

assignment代写,跨文化管理,留学生作业代写,Management assignment,论文代写

1.  Introductionof the Cross Culture Management

Along with the advance of globalization, more and moreenterprisesbegin to paymuch attention to thecrossculture management.Cross culture management refers to the enterprise management behavior that can overcome the differences betweendifferent heterogeneous culturein order tobuild the unique culture. In the globalization of business, the subsidiary country culture management method is adopted to overcome the conflict tolerant.(Alessandra,2011)During the period of the management,the developed culture can help the company to create a unique corporate cultureand to form a very fruitful management process. The purpose of the organization structure and management mechanism is feasible in the design of different forms of culture in the atmosphere, looking beyond the cultural conflictbusiness goals in the management process, in order to maintain employees who have different cultural backgrounds and the common behavior criterion and to maximize the potential and value of enterprises.(Ewa,2011)Only with the successful cross-cultural management, can the globalization of business enterprise make the enterprise operatingrun smoothly,can theybe enhanced and expand market share.The so-called cross-culture management consists of the cultural management across borders or across ethnic boundaries. The key problem in solving the cross culture management is to eliminate the cultural difference. Cultural differences may be caused by thedifferent communication and understand language, different religious belief and customs, the different rigid enterprise cultural barriers and other factors. In the follow chapter they are two questions will be analysed by using with the knowledge of five dimensions of culture. These includes power distance index(PID), individualism(IDV), masculinity(MAS), uncertainty avoidance index(UAI), long-term orientation(LTO).

2.   Solutions of the Two Questions

After learning the knowledge of the Cross Culture Management, there are three questions to be analyzed. In order to make the answers more credible, This research has made a Questionnaire to investigate two countries culture in business. There are six persons involved in the questionnaire and they are from both countries including England and China. From the results of the questionnaire, it is clearly to see that there are many differences between two different cultures. And the five elements of the different culture are makeing a big influence on the business.

2.1 The analysis of the first question

In this part, I will analyze the question with the element named Individualism. The IDV focuses on the degree of society reinforce individual or collective achievement and interpersonal relationships. A High Individualism ranking indicates that individuality and individual rights are paramount within the society. Individuals in these societies may tend to form a larger number of looser relationships. A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals. These cultures reinforce extended families and collectives where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. And from the questionnaire, some of them think that the cross culture affect the business deeply, while the other hold the idea that it is not so important for the development of the enterprises by the element of the culture. These ideas can be divided into two ways. A person come from England thinks hold the first idea and the Chinese holds the second idea. As for the English businessmen, they pay much attention on the individuals. During the development of the enterprise, all the staff can give out their ideas about the future of the company. Then in China, the fate of the enterprise depends on the leaders.

In order to analyze the effects of the different cultures on the internationalization, the most important thing is understand the concept of the differences between the cultures clearly. There are two layers of meaning to understand cultural differences: On one hand, it is important to understand howthe local host culture countries to affect the behavior of the employees; On the other hand, to understand how the cultureto affect the enterprise sent to the local management behavior is also the key point. There should deal the different types of the culture with the different measures.For example,mutual teaching and learning habits and ways of life can overcome the conflicts caused by management style; the conflicts arising from different manners can be solved through cultural exchanges. Only grasping the cultural differences, can the enterprises find the right way to solve the cultural conflict. In order to carry out the management of globalization, enterprises must recognize and understand the cultural differences between countries, and they should spend much time on learning and understanding their language and culture. This is the essential condition to enhance cross-cultural management capability.

There are two ways to make it out. Firstly, treat the cultural differences dialectically. When the problems are being analysed the both sides of the problem should be consider. That is mean, the leaders should adverse the advantages and disadvantages at the same time, they also should make full use of performancebetween different cultures to create the opportunity for the development of enterprise. Just as the general manager from Guangzhou Honda Automoto Co Ltd said, “there are lots of internal contradiction in our company. But this can also be regarded as the opportunity for us. We always like to choose the partners in China who hold some different ideas with us.In this way, they must cause the opinions from different culture to collisions frequently. Then the collisions give us generate new ideas to build new corporate Honda culture", According to the experience of the general manager, as long as it can correctly treat the contradiction and conflict of different cultures, it will become the source of the power of enterprise development and innovation instead of hindering the development of the business. According to the survey, there are more than 30% of the enterprise begin to pay the attention to the difference between the cross culture. And among 60% of the enterprises which do so have gain the success in the business doing.

