


Microfinance is a relatively new concept that has grown exponentially in the last decade as investors, donors, and banks realise the potential for capital that can be made by banking to the poor. In the past it was assumed that poor people were not having access to the banking services since they were only capable of taking out small loans, and had no collateral. Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, the first to start banking to the poor, proved that not only is the poor bankable, but Microfinance in the informal sector can be quite profitable. Since then microfinance institutions have sprung up all over the world and reached millions of poor people (Simanowitz and Walter, 2002)

Poverty has multidimensional characteristics in most developing countries. The level of poverty is relatively high due to the fact that employment opportunities are limited and average income level is low. Poverty is not only a phenomenon of low income; it is also a phenomenon of the poor quality and limited access to basic services like education, healthcare, water, shelter, and sewerage. In terms of poverty and inequality, large differences exist between rural and urban areas. Poverty alleviation has been declared as the main macroeconomic objective of all ruling parties, but their efforts have remained very limited in achieving this objective.

Some available evidence suggests that the first credit union in Africa was probably established in Northern Ghana in 1955 by the Canadian Catholic missionaries that were there at the time. However, Susu, which is one of the current microfinance schemes in Ghana, is thought to have originated in Nigeria and spread to Ghana from the early 1900s. Over the years, the microfinance sector has thrived and evolved into its current state thanks to various financial sector policies and programmes such as the provision of subsidized credits, establishment of rural and community banks (RCBs), the liberalization of the financial sector and the promulgation of PNDC Law 328 of 1991, that allowed the establishment of different types of non-bank financial institutions, including savings and loans companies, finance houses, and credit unions etc. (Nissanke et al., 1998).

Providing women with access to credit can turn around an entire economy and is proven to be more beneficial than providing credit to men for two reasons.

First, there is significant evidence that when a woman's business succeeds and she makes profit, it goes to her family, while men typically give only 50-70% of their income to their families (Grasmuck and Espinal 2000:240).). Men are more likely to use funds on leisure. They are also more mobile, and therefore more likely to default on loans. Studies show that children are better educated and cared for when women contribute income to the family (Grasmuck and Espinal, 2000). According to the Women's Entrepreneurship Development Trust Fund reports women's increased income benefits their children, particularly in education, diet, healthcare, and clothing (Cheston and Kuhn, 2002).

Second, women are less risky in terms of loan default (Morduch, 1999). They tend to take out smaller loans than men, and invest the money in safe business ventures, usually close to home (Cheston and Kuhn, 2002). Women's businesses are typically smaller than men's, have fewer, if any, employees, and are more likely to rely on family members for support (Grasmuck and Espinal, 2000)

One of the often articulated rationales for supporting microfinance and the targeting of women by microfinance programs is that microfinance is an effective means for empowering women. By putting financial resources in the hands of women, microfinance institutions help level the playing field and promote gender equality.

Empowerment is defined as the processes by which women take control and ownership of their lives through expansion of their choices. Thus, it is the process of acquiring the ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability has previously been denied. The core elements of empowerment have been defined as agency (the ability to define one's

goals and act upon them), awareness of gendered power structures, self-esteem and self-confidence (Kabeer 2001).

Hashemi, Schuler, and Riley created a composite empowerment indicator based on eight

components: mobility, economic security, ability to make small purchases, ability to make larger purchases, involvement in major household decisions, relative freedom from domination within the family, political and legal awareness, and involvement in political campaigning and protests.

Problem statement 问题陈述

Microfinance institutions around the world have been quite creative in developing products and services that avoid barriers that have traditionally kept women from accessing formal financial services such as collateral requirements, male or salaried guarantor requirements, documentation requirements, cultural barriers, limited mobility, and literacy. Nevertheless, there are many criticisms or problems to the microfinance approach focused on women.

The first criticism is that microfinance creates a large debt for some poor women who are unable to repay the loans (Buss, 1999). Small businesses in Third World countries are subject to a great number of obstacles; for example, lack of adequate infrastructure, inability to access supplies needed for a business, flooded markets if enterprises are too similar, difficulties with money management due to improper schooling and lack of training or skill, and a special vulnerability to crises such as a death in the family or a medical emergency. Borrowing money is always a risk, but particularly so for the poor who are already extremely vulnerable to economic shock. Sometimes all it takes is a business failure or medical emergency to plunge a poor person into severe debt and even greater poverty.

Again, a challenge that women face with microfinance is that they have a double workload of running a business and childcare (Cheston and Kuhn, 2002). Traditionally, women have taken care of children and household work while the men earn income for the family. More and more women are now entering the public workforce, but they are still expected to assume responsibility for all domestic tasks (Grasmuck and Espinal, 2000). This creates an enormous double burden on many women.

