

paper代写,组织氛围,留学生作业代写,Organizational agement,论文代写

组织氛围的特征——Features of Organizational Climate


组织氛围的组成元素——Elements of Organizational Climate


A large unit, manufacturing electrical goods which have been known for its liberal personnel policies and fringe benefits is facing the problem of law productivity and high absenteeism. How should the management improve the organizational climate?

Organizational Climate: organizational climate is a relatively enduring quality of the internal environment that is experienced by its members, influences their behavior, and can be described in terms of the values of a particular set of characteristics of the organization. Organizational climate is the summary perception which people have about an organization. It is a global expression of what the organization is. Organizational climate is the manifestation of the attitudes of organizational members toward the organization itself. An organization tends to attract and keep people who fit its climate, so that its patterns are perpetuated at least to some extent.

组织氛围的特征——Features of Organizational Climate

Organizational climate is an abstract and intangible concept. But it exercises a significant impact on the behavior and performance of organizational members. It is the perceived aspect of organization’s internal environment. Organizational climate refers to the relatively enduring characteristics which remain stable over a period of time. It gives a distinct identity to organization and differentiates it from other organizations.

It is a multi-dimensional concept. It consists of all organizational factors, e.g., authority pattern, leadership pattern, communication pattern, control, etc.

组织氛围的组成元素——Elements of Organizational Climat

Individual Autonomy: It implies the degree to which employees are free to manage themselves, have considerable decision-making power and are not continuously accountable to higher management. Thus, it means the individual’s freedom to exercise responsibility.

Position Structure: It refers to the degree to which objectives of the job and methods for accomplishing it are established and communicated to the employees.

Reward Orientation: it means the degree to which an organization rewards individuals for hard work or achievement. Reward orientation is high when an organization orients people to perform better and rewards them for doing better.

Task Orientation: if the management is task oriented, the leadership style will be autocratic. The employees will have to speed up the pace of work to please their bosses.

Job Satisfaction: the satisfaction the workers get on their jobs is also an important component of organizational climate. The workers feel happy if the jobs are designed to allow the workers to use their innovative skills.

Morale: morale represents a composite of feelings, attitudes and sentiments of organizational members towards the organization, superiors and fellow members. If it is high, there will be an atmosphere of cooperation in the organization. But if the morale is low, there will be conflicts and poor cooperation among the workers. They will also feel disinterested in their work.

Control: the control systems may be either rigid or flexible. If the control is rigidly followed, there will be impersonal or bureaucratic atmosphere in the organization. The scope for self-regulation will be the minimum.

Problem of Low Productivity

Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it (inputs). The measure of productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input.

Productivity on the job is a measure of employee’s performance and behavior. It was contented by the human relations school that morale and productivity are positively correlated, i.e., they move together or go hand in hand. It was the general view that high morale and high productivity always go together like the east and west sides of an elevator. Low productivity and poor morale go together. People with low morale show tendencies like absenteeism, tardiness, turnover, casual interest in work coupled with apathy, anxiety, tension and even arrogance.

Union Representation: A comparison which reveals non-union establishments as providing fewer rights and benefits for workers, lower pay, higher rates of accidents and absenteeism, and poorer employee communication. Non-union industrial and commercial workplaces offered few formal mechanisms whereby employees could contribute to the operation of their workplaces in a broader context than that of their specific jobs. Nor were non-union workplaces as likely to have opportunities to air grievances or to resolve problems in ways that were systematic and designed to ensure fair treatment. Broadly speaking, no alternative model of employee representation had emerged as a substitute for trade union representation. In order to reduce employee frustrations good employment relations is necessary, the advantages of which are, inter alia: better performance; low turnover; improvement in quality; increase in productivity; and reduced absenteeism. One of the ways of establishing sound employment relations is a fair absenteeism policy.

Absenteeism Policy: Employee absenteeism may continue despite the use of absence control methods: if there is no written absenteeism policy in the company there will be inconsistent enforcement of the policy as well as a lack of absence documentation in the organization. Where there is a sick leave policy in the company, it is unfortunately true that many employees abuse the provision for paid sick leave as contained in the policy. Employees are also aware of the provisions of section 22 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 which states that an employee can be on paid sick leave for two days without producing a medical certificate within an eight week period. This means that sick-pay schemes may indeed encourage increased absenteeism. Effective forms of employee discipline for absenteeism should include:

A written policy statement;

Distinguishing between absenteeism and other examples of employee misconduct as a reason For discipline;

Using progressive discipline on the absence record separately from the other misconduct issues;

Explicit absenteeism standards and a definition of excessive absenteeism;

yees will view sick leave as a benefit to be utilized, or it will be lost. On the other hand, if unnecessary absence is frowned upon by either management or the co-workers, employees will think twice before abusing sick leave. organizational structure and design; organizational culture; human resource policies and practices; technology; and work design have a great impact on workplace absenteeism.

Management Style Factors: Managers appear to have some influence over attendance behavior. They are able to punish, establish the bonus systems, and allow employee participation in developing plans. Whether these or other approaches reduce absenteeism is determined by the employees’ perception of the value of the rewards, the amount of the rewards, and whether the employees perceive a relationship between attendance and reward. Managers affect absenteeism in the workplace by influencing the following variables: management control; communication system; motivation strategies; salary/remuneration packages and worker empowerment.

Management Control: Effectiveness declines with increases in the amount of control exercised. That, in turn, could lead to increased dissatisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. Where there is uncertainty concerning the level of absenteeism, there is almost always a low level of management control, accompanied by a high level of absenteeism. Management control can be supported by a sound communication system.

Communication System: The management of any organization must have a good communication system. Part of this is to create systems whereby the complaints and grievances of staff can be brought to the surface. If this does not happen, grievances can accumulate to such an extent that they could later be expressed in some other form, such as high absentee rates, staff turnover, or perhaps even strikes. One of the communication strategies to control employee absenteeism that managers use is absenteeism feedback intervention. Part of the communication system should include employee motivation strategies.


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