In addition, to fully realize the key of cross culture management is the management of people resources. On one hand, cross culture management objective is to make the different cultural fusion and coming into a new culture.This new type of cultural only rooted in all members of the enterprise and embodied by the enterprise members ideology, values, actions, can they truly achieve the purpose of cross-cultural management. On the other hand, in the globalization of business enterprises, the parent company of the enterprise culture can be divided by the product of the enterprise, business model abroad. As for this condition, most of the parent company chooses the skillful members of the company to manage the workers in the divided company aboard. From this, we can find that the most important thing in the Cross Culture Management is to make full use of the people resource.So the globalization of business enterprise must emphasize the management of people in cross cultural management management personnel. The manager should not only understand the parent company's corporate culture deeply, but also has the capability of cultural integration management overseas branch as the important duty of cross-cultural management. To strengthen cultural management of enterprises of all members and to make new culture play an important role in the management of real, can help the globalization enterprises to gain the advantage position in the competition with the foreign enterprises.

2.2 The analysis of the second question

As for this question, I will make a clear analysis with the knowledge named long-term orientation andpower distance index. So it is the key point to know the definition of these two elements. LTOfocuses on the degree the society embraces, or does not embrace, long-term devotion to traditional, forward thinking values. PDI focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society. A High Power Distance ranking indicates that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society.As we all know that the international experience plays an important role in the  process of internationalization in learning how to manage cultural differences. In order to raise the management of the Cross Culture, we should think out the methods to deal with the problems during the development of the economy in the enterprises. The international experience refers to the advanced management experience from the classical enterprises all over the world. We people have no ability to do everything by ourselves. (Erez, 2007) For example, we learn most of the knowledge from the teacher in the school instead of doing the experiments by ourselves. So we should also learn the international experience about the Cross Culture Management. There are two kinds of the international experience.

The first kind is about the third party culture strategy. Among the 3% of the enterprises in both countries begin to accept this kind of the method to ask help for the culture management. With this way of the strategy, 23% of the companies have changed a lot. Only with data, we can find it is a good way for the business men to do so. Muti-National Corporation operate globally in other countries and regions, because there is a huge difference between the home country and the host country culture culture, and the Muti-National Corporation is unable to completely in a short time to adapt the culture to the differences in which is completely different from the mother country of the host country's business environment.(Jay,2007) The second kind is about the occupation strategy. It is a strong cross culture management strategy which refers to the enterprise global marketing in foreign direct investment.The foreign company retains only the parent company's enterprise culture. This approach is generally applicable to the strength of culture gap, and local consumers fully accept the culture of parent company under the circumstances. But from a practical point of view, this model uses very little.In short, globalization of business enterprises in the cross culture management, should be based on knowledge of the enterprise culture and foreign culture, selection of cross-cultural management mode of their own, so that different cultures can be the best combination, so as to form their own core competitiveness(Kathryn, 2009).

3.   Conclusion

This strategy can avoid the direct conflict of culture with the host culture. If European Muti-National Corporation to set up subsidiaries in Canada and America, it can handle the company's overseas headquarters in thought and management internationalization of the United States, and then through the headquarters in the United States in all subsidiary American unified management.(Connelly, 2003)While the United States Muti-National Corporation to set up subsidiaries in South America, it can handle the company's overseas headquarters is closer with the international idea and the economic model of Brazil, and then by the subsidiary company in Brazil headquarters unified management of other subsidiaries of South Amercia. This can be managed to avoid wasting time and money by the host country subsidiary culture of a third country to country managers do not understand, the subsidiary company in the business activities can be quickly and effectively to achieve results. So the Cross Culture Management is important for the development of the enterprises. With the analysis of the different culture between England and China, we can find out that the culture affect the business deeply. And the five elements of the different culture are make a great effect on the business doing.


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