1.3 Research question

It is in light of these problems that this particular study is undertaken for the purpose of finding answers to the following questions and also other relevant questions that might crop up in the course of the studies. Answers to these questions will provide a solid base for making recommendations for this research. Below are the main questions this study seeks to find answers to;

Do microfinance institutions empower or worsen market women?

What is the risk associated in providing market women with funds?

What are the challenges market women faces in paying back the loans?

Objectives of the study

The purpose of this study is to identify the problems and prospects of Microfinance Institutions' in providing microfinance to market women so as to enhance their empowerment.

The following objectives have been set;

To examine Microfinance Institutions in relation to market women's financing.

To examine how Microfinance help empower market women.

To suggest recommendations that ensures effective financing of market women.

Justification of the Study

It is generally accepted that women are disproportionately represented among the world's poorest people. In the 1995 Human Development Report, the UNDP reported that 70 percent of the 1.3 billion people living on less than $1 per day are women. According to the World Bank's gender statistics database, women have a higher unemployment rate than men in virtually every country. In general, women also make up the majority of the lower paid, unorganized informal sector of most economies. These statistics are used to justify giving priority to increasing women's access to financial services on the grounds that women are relatively more disadvantaged than men. (Cheston and Kuhn, 2002)

Microfinance is much more than simply an income generation tool. By directly empowering poor people, particularly women, it has become one of the key driving mechanisms towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals, specifically the overreaching target of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015. (Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2001).

Access to financial services forms a fundamental basis on which many of the other essential interventions depend. Moreover, improvements in health care, nutritional advice and education can be sustained only when households have increased earnings and greater control over financial resources. Financial services thus reduce poverty and its effects in multiple, concrete ways. And the beauty of microfinance is that, as programs approach financial sustainability, they can reach far beyond the limits of scarce donor resources. Microfinance is not a mere financial instrument but a powerful tool for development to address multiple dimensions of poverty.

If the number of victims of extreme poverty and hunger is to be halved by the year 2015, then women have to be empowered to achieve this goal for themselves and their families.

Knowledge about contribution of microfinance would provide the basis for policies be geared toward streamlining the provision of microfinance to women to ensure the promotion of Women economic empowerment to enable reduce poverty and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, hence the need for the study.

Limitation of the study

The limitations and the challenges I encountered whiles conducting this research which stuck the headway of the study. Some of the limitations are:

The extraordinary rate of illiteracy in community was a major problem for the research.

Due to the expensive nature of acquiring data, the research incurred some cost like transportation fee to obtain information, photocopies made and also visiting some web site for additional data

This research is limited to only Sunyani municipality and so data of this study would be limited. Which means the recommendation and conclusion might be limited to only this municipality.

Due to the financial and time constraints, the researcher was not able to cover more places for their problems to be addressed.

Lack of cooperation from the market women as well as the microfinance institutions because of competition.

Organisation of chapters

The project is in five different chapters and these chapters will be broken down into further sub-topics.

Chapter one gives an insight on the introduction of the topic. It is made up of the introduction, background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research questions, justification of study, and the organization of the chapters.

Chapter two is made up of the literature review. Thus, the introductory statement, theoretical or conceptual framework, empirical evidence of related works, and the institutional framework.

Chapter three is made up of the methodology used in the study. This chapter looks at the introductory statement, profile of the study area, study type, study variables, study population, and sampling size and sampling techniques, research design, data collection, tools/instruments, data analysis method and ethical consideration.

Chapter four, also talks about the introductory statement, analysis and presentation of data and discussion of results.

Chapter five being the last chapter discusses the introductory statement, summary, conclusions and recommendations.


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paper代写,组织氛围,留学生作业代写,Organizational agement,论文代写

组织氛围的特征——Features of Organizational Climate


组织氛围的组成元素——Elements of Organizational Climate


A large unit, manufacturing electrical goods which have been known for its liberal personnel policies and fringe benefits is facing the problem of law productivity and high absenteeism. How should the management improve the organizational climate?

Organizational Climate: organizational climate is a relatively enduring quality of the internal environment that is experienced by its members, influences their behavior, and can be described in terms of the values of a particular set of characteristics of the organization. Organizational climate is the summary perception which people have about an organization. It is a global expression of what the organization is. Organizational climate is the manifestation of the attitudes of organizational members toward the organization itself. An organization tends to attract and keep people who fit its climate, so that its patterns are perpetuated at least to some extent.

组织氛围的特征——Features of Organizational Climate

Organizational climate is an abstract and intangible concept. But it exercises a significant impact on the behavior and performance of organizational members. It is the perceived aspect of organization’s internal environment. Organizational climate refers to the relatively enduring characteristics which remain stable over a period of time. It gives a distinct identity to organization and differentiates it from other organizations.

