利水电工 程、港口工程、海岸工程、和给水排水工程的规划、设计、施工、管理等工作。


石油工程是对石油资源进行开发、使用研究的一种系统工作。石油工程专业培养适应石油工业生产发展需求,具备工程技术知识和钻井工程专业知识,在 钻井工程方面获得基本训练的工程技术应用型人才。毕业生通常从事石油勘探、开发油田设计、化工石油储运等工作。具体单位主要是中国石油、中国石化、中国海 上石油等大公司。


工程造价是指对建设某项工程所需要的全部费用进行工程预算。简单来说,就是设计盖一幢楼究竟要花多少钱。这项工作通常由预算员或造价师来完成。 工程造价专业致力于培养质量类人才。由于工程造价专业通常是同计算打交道的,并且现在的造价计算都是采用计量软件和计价软件来进行的,因此,造价计算是基 础,而这一基础又是建立在房屋、资产评估与房地产估价等课程之上的。工程造价专业实用性较强,培养的是具备独立进行工程预算、结算以及工程造价、计价与控 制能力的技术运用型人才,并需要丰富的实践经验,因此同学们应该经常参加实习,学习期间最好能够考取预算员证或者造价员证。这样,就业时会更具有优势。



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Abstract 摘要

Memory is a common topic in the process of the research. In addition, in the research, the author would like to apply the paired sample t-test to adjust the processing of the memory. In this research, the three key values are fully applied: t-value, the degree of the freedom and p-value, so that these three values could defined the finally to prove the relationship for the memories.

1.0 Introduction 简介

Memory is the recognition of the human mind to remember things, keeping, reproduce or recognize. It is to carry out thinking, imagination and other high-level psychological activities. Human memory and brain structure of the hippocampus, the brain changes in the chemical composition.Memory as a basic psychological process, and other psychological activities are closely linked. Memory links with people's mental activities (Dutriaux&Gyselinck, 2016). Memory is the basic function of people learning, working and living. The process of abstract disorder into image order is the key of memory.The study of memory belongs to the category of psychology or brain science. Modern human memory research continues, although today's science and technology has been developed by leaps and bounds. The use of those after practice can effectively improve the memory of the methods, skills, can make it better serve the human work, dailylife, and learning (von Stülpnagel, Steffens, &Schult, 2016).

While learning is seen as an obvious part of schooling, this makes it a process of concealment and teacher observation, re-instruction, or immediate corrective inaccessibility. An important aspect of learning that is often taken for granted is that learners are successfully involved in multiple messages simultaneously, following multiple step directions, solving problems, or through a lesson or teaching objectives such as self-managing implicit needs such as complex thinking, e.g., tracking of the accumulation over an extended period of time (Moreira, et al., 2015). However, this seemingly basic ability is complex and involves well-coordinated cognitive processes between at least three administrative functions: inhibitory control, working memory renewal, and mental transfer The typical characteristic of working memory capacity is that the information individual can Processing the same time to perform complex tasks.

Normally working memory capacity is characterized as being within the range of information that the individual can process at the same time to perform complex tasks. The larger a person's capacities, the more powerful the attention can be controlled to effectively manipulate the information and avoid processing disturbances. This psychological multitasking is achieved by the parallel processing of short-term memory from a person's attention from the highly activated long-term memory access or temporal information coordination and timely control appearing (Antoniou, Ettlinger, & Wong, 2016). In this way, it can be processed according to need, like a mental spotlight selectively according to the relevant information from one moment to another working memory function, actively do the relevant material original intention. The ineffective operation of this working memory spotlight increases the risk that distracting information will be allowed to dispose of irrelevant information, the ability to overload this information is limited, and obstructing effective spotlighting can lead to forgotten ways of shifting the mindset.

