


As a poet, frost itself is "contradiction" of righteousness. His choices in life times experience conflict, faced with a choice, showing the versatility of the complex. Frost was born in San Francisco in a family of teachers in the United States spent his childhood in the West. He was a worker, a teacher and ran a farm and has always insisted on writing poetry during this period. But it is regrettable that his poems in a very long time in the United States to attract attention. Real dilemma Frost brought to conflict situations. Teacher is a relatively stable career for Frost, but what a poet of Fame and fortune, but it is his favorite. Frost hovering between the teacher and poet, and need to let go. 1912 Frost finally decided to give up the job, writing poetry. He said: "to write poetry, the poor poorer. "News is the life he did not thin, ever since his first volume of poems of the boy's will was published, Frost became famous with the works after the birth of his day. His life, he has published 10 books of poetry. As a poet, his life is prolific, some say his fame, looking forward to idyllic life, devote themselves to write poetry. In his later years, when in addition to creativity, Frost is also selected at several famous University, spends a lot of time in the national speaking tour and read their own poems. Perhaps his goal is to realize his dream of teachers, maybe is for inspiration to compose a better, perhaps he is afraid of being forgotten in the world. In short, no one can know what exactly in the pursuit of the great literary giant, is silence or noise? Is escape or active life? But told he must choose.

Frost's life was full of contradictions, his nature and philosophy of the birth and formation of the literary road also face several choices. Effect of early frost accepted a variety of literature, romanticism and transcendentalism's influence on him were impressed. Robert Frost poems, there are two essential elements of almost all: man and nature. Praise and love for nature has always been a tradition of romantic poetry. Romantic nature with human emotions, and as a harmonious unity of man and nature, its "significance and value comes not from the separation of man and nature, but rooted in some sort of transcendent mutual relations between the two", and transcendentalism also explores the relationship between man and nature from a different perspective. Philosopher Henry David Thoreau thought of writing student thesis, "on the issue of nature and society, of course, is an absolute freedom and informality, society is civilized and free and informal. People's lofty ideal is the pursuit of absolute freedom, and it's only natural to look for. " Frost's poem on the surface, filled with a rich pastoral style, filled with rural life, creating a rustic peasant's image. From that point of view, we can say, his works, to some extent, by a sort of romantic poetry and the influence of transcendentalism thoughts. But Frost is not difficult to find in exploring life and source issues, and not blindly follow romanticism and transcendentalism. He recognized unified relationship of subject and object at the same time, found contradictions in the relationship between the two side, that is, disharmony and antagonism between man and nature. In contradiction of the confrontation, Frost is shown "fence" philosophy. He knows the final outcome, while he was trying to avoid such thoughts, he never exists in nature as a part of the human world. On rational middle path at the same time, however, Frost again deviated from the romanticism. Romantics believed that "life beyond leads to transcendent truth and absolute truth." Frost's poems reflect the truth is unknowable. He seems to be "this life" and feeling tired, but not fully convinced that is not willing to accept "the afterlife". Knowing that they must not be in conflict for, content and form of the poem Frost conflicting Habitat.

After experiencing selection of romanticism and transcendentalism, Frost facing religious thought and a priori ideological conflict.

Frost's mother was a devout Christian, due to the influence of mother, Frost also became a Christian. Christian theology is a hierarchy of nature, man and God, is not as a whole. God created man and nature, and above all, not part of the natural. Separation of people and the will of God and nature, beyond the natural and dominate nature, nature is independent of the person "external objects". On the question of the relationship between man and nature, and Christian Frost nature provides a theoretical basis. But we can not deny is that there is a trend of thought in literature and in his life influenced Frost creations, this is transcendentalism. Transcendentalism that "unity of heaven and man", the purpose of human culture is unity between people and nature. They put between man and nature, subject and object as a monolithic thing. And this thought and the Christian view of nature is completely contradictory. This set of contradictions and Frost's philosophy and writing style offers an optional path. Finally, Frost gave up "Heaven" of nature, in his works, another world of nature is outside human society, nature is indifferent to mankind, indifferent.


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