It is a multi-dimensional concept. It consists of all organizational factors, e.g., authority pattern, leadership pattern, communication pattern, control, etc.

组织氛围的组成元素——Elements of Organizational Climat

Individual Autonomy: It implies the degree to which employees are free to manage themselves, have considerable decision-making power and are not continuously accountable to higher management. Thus, it means the individual’s freedom to exercise responsibility.

Position Structure: It refers to the degree to which objectives of the job and methods for accomplishing it are established and communicated to the employees.

Reward Orientation: it means the degree to which an organization rewards individuals for hard work or achievement. Reward orientation is high when an organization orients people to perform better and rewards them for doing better.

Task Orientation: if the management is task oriented, the leadership style will be autocratic. The employees will have to speed up the pace of work to please their bosses.

Job Satisfaction: the satisfaction the workers get on their jobs is also an important component of organizational climate. The workers feel happy if the jobs are designed to allow the workers to use their innovative skills.

Morale: morale represents a composite of feelings, attitudes and sentiments of organizational members towards the organization, superiors and fellow members. If it is high, there will be an atmosphere of cooperation in the organization. But if the morale is low, there will be conflicts and poor cooperation among the workers. They will also feel disinterested in their work.

Control: the control systems may be either rigid or flexible. If the control is rigidly followed, there will be impersonal or bureaucratic atmosphere in the organization. The scope for self-regulation will be the minimum.

Problem of Low Productivity

Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it (inputs). The measure of productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input.

Productivity on the job is a measure of employee’s performance and behavior. It was contented by the human relations school that morale and productivity are positively correlated, i.e., they move together or go hand in hand. It was the general view that high morale and high productivity always go together like the east and west sides of an elevator. Low productivity and poor morale go together. People with low morale show tendencies like absenteeism, tardiness, turnover, casual interest in work coupled with apathy, anxiety, tension and even arrogance.

Union Representation: A comparison which reveals non-union establishments as providing fewer rights and benefits for workers, lower pay, higher rates of accidents and absenteeism, and poorer employee communication. Non-union industrial and commercial workplaces offered few formal mechanisms whereby employees could contribute to the operation of their workplaces in a broader context than that of their specific jobs. Nor were non-union workplaces as likely to have opportunities to air grievances or to resolve problems in ways that were systematic and designed to ensure fair treatment. Broadly speaking, no alternative model of employee representation had emerged as a substitute for trade union representation. In order to reduce employee frustrations good employment relations is necessary, the advantages of which are, inter alia: better performance; low turnover; improvement in quality; increase in productivity; and reduced absenteeism. One of the ways of establishing sound employment relations is a fair absenteeism policy.

Absenteeism Policy: Employee absenteeism may continue despite the use of absence control methods: if there is no written absenteeism policy in the company there will be inconsistent enforcement of the policy as well as a lack of absence documentation in the organization. Where there is a sick leave policy in the company, it is unfortunately true that many employees abuse the provision for paid sick leave as contained in the policy. Employees are also aware of the provisions of section 22 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 which states that an employee can be on paid sick leave for two days without producing a medical certificate within an eight week period. This means that sick-pay schemes may indeed encourage increased absenteeism. Effective forms of employee discipline for absenteeism should include:

A written policy statement;

Distinguishing between absenteeism and other examples of employee misconduct as a reason For discipline;

Using progressive discipline on the absence record separately from the other misconduct issues;

Explicit absenteeism standards and a definition of excessive absenteeism;

yees will view sick leave as a benefit to be utilized, or it will be lost. On the other hand, if unnecessary absence is frowned upon by either management or the co-workers, employees will think twice before abusing sick leave. organizational structure and design; organizational culture; human resource policies and practices; technology; and work design have a great impact on workplace absenteeism.

Management Style Factors: Managers appear to have some influence over attendance behavior. They are able to punish, establish the bonus systems, and allow employee participation in developing plans. Whether these or other approaches reduce absenteeism is determined by the employees’ perception of the value of the rewards, the amount of the rewards, and whether the employees perceive a relationship between attendance and reward. Managers affect absenteeism in the workplace by influencing the following variables: management control; communication system; motivation strategies; salary/remuneration packages and worker empowerment.

Management Control: Effectiveness declines with increases in the amount of control exercised. That, in turn, could lead to increased dissatisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. Where there is uncertainty concerning the level of absenteeism, there is almost always a low level of management control, accompanied by a high level of absenteeism. Management control can be supported by a sound communication system.