2.0 Method 方法

2.1 Design

In the process of the research of the processing of the memory, the paired sample t-test method is applied. In addition, the definition of the paired sample t-test can be summarized as follow:

The paired sample t-test was used to compare the two demographic techniques in the case of the relevant two samples, the device. The paired sample t test is used in the 'anterior - posterior' study, or when the sample was matched, or when it was a case - control study. In addition, the paired t test is similar to the repeated measurement ANOVA test. In addition, it can be used to compare the performance of static groups under different test conditions. The difference is that paired t-tests are used when the independent variable has two levels. Repeat measures ANOVA when independent variables have more than two levels used. Thus, for example, if a researcher tests three conditions, the appropriate test will be repeated for ANOVA, not a paired t-test. In addition, values are reported: t price, degree of freedom and P value (NikoueiMahani, 2016).

2.2 Participants

There are three hundred and seventy-nine participantstaking part in the study. They are supposed cover genders, ages, races and all other personal marks as much as possible. Though due to the location of this questionnaire is taken place, and the number of participants is comparatively low, the participants can be only comparatively scientific.

2.3 Materials

The random sample would like to link to memory students and also refer to the academic journals to reference to the study.

2.4 Procedures

In the process of the research, the paired samples t-test is used to the comparing deep VS shallow levels of processing.Three hundred and seventy-nine participants are randomly selected. They are supposed cover genders, ages, races and all other personal marks as much as possible. In this process, they are given to a paper of list of questions. In order to avoid environmental influences and personal and subjective bias, the participants are required to finish the questions independently.When the questions are finished, the paper is collected immediately.

3.0 Results 结果

Paired Samples statistics

Mean    N    Std. Deviation    Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Pleasure/Unpleased    10.7968    379    2.6802    0.13767

E or not    8.1821    379    2.89427    0.14867

Figure 1: the paired samples statistics for the processing of the memory

Paired Samples Correlations

    N    Correlation    Sig.

Pair 1 Pleasant/Unpleasant & E or not    379    0.392    0

Figure 2:  the paired samples correlation for the processing of the memory

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

Mean    Std. Deviation    Std. Error Mean    95% Confidence Internal of the Difference         t    df    Sig (2-tailed)

Lower    Upper

Pair 1 Pleasant/Unpleasant - E or not    2.61478    3.0791    0.15816    2.30379    2.92576    16.532    378    0

Figure 3: the paired samples test for the processing of the memory

As can be seen in the Figure 1, the mean is 10.8 and standard deviation is 7.68 for the category of the “pleasant” and also mean is 8.18 and standard deviation is 2.89 for the category of “unpleased”.

Besides that, the Figure 3 has demonstrated that the table has indicated that T-Value(t) is 16.53. In addition, the p-value (p) is less than 0.001. Also, the degree of freedom(df) is 378.

4.0 Discussion 讨论

4.1 t Value

A typical example of a repeated measurement t-test is where the subject is a prior therapeutic trial, said that for hypertension and the same subject is tested again with a hypotensive drug treatment. By comparing the same patient numbers before and after treatment, we effectively used each patient as their own control. In this way, the right to reject the null hypothesis (which is not dealt with here, the difference) can become easier; there is statistical power to simply increase, because random changes in patients have now been eliminated (Randall&Tyldesley, 2016). Note, however, that the growth of statistical power comes at a cost: more testing needs to be done twice a topic. Since half of the sample is now dependent on the other half, the student t-test pair version has a unique 'n / 2-1' degree of freedom (n is the total number of observations). The pair becomes a separate test cell and the sample must be doubled to achieve the same number of degrees of freedom (Greengard, 2016).

The results from a paired sample are then used to form a paired sample, using other variables along the variable being measured along with the paired sample t-test 'match-to-sample'. Matching is performed by identifying pairs of observations from one of each two samples, with similar values for the other measurement variables. This approach is observed in studies that are sometimes used to reduce or eliminate the effects of interfering factors. Paired samples t tests are often referred to as 'dependent t-tests.'

As summarized, T-Value (t) is 16.53.

