The Letter “A” in the Scarlet

Paper代写范文:“The Letter “A” in the Scarlet”,这篇论文主要描述的是《红字》这篇小说是由著名小说家霍桑所创作,在小说中红色A具有着非常独特的意义,小说当中通过用红色的A来代表有着“通奸”行为的人,将小说中人物的心理活动动非常形象生动的描述出来,也是当时美国浪漫主义文学中的代表作之一。本文则通过四个步骤来分析红色A所代表的具体含义。

 paper代写,The Scarlet Letter,留学生作业代写,红字a的象征意义,论文代写

1. Introduction

The Scarlet Letter is considered as the most famous novel of the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, who is one of the greatest romantic writers in the 19th century. This novel told us a story about Hester Prynne, who committed adultery with her puritan minister Arthur Dimmesdale and has given birth to a child, Pearl, during the time her husband was disappeared. So, she was forced to wear the letter “A” on her bosom all the time as a punishment. But when Hester’s former husband—Chillingworth knows the adultery after his arrival in Boston, he began to revenge on and torments Dimmesdale until his death. Many years later, Hester dies and she is buried with Dimmesdale. Their love continues after life, and the scarlet letter changes its meaning in people’s heart. In this work, Hawthorne successfully uses symbolism by concentrates on his creative characteristics and experience and make the scarlet letter his most famous masterpiece around the world.
2. “A” for Adore
The letter “A” stands for Hester Prynne’s sincerity love to her minister Arthur Dimmesdale. We can know that though the expression on Hester’ face when she was bring to the scaffold. “In a moment, however, wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another, she took the baby on her arm, and with a burning blush, and yet a haughty smile, and a glance that would not be abashed, looked around at her townspeople and neighbors.” In order to protect the man she love she was willingly to take the punishment, sins and hash remarks all alone. When Hester’ term of confinement was finally at an end she can totally throw the letter away and leave the place where she suffered humiliate a lot and emerge into another state, hiding her character and identity under a new exterior. However, she didn’t choose to do so because on this land lived the man she loves, they fell in love with each other here. This love, which gave her the most courage and power to enduring the huge pain, also supported her to expect the coming of their happy life. So, we can say that the letter “A” Hawthorne showed us was not just a symbol of sins but also the symbol of the great love between Hester and Arthur.
3. “A” for Alone
Hester and Chillingworth’s marriage was a tragedy. She was fair-faced women, who married Chillingworth’s a knowledgeable but misshapen doctor. He thought that the disable of his body can be made up by knowledge and techniques and totally ignored Hester’s inner heart. A marriage which lack of comprehension and communication was doomed to be unhappy. However, when Hester met with her minister Dimmesdale, they two fell in love with each other soon. But that behavior was prohibited by the puritan beliefs. When Hester gave birth to Dimmesdale’s child Pearl, the whole thing came to light. And she was forced to wear the letter”A” on her bosom the whole lifetime as a punishment. Hester accepted the court’s sentence in the eye of all people’ despise. After her confinement was finished she and Pearl live in a cottage that away from the residential area.

None of her friends dared to meet her and herself also felt that she didn’t even belong to this world. Pearl, her daughter was her world. Hester always dreamed of one day her lover could stay with her and comfort her. It had been seven years since she was deserted by the society. At last, Hester talked into Demmisdale to get rid of all burden and go with her. At that time, she was no longer alone.

4. “A” for Admirable

Hester’s courage to pursue her true love was very admirable. She broke the bondage of social moral codes and deserted the traditions. In order to protect her lover she would rather to take all condemns. As a woman, she is strong and brave. At the end of the story, Hester’s inner beauty had won all other people’s respect and admiration.

5. Conclusion

The scarlet letter was a novel about saving one’s souls. The original meaning of the letter “A” was symbolizing humiliation. Obviously, Hawthorne was also trying to convey to us other important information by creating the figure Hester. Her thoughts were filled with rebellion and struggle. From the transformation of the conception of the letter “A”, we can figure out the praise Hawthorne gave to Hester.


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