Communication System: The management of any organization must have a good communication system. Part of this is to create systems whereby the complaints and grievances of staff can be brought to the surface. If this does not happen, grievances can accumulate to such an extent that they could later be expressed in some other form, such as high absentee rates, staff turnover, or perhaps even strikes. One of the communication strategies to control employee absenteeism that managers use is absenteeism feedback intervention. Part of the communication system should include employee motivation strategies.


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According to Mathew Bender's research republished by EECO, one in ten Americans is foreign born, and one in eight is Hispanic. Immigrants compose 12% of the work force, and almost 40% of new jobs are filled by immigrants. These are target groups for this research report paper who are believed to be facing discrimination from employers based on who they look like and where they come from. This paper is intended to provide a brief overview of the effectiveness of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on reducing and or eliminating discrimination based on national origin. The aims of title VII and facts on current situation will be presented to support the argument. Different types of discrimination by employers that targets national origin will be addressed. The objective is to assess what the performance of the US labor law looks like when it comes to implementing its purpose for which it stands for. Special emphasis will be given to Title VII and its role in enforcing to alleviate discrimination based on national origin. Definitions of discrimination and 内容discrimination based on national origin will be presented. Besides, full version of Title VII and treatment of foreign workers in conjunction with protecting the nation against terrorist attacks will be covered.

The role of EEOC that plays in charges alleging that individuals have been denied equal employment opportunities for reason that are grounded in national origin considerations will be explored. Various forms of discrimination aimed at country of birth or affiliation to some sort of ethnic group will be discussed. The effect of discrimination on employees productivity, the role of HRM in managing discriminatory actions in the work place and methodologies that need to be used by employers in hiring the right employee in accordance with labor laws & laws from Department of Homeland Security will be given due consideration in this paper.

Complaints of discrimination based on national origin and the effort made by the EEOC to resolve the issue, lawsuits and their final fate, the cost of litigation by employers will be highlighted.

There will be several types of sources used during the course of this discussion. Most of these sources will be policies and procedures of EEOC, peer review journals, essays and articles written by news reporters & various sources searched on the web. Finally, conclusion and remedial solutions will be discussed at the end of the paper.


According to EECO definition, “national origin discrimination means treating someone less favorably because that individual (or his or her ancestors) is from a certain place or belongs to a particular national origin group.” The Equal Employment Commission of the US expands this definition and included the following forms of discrimination to the original definition.

Ethnic groups: “Discriminating an employee because he or she belongs to a certain ethnic group, as for instance if he or she is an Arab or a Gypsy.”

Physical, linguistic or cultural traits: “A form of discrimination against an employee whose physical, linguistic or cultural traits are closely associated with a national origin group. For example discriminating an employee because he or she wears a headdress or turban where there is no mandated dressing code or uniform.”

Perception: “Discriminating an individual because of his or her perceived membership to an ethnic group or national origin group even if she or he is not actually a member. For example who resembles an Arab in speech, mannerism or appearance even he or she is not of an Arab ethnicity”.

Race and religion: A person may face discrimination for mere reason of following a religion. . He/she may be discriminated against because of her looks and acts. Mostly religion and race are factors for discriminations based on national origin. The Civil Rights Act 1964 Title VII gives protection to citizens from any racial and religious as well as national origin discrimination. According to EEOC report, time and time again, charges show that employers are discriminating employees based on what they worship, who they look like and what decent they are from.


Title VII is among federal laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals because of their race, color, national origin, or sex. To provide an in-depth look to title VII, it would be advisable to dictate the scope of title VII protection and its exceptions.

“Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1996, as amended, protects individuals against employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Title VII principles of disparate treatment and adverse impact equally apply to national origin discrimination.”

The National security Exception:” it is not unlawful employmentpractice to deny employment opportunities to any individual who does not fulfill the national security requirement stated on section 703(g) of title VII”

The Bona fide occupational qualification exception: “The exception stated on 703(e) of title VII, that national origin may be a bona fide occupational qualification, shall be strictly construed.”

According to the statistical data compiled by the office of research, Information and planning from 1997 to 2007, total number of charges filed under Title VII alleging national origin-based discrimination is rapidly growing. According to EEOC report, it has received 9,936 charges of national origin discrimination, in 2007. This data shows an increase of 13% & 40% compared with that of 2006 and 1997, respectively.

In the Fiscal year 2007, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has effectively filed and resolved 7,773 national origin discrimination charges using various legal resolutions. Accordingly, employers have incurred total settlement cost of $22.8 million in the year 2007. This sum doesn't include monetary benefits obtained through litigation and given to victims. The figure has a 151% & 7.5% increment compared with the years 1996 and 2006 respectively. This indicates the effectiveness of Title VII on enforcing its aims for which it stands for.