4.2 Degree of freedom

In statistics, the degree of freedom refers to the calculation of a statistic, the value of the number of unrestricted variables. Usually df = n-k. Where n is the number of samples, k is the number of condition numbers or variables, or the number of other independent statistics used to calculate a certain statistic. Degrees of freedom are typically used in sampling distributions (Wang & Liu, 2016). Firstly, when estimating the population mean, the number of samples in the n are independent of each other, from which any number does not affect the other data, so the degree of freedom is n. Secondly, the degree of freedom of the statistical model is equal to the number of independent variables can be free. As in the regression equation, if there are a total of p parameters need to estimate, which includes the p-1 independent variables (with the intercept of the independent variable is constant 1). Thus the degree of freedom of the regression equation is p-1. (Smith, Sáez, &Doabler, 2016). Mathematically, the degree of freedom is a dimension of a random vector, or the number of domains that are essentially 'free' components (the number of components required for a pre-vector to be fully known). Degrees of freedom are also commonly used in related statistical testing problems, where the squared length, or 'square sum' of the coordinates, is related to the chi-squared parameters and other distributions.

As discussed above, the degree of the freedom is 378.

4.3 P Value

In frequency statistics, the p-value is relative to a statistical model, and its measurement observes how extremes are observed in the results of the sample's function (test statistic). They have abused controversial issues. The p-value is defined as the probability that the obtained result is equal to or greater than what is actually observed when the null hypothesis is true 'more extreme'. In frequency theory reasoning, p-values are widely used in statistical hypothesis testing, especially in the null hypothesis test of significance. In this method, for the part of the experimental design, a first choice of a model (null hypothesis) and a threshold for p is called the significance level of the experiment before performing the experiment, traditionally 5% or 1 %, And is expressed as α. If the p-value is less than or equal to the selected significance level (α), the test indicates that the observed data is not consistent with the null hypothesis, so the null hypothesis must be rejected. However, this does not justify the hypothesis tested. When the p-value is calculated correctly, the test guarantees a class error rate of at most [alpha]. A typical analysis using the standard α = 0.05 cutoff, when p <0.05, rather than reject when p> 0.05 null hypothesis was rejected. The p-value itself does not support hypothetical probabilistic reasoning, but only applies to tools that decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. The US Statistical Association, in its statement using the p-value, affirmed the usefulness of correctly interpreting the p-value, but cautioned that the p-value was generally misused and misinterpreted (Kreinovich&Servin, 2015). Using bright-line rules as truncation, such as for ≤ 0.05, no other supporting statistics The evidence, which is particularly criticized: commonly interpreted as 'P ≤ 0.05'. Although it is generally accepted that p values are often misused, there is no consensus on alternatives.

As discussion above, the p-value is less than 0.001, so that the difference could be apparent.


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paper代写,电子音乐,留学生作业代写,Electronic music,论文代写

The standard way of thinking about Music has it that it is an important aspect of any culture and socialization. Although there is major difference in music genres from culture to culture, we all can say that music is an important part of our lives. Not only it is soothing, but it also creates individuality in individuals depending on the genre of music they like and accept. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,”Music provides entertainment and distraction from problems and serves as a way to relieve tension and boredom. Some studies have reported that adolescents use popular music to deal with loneliness and to take control of their emotional status or mood”. Music is a great way to escape the reality and create a sense of serenity in an individual. For many years we have shifted in music rhythms and productions. Classical music and other older genres are currently overlapped by the modern day rap, hip-hop, and dance and electronic music. In our modern day society, electronic music a large role on providing the listeners with great beats and rhythm but also provides to the listeners to go to an electrifying extent. With the new and improved technologies and instruments, music is produced electronically with some bass guitars and drums, but no matter what instruments the musicians use, the production of music greatly provides the listeners with imagination. From different instrument usage, music is a great way to relieve stress and express emotions. Electronic music not only provides the listeners with a sense of emotion, but also creates imagination in individuals and serves as an inspiration to many other artists in the use of electronics.