National origin discrimination covers wide areas of employeement decisions. According to EEOC report, “discrimination based on national origin has been filed regarding recruitments, hiring, promotions, transfers, wages and benefits, work assignments, leave, layoffs and /or terminations, discipline, training and apprenticeship programs.”

The author of this paper has a chance to observe recruitment process in government job that have been advertised . Even though each job has its own specifications, all have on thing in common, a question of biographic data. This question asks what race or group an applicant belongs to. According to this observation, the question of national origin is implied with in that questioner. That is the place where discrimination on recruitment starts. Once a candidate fills up the application identifying who he/she is, the probability of being called for interview is in question if the name or group on the application doesn't sounds familiar. The same is believed to be true in other areas of employeement decisions.

The general purpose of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is to outlaw employer and union practices that discriminate against employees on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. However, in situations of the author's experience mentioned above, it is hard for this law to be enforced because applicants do not know employers discriminatory selection procedures.

Employers have been blamed for using various discriminatory rules that violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Among the many types, the following are key areas of discrimination based on national origin:

i) Language Fluency: It was not long when the US senate approved the bill designating English as our country's national language. This bill believed to have far reaching implications for the laws governing discrimination in the workplace.

In 1990, 32 million people in the U.S, or about six percent of the population five and older, spoke a language other than English at home. By 2000, the figure increased to 47 million people. Based on this trend, one can estimate how huge the current figure might be. As this trend has continued, and as the workforce has absorbed increasing number of individuals who cannot speak English or for whom English is a second language, the EEOC has addressed a rising number of complaints alleging national origin discrimination. Major issues that were mentioned in the charges are English-only rule, language proficiency and accent related discriminations. When employers mandate fluency or accent -related requirements in the hiring and selection process including job descriptions, job titles, worker specifications, application for employeement forms, pre-employment forms, test administration and validity, interview procedures, referral procedures, final selection processes, or other similar factors, they are discriminating based on national origin based on language and violating Title VII at the same time. For example if two candidates have possess the same level of English proficiency, but the employer favors the candidate with a British accent over the candidate with a Russian accent, the employer may be charged with unlawful national origin discrimination. Of course, an employer who shows a bias against accents associated with all national origin may also be charged with unlawful discrimination.

ii.) Citizenship Requirements: Two US laws make citizenship and/or permanent residency requirement illegal. These laws, Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive order 11246, have direct or indirect involvement in protecting discrimination based on national origin. Besides, Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 prevent employers with four or more employees from discriminating because of citizenship status against U.S. citizens. IRCA is designed to complement Title VII. Its purpose is it to cover areas that are not covered by Title VII. It also forbids national origin discrimination by employers with between four to fourteen employees. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employeement practices Civil Rights Division, at the Department of Justice puts IRCA's nondiscrimination requirements into effect.

In some cases, employers may justify recruitment and other selection decisions based on security requirements. Title VII allows refusal to hire, or termination, where an individual does not meet job requirements that are forced in the interest of national security under any security program iii) Workplace Harassment:

Studies indicate that throughout America, harassmenton work environment based on national origin is a fact of life for many immigrant employees. A recent study at the University of Michigan found that 46.8% of foreign born employees have complained about being harassed based on their national origin. The number of such charges filed to EEOC has dramatically increased year after year. Title VII prohibits offensive conduct, such as ethnic slurs, that create a hostile work environment based on national origin. Employers have a responsibility to maintain a workplace free of national origin harassment. Employers may be responsible for any on-the-job harassment by their agents and supervisory employees, regardless of whether the acts were authorized or specifically forbidden by the employer. Under certain circumstance, an employer may be responsible for the acts of non-employees who harass their employee at work.


The number of immigrants in the US labor force reached a historic high of 22 million, or 14.5 percent of the total labor force, in 2005. If the number of immigrant workers in the United States continues along its current trajectory, immigrants may make up between one- third and one-half of the growth of the US labor force by 2030. Immigrant workers have played an important role in the growth of the US labor force in recent history and will continue to play an important role in the future. On the contrary, immigrants are the ones who face discrimination based how they look and/or sound. This drags down employee productivity and creates a burden on human resources management while a company manager is spending his/her productive time in reconciling and resolving such problems. As the number of immigrant employees increases in an organization, it is sometimes inevitable to face large number of national discrimination complains and may bring huge settlement costs


Human resource leaders must truly value and understand the challenges and opportunities inherent in diversity. Organizations must have a culture that supports and nourishes performance through diversity. As work place harassment caused by national origin discrimination increases, the cost of managing human capital increases and productivity decreases. Moreover, the reputation and moral of organizations that are involved in frequent allegations will be affected negatively.

In order to avoid such problems, employers should be cautious in designing their job in way that can accommodate diversity. They can make affirmative specifications on their job descriptions, selection guidelines, promotions standards, transfer and pay issues etc.

Equal Opportunity Employment Laws should be displayed in supervisors' board and should be accessible for employees view.


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A答:the weather is good, really really good;

B答:the weather is fine, much better than I expected, you known ,it has been raining for a while and I really enjoy today’s sunshine.





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The workplace is a solid contributor to mental welfare, giving people the opportunity to feel dynamic and attain their potential. In spite of that it can also be a tense environment that contributes to the increase of mental health problems and illnesses such as depression and anxiety. With most adults spending more of their waking hours at work than anywhere else—and with many youth holding at least part-time jobs— tackling issues of mental health at work is extremely vital for Mauritians.

How workplace affects health? 工作场所如何影响健康?

Increasingly, it is well-known that the place of work itself has a prevailing influence on people’s health. When people are pleased with their job, they are more prolific and tend to be healthier. When employees sense that the atmosphere at work is negative, they feel tense. Stress has a huge influence on employee mental and physical wellbeing, and in turn, on efficiency.

Consultant Graham Lowe has identified five components of workplace culture that directly influence employees’ health and the wellbeing of the corporation overall—credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie. The principal idea is that companies must truly care about the health of their employees.

Companies nowadays who aim to attract and retain good workers have leaders who believe in the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee health and consider that place of work wellness is a business policy. Their management practices consist of making equitable demands on time and energy, involving employees in decision making, rewarding work well done, honest communication, and offering assistance to balance work and home life.

Employers understand that workers are searching for jobs that remunerate well, have excellent benefits and include brilliant health and safety plans. In today’s competitive employment market, it is becoming more important than ever for companies to improve job satisfaction and make sure that workers like being on the job. Workplace wellness benefits both employers and employees.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Health and Wellness programs.

In Mauritius, most Employers’ wellness programs imply just include a gym in the office or posters on the wall that encourage people to be fit. But more companies are using real money, and occasionally penalties, as encouragement for workers to get in shape nowadays.

Nearly 60% of employers propose wellness incentives, or financial rewards to employees who succeed in getting healthier.

Employers in Mauritius are still studying different models to improve employees' health, reducing claims costs and receiving improved returns on their wellness finances.

We shall have a look at the pros and cons of popular kinds of corporate wellness incentive programs being used today.

Educational/Awareness Incentives

Companies propose rewards for effecting activities that consist of an assessment of their personal health and risk factors. These can vary from answering a survey about family medical record, diet and fitness routine, to taking a biometric test for cholesterol, blood pressure andother factors. Worthy Incentives can get about 65% - 100% of employees to participate. Smaller rewards than that tend to motivate in the range of only 30% to 50%, experts say.

PROS:Experts state that straightforward activities are an excellent way to initiate employees to healthy behavior and their own risk factors. Companies can also use the data know what their workers' health requirements are.

CONS: Informing people about their risks and providing them advice won't automatically encourage them to respond positively.

EXAMPLE:Orange Business Services in Mauritius twice a year offers free Eye, Ear and Bone consultation, where experts are hired and consult at Orange Business Services’ office in Ebene.

Action-Based Incentives

To win rewards, and occasionally avoid penalties, employees are required to undertake activities to ameliorate their health after going through a health assessment, for example joining a weight-management program or follow ting a preventive screening.

PROS:The model encourages employees to change their unhealthy habits.

CONS:The incentives don't promote healthy habit beyond the completion of the required programs.

EXAMPLE: Not yet implemented in Mauritius, but abroadHouston city employees must finish three tasks to hinder a $25 monthly payroll extra: complete a health-risk assessment, take a biometric screening and either speak to a health instructor, enroll for a program like Weight Watchers or have a screening. As a result, 90% of employees have completed three of the tasks or more.

Everything-But-The-Kitchen-Sink Incentives

Companies propose motivation for a range of tasks; the more complicated and valuable the task, the larger the prize.

PROS:Employees enjoy the liberty to opt for their health activities, from trail running to martial arts lessons, rather than having to have a conversation with a doctor or join an official program to get the reward. A wellness program that sets out an exciting trail to pursue will get more people involved.

CONS:Too many choices can confuse employees, and companies can misuse money on programs that will not efficiently tackle workers' biggest health issues.

EXAMPLE:Apex Fund Services offers as much as Rs2500 for a range of activities from teeth cleaning to completing the “Dodo trail Mauritius”.

Progress-Based Incentives

Employers offer rewards for taking steps to hit optimal benchmarks for cholesterol, blood pressure and weight. Steps can consist of enrolling in a weight-management program and reaching optimal body mass.