Music cannot be considered a single sound, but it is a set of beats and rhythm that create pleasure to listener’s ears. Electronic music is an art, an art that is created by using electronic instruments such as turn tables. The main aspect of electronic music is that it provokes happiness to the listeners. Electronic music has different sub groups such as: Techno, Dubstep, Indie, House Tech, Trance and Dance but it does not matter to the listeners which to choose, they all produce the safe effect: create a sense of emotion in listeners. According to Leonard Meyer, “And finally, listeners, past and present, have reported with remarkable consistency that music does arouse feelings and emotion in them” (12). In other words, we as humans are full of emotion and express them in our daily lives. As electronic music played in clubs and social events, individuals feel happiness therefore undergo the state of excitement and then begin rhythmic practices such as dancing. And of course, any type of music that the listeners decide to listen will experience emotion. Usually at large social performances by highly respected artists, individuals decide to wear neon colors that bring happiness to the performance. Electronic music provides the listeners with emotions due to different beats and rhythm that the audience follows. Some may decide to focus their attention on certain beat that attract their attention, however as a whole, electronic music is upbeat and surprising.

Imagination is a huge process in which an individual paints a mental picture in learning styles. In a math class for instance, one may paint a mental picture of formulas to help one study, however when it is needed one must reflect back at that memory to retrieve the information. Due to the high intensity and upbeat rhythm, imagination is decided upon the individual. Some electronic musicians such as Tiesto or Armin Van Buren often use beats and rhythm that use nature sounds so therefore the listener may imagine that he or she is in a nature setting. Throughout the electronic beats that the electronic music provides, a message is conveyed. According to Leonard Meyer, “On the contrary, the musical theory and practice of many different cultures in many different epochs indicate that music can and does convey referential meaning” (3). Some music has meanings that are people can relate to. For instance, Eminem has been rapping about the meaning in his life however some genres are turning toward explicit lyrics. Electronic music however is a set of beats that convey different messages to different individuals. People have the freedom to decide on the meaning of electronic music and what impact it has on their thoughts and imaginations. Thoughts, imaginations and reflections flow through listener’s minds and an escape from reality occurs. As a result, electronic music provides the listener with many options on the relation of the meaning he or she decides to create.

Our society has numerous bands that have progressed from using electric and acoustic guitars, drums and other instrument to using electronic computers and turn tables to produce new beats. Modern day artists produce their music in studios with a set of turn tables and electronic sets. More and more hip hop artist are turning toward electronic elements into their music which becomes more upbeat. The song “Feel It” by Three 6 Mafia and Sean Kingston for instance, is a great example of artists using electronic beats. Tiesto, one of the well known DJ’s creates the songs beats to which Three 6 Mafia raps to. Similarly, in dance clubs, DJ’s take ordinary hip hop songs and add a beat of electronic music for more pleasurable sounds and allow the audience to dance to. In Freedman’s view, “Which brings us full circle to the original point—namely, that electronica's rise isn't just a trend. Rather, the influence of electronic elements into all forms of music seems to indicate a real turning point, a change in ideals brought on by the increased availability and affordability of computer-based music-creating programs”. Our generation has greatly become more and more technologically advanced in many aspects of daily lives. Technological advancement not only hasmade our healthcare, entertainment and communication better, but it also has changed the music industry. Electronic music has a major impact on different genres. Although the new technologies have a big impact on the music industries, electronic music has influenced artists to use upbeat music.

As a result, an individual has the freedom to decide to listen to electronic music or not, he or she may hear electronic aspects in different songs that are heard on the radio. As I have shown, electronic music provides more than just beats and rhythm to the listeners but also allows them to find inner imagination. Electronic music has progressed from being underground to the modern day popular culture which is attracting more listeners and allows them to experience a sense of enjoyment. Once a listener hears a single electronic music song, he or she will fall in love and would want to listen more. There are numerous DJ’s for a listener to choose from such as: ATB, Above and Beyond, Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren and Marcus Schulz and they will provide the first time listener with a sense of excitement and surely will not disappoint them.


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