PROS:Employees are financially motivated to improve their health, instead of getting reprimanded for not being perfect, says Paul Terry, CEO of StayWell Health Management, which organizes company wellness programs.

CONS:Gratifying employees for just completing a wellness program doesn't imply that they will really get healthier, and there's a lengthy path to reduce a 'morbidly obese' body mass index of 40 to a healthy under-25.

Outcome-Based Incentives

Companies attach incentives and penalties to health metrics, with workers paying more until they hit standard cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index levels.

PROS:Experts state this model is successful in making people independently improve their health.

CONS:Critics consider that this model could be inequitable and reduce access to health care. Legally, employers must provide workers who don't achieve objectives an additional way to receive the incentive, for example a doctor's letter or program participation, so experts say employees might never reach the goal.

Targeted Incentives

Companies analyze employees' health-risk, claims and additional information —or have the insurer or an expert company in data analysis, do it—to propose tailored wellness programs and incentives.

PROS:Experts say that tailoring wellness programs according to each employee enhances participation among those who will gain the most.

CONS:Some employees consider personalized interventions are invasive and compromise privacy.

Identifying possible challenges to implement Health & Wellness programs in Mauritius.

Each workplace has its particular array of challenges and possible barriers that can hinder the creation of a workplace wellness initiative. These challenges could appear from all levels of the organization, from employees to superior management.

Examples of organizational challenges:

1.) Employee customs

2.) Relationship between management and employees

3.) Company culture

4.) Worker buy-in

5.) Resources requirements of program

6.) Employee job agenda

7.) Flexibility of working days

8.) Management communication

9.) Staff participation in decision making

Healthcare costs have been steadily rising for the past four decades and present a major challenge in benefits administration. As a result, executing strategies to contain escalating healthcare costs has become a business imperative for today’s companies. Employers in Mauritius have always until now taken a number of steps — downsizing, moving to less expensive plan options, and shifting costs to employees — in an attempt to contain rising healthcare costs. But according to HR/benefits decision makers, these strategies can have a negative impact on employee morale and job satisfaction.

More employers appear to be adopting employee health and wellness programs as a way to promote employee health and rein in healthcare costs.


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paper代写,循证实践,留学生作业代写,evidence-based practice,论文代写


The association of American Medical colleges and six other schools of health professions met in the year 2009. They formed what would be a collaboration to encourage meaningful professional education (Schmitt, et al., 2011). They all convened a team of experts from various fields. These were medicine, nursing, pharmacology, public health, dentistry and pharmacy. The main aim for the convention was to develop core competencies for professional collaborative practice. They developed five main competencies which would prepare health professionals to effectively and intentionally work together. This would help form a health care system that is safe, person-centred and community-oriented (Schmitt, et al., 2011). The five collaborative competencies are patient cantered care, Interdisciplinary teams/multidisciplinary teams, Evidenced-based practice, Quality improvement and Information technology. These five competencies form the foundation for health professional to work with patients, families and the community at large.

循证实践——Evidence based practice

Evidence based practice refers to applying the most excellent research evidence in the provision of health care, education services and behaviour for outcome enhancement. Evidence based practice has emerged from the medical field. Health care professionals have conducted numerous researches, and randomized control trials to find an effective way in enhancing medical care (Alspach 2006). This has however, been a challenge since nurses have found it to be a challenge in incorporating the findings into direct practice with patients. The institute of medicine IOM defines evidence based practice as the incorporation of excellent research evidence and clinical proficiency with patient values (Majid et al., 2011). Health care providers around the world are embracing evidence-based practice as a global effort to fabricate quality and accountability in the field of medicine.

Evidence based practices are the skills, strategies and techniques used by health practitioners to interact with their patients. This helps the medical practitioners to provide an effective treatment program that will enable the patient to get good health. Evidence based practice enhances program outcomes in the health sector (Majid et al., 2011). Through this evidence based practice, health practitioners will acquire the required skills and knowledge needed for them to work together to offer the best medical care. EBP also builds on mutual respect, shared values, responsibilities and effective communication between health practitioners and their patients (Majid et al., 2011). Evidence based practice improves team work and provides transformative directions for the improvement of the health care systems across the world.

循证实践与护理专业之间的关系——Relation of EBP to the nursing profession

Evidence based practice provides nurses with ways to use critically appraised, scientifically-proven evidences in the delivery of quality health care for the sick. Through evidence based practice, nurses are able to explore the empirical ways of understanding, appraising and applying data in treating their patients (Alspach, 2006). Evidence based practice helps nurses to understand their patients, which help them to improve their decision-making on how to handle their patients. Evidence based practice provides nurses with a way to address and frame questions that they direct to their patients (Alspach, 2006). This helps the nurses to understand the patients and their principles. The result of this is that the patients would receive the best possible medical care.

Historically, experiences and opinions of health care providers influence how they cared for their patients. Evidence based practice, however, changes this perspective. Decisions on how to treat patients now depends on the evidences gathered through data extracted from prior studies and research. Evidence based practice (EBP) prohibits nurses and other health practitioners making assumptions about their patients without solid evidences (Alspach, 2006). The danger in assuming details about the patients’ health is that this would lead the nurses to offer wrong treatments to patients. Nursing practice based on solid evidence gathered through (EBP) evidence based practice improves patient care (Alspach, 2006). Nurses should refrain from using traditional ways in caring for their patients. It is essential for nurses to conduct thorough research to ensure that the evidence they gather is solid and correct.

For effective implementation of evidence based practice, nurses need to apply plausible evidences to each client situation. They should do this through the use of clinical judgements, searching related evidences, using system resources and considering client values. There are certain abilities that a nurse need to posses in order to carry out effective evidence based practice. These abilities include identification of knowledge gaps, formulation of relevant questions and efficient literature research. Other vital skills needed are application of rules of evidence, appropriate application of literature findings to patients’ problems and capacity to allow the patient take part in the decision making.

A patient needs to know what the nurse decides and should be able to offer his own opinion on the decision (Alspach, 2006). Some barriers may limit nurses from conducting effective evidence based practice. These are not having the authority to amend patient care procedures. Doctors are the only people with the authority to change care procedures. Nurses are busy people and, therefore, may not have the sufficient time to implement new ideas. Other limiting factors are that nurses may lack access to information technology, limited information technology skills and lack of effective information searching skills.

循证实践实例与应用——Example of EBP and application

There are several examples of evidence based practice in nursing, psychology,medicine and other medical practices. They include use of patient centred approaches, such as bio-psychosocial illness model. Patient centred approaches (PCA) have recently gained high pReference from both the patients and medical providers. According to Langendoen (2004), patient centred approach enhances attainment of intended health outcomes in patients and improves efficiency of health care services since it minimises the use of various procedures such as diagnostic assessments and referrals. Empirical research findings show that patient centred approach offers an intuitive form of care, which influences the treatment outcome positively compared to other types that are characterised by   lack of empathy, such as model centred care (Langendoen, 2004).

Health care provider recommends patient centred approach for various reasons.  First, the health care provider is capable of exploring the reasons of the patient’s visit and the concerns of the client, which enables him or her, get an integrated understanding of the patient’ world. In this case, the health care provider is able to establish the emotional needs and life issues of the patient. This facilitates establishment of a common ground between the patient and the healthcare provider on management of the condition as well as in the identification of the underlying ailment. Patient based approach is also highly recommended because it enhances prevention of ailments in addition to health promotion.  It is lays the basis of establishing a continuous patient – nurse relationship, which greatly enhances the attainment treatment objectives, within a realistic timeframe and resources (Langendoen, 2004).

Use of family therapy in treatment of adolescent behavioural problems is another example of evidence based practice. The practice basically has proven to be effective in addressing adolescent behaviours such as character problems, substance abuse and delinquency among others (Hogue & Dauber, 2013). In addressing adolescent behaviour problems, family therapy basically focuses on two critical areas. The first is emphasis on the core family therapy intervention technique to address the adolescent behavioural problem. Some of the techniques include meeting different family members of the affected adolescent in the sessions, establishing a family oriented approach of addressing the problem and the specifying treatment objectives, which are family based. In addition, family therapy seeks to bring in-session change within the family interactions, with an objective of streamlining strained relationships, so as to promote interpersonal interactions, attachment and communication (Hogue & Dauber, 2013).

This approach is based on empirical findings which show that enhancing family interactions, enables the family to develop effective problem solving mechanisms, which in turn enhances parenting behaviours. The second focus of family therapy in addressing adolescent behaviour problems is an ecological orientation that entails active intervention of extra-familial systems that influence the behaviour and conduct of the youth. These systems include the community, school, and peers among other systems, through which the adolescents acquire and show clinical and behavioural problems. Application of family therapy, in addressing adolescent behavioural problems is formulated on empirical research findings which demonstrate profound influence offamilial and extra-familial environment on development of deviant behaviour in children and adolescents (Hogue, & Dauber 2013).


Evidence based practice is a crucial process that medical practitioners such as nurses should undertake. Application of evidence based practice leads to affectivity in treatment of patients. This is because EBP enables medical practitioners to find out what exactly is troubling their patients. This knowledge enables them to come up with a treatment suitable for the patient concerning his or her medical situation.  Nurses should embrace the use of evidence based practice in their daily activities. This will enable them to offer the best treatment and care to their patients.


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