
留学生HRM Essay代写范文:“ 关于经理人才的培训”,这篇论文主要描述的是企业经理人才的培养是一个企业发展的基石,企业需要对员工的个人管理技能进行有效的评估,然后根据最终的表现列出评分,在这个过程中也需要培养经理人才之间的沟通能力。

essay代写,经理人才培训,留学生作业代写,HRM Essay,论文代写

According to my original plan, I would like to minimize the gap between my expected score and the average associates' score of such questions in the Personal Assessment of Management Skills questionnaire on or before 28 October for my development of effective negative feedback which I got the lowest average associates' score (3 out of 6) on 23 September. I have already announced to my colleagues that I will let them rate me again for those questions reflecting my ability of effective negative feedback on 28 October, which is five weeks after their first rating. The questions are the followings:

1. When I give feedback to others, I avoid referring to personal characteristics and focus on problems or solutions instead.

2. When I try to correct someone's behavior, our relationship is almost always strengthened.

3. I objectively describe events, their consequences, and my feelings about the events when I give negative feedback to others.

Now I got the feedback from the original eight of my colleagues. This time I got 1 point higher on the average associates' score (4 out of 6) compared to the last one. In other words, I should appreciate that my short-term goal of minimizing the gap has been reached. However, there is still a gap of 1.3 between my expected score and the average associates' score.

For the development of resiliency, I originally set the target of having exercise at least 20 minutes and at least 3 times per week for the period from 28 October to 18 November. Finally, I have not only having exercised for 3 times per week, my exercise last for at least 1 hour every time.

I started my first exercise by swimming for 20 lengths in long course in the public swimming pool right next to my home. And then I reached my first challenge. I planned to swim at the same place next day. However, the swimming pool was seasonally shut down. As I committed to myself, I tried to think where I can continue my plan so as to reach my short-term target. Because of this challenge, I discovered I could take the opportunity of using City University facilities, the swimming pool. It was my first time swam in City University. I found the staffs are nice and environment is good. Therefore, I went there for the two more times in the next week and every time I increased the number of lengths I swam by 10. Therefore, I swam 50 lengths in long course in my forth time swimming. From these experiences, I have not only reached my development target but also gained warm caring from others. As the weather become cooler in the first week of November, not only my family member who knows I was going to keep swimming, but also the staffs of the swimming pool in City University told me to take care as it might be too cold to go to swim in the morning.

Another exercise I have done was cycling on Sundays with my friend. It was also nice experience because I have got one more topics to talk with my father who is good at cycling. Also, I discovered I could ride more than I expected from Tuen Mun to Yuen Long with the encouragement of my friend who went with me. He also appreciated the experience that we cannot only go to cinemas or karaokes at leisure time, but also doing exercise to relax our mind and train our bodies which costs less compared with movie tickets and karaokes service charges.

Although I met both of my short-term goals as set in my last Executive Development Contract, I found the indicators I set were not enough to represent how I have improved and should further improve in my chosen area of managerial effectiveness.

Therefore when the time passes and because of the commitment I have made, I paid high attention to how I gave negative feedback to others. I would like to have the record of my actual progress against my intended development area. These days, I was very sensitive to focus only on the behaviors that can be changed, but not issues that are beyond their control when I give feedback to others. Also, I reminded myself to use straight talk and when the feedback is supported by hard data. And, I stayed calm and control my emotions before giving out my comments. And, all these of my changes got my colleagues' attention. One of my subordinates shared with all my colleagues including bosses in our November's kick-off meeting that he could feel the change after my restarted the study. And my bosses also commented that they could see my subordinates feel more comfortable in working with me.

In fact, I did not only focus on giving effective negative feedback after I restarted this semester's study, but also coaching abilities because I was taking another class called Managing Employee Performance. I chose implementation of training programs to improve leaders' mentoring/coaching skills as my second written assignment's topic. Therefore, I read books, journals and research regarding mentoring and coaching skills for the purpose of literature review. By reading, learning and writing how to improve such skills, I also paid attention to when I have the opportunity of practicing what I have learnt. Therefore, I also reminded myself to build rapport through effective communication and eliciting laughter, being a good mood, address others' need and expectations with the philosophy of trust, caring and respect proactively. Also I avoided using an autocratic, directive, controlling or dictatorial when I was coaching my colleagues. Moreover, I understood the ills of leadership. Leaders who do not listen, do not practise what they preach, do not develop their people, fail to create direction are ineffective and waste everyone's time. Also, leaders who are complacent, practise favouritism, intimidate and demoralise others bring others, themselves as well as whole organization down. These recognitions not only enabled me to provide more effective negative feedback, but also empowered me to communicate more supportively.

As I paid more attention to communicate supportively, I was enlightened by participating in one of our classmates' workshop regarding building relationships by communicating supportively. The examples of eight attributes of supportive communication were very useful for me as they are contextual, natural, concrete, human and discovery-oriented. For example, I should not be incongruent by saying “Do I seem upset? No, everything's fine.” because people may think there is hidden objective. So, I should be congruent by saying “Your behaviour really upset me.” I should also avoid person-oriented, invalidating, general, disjunctive and disowned responses. My responses should be problem-oriented, descriptive, validating, specific, conjunctive and owned. I also reminded myself to show I was actively listening but not one-way listening. I applied these attributes in the next day coaching when my subordinate reported to me how he would like to consult our client who would like to give negative feedback to her subordinate. I appreciated my subordinate the point that he pointed out rhetorical question should be avoided when my client was going to give negative feedback. And, my subordinate felt very happy about my point with academic material supported. He said I expressed myself in direct words clearly and he understood the rationale of the consultation behind. My colleagues were happy when I shared with them what I have learnt in the classes the day before because the knowledge I learnt was not only benefit our own executive development, but also made our consultation to clients more fruitful and professional when we applied.

Other than workplace, I have also opended my improvement areas to my EDG and they did keep an eye on my feedback and reminded my targets every time when we met. It was really great time to having them as my development partner. We gathered not only in Wednesday nights, but also Thursday and Friday because we were taking the same courses and being the same project group members. We are always an effective team although we worked in different industries. I was reminded the good feeling of good communication, harmony member relationships, clarity, trust, openness and involvement during our discussions. I remembered the feeling that I should let my colleagues feel the same. As they knew that I had a lazy team member in my workshop team, they reminded me that it was a good chance in a real-life, out-of-class to practice giving effective negative feedback with the purpose to motivate him to participate more as a team.

So as to motivate others to participate more as a team, I also kept an eye on my motivation style. The test I did in Week 11 helps me to identify myself rarely a coach but a “lonely star”. The term “lonely star” really shocked me, but it was so true. I immediately though about why my colleagues commented me in the last 360-degree Feedback that I have to develop more on proactively providing coaching to the others instead of giving instructions unless someone comes to me and asks for help. And I should develop more “with” my teammates instead of “by” myself and themselves. I always emphasize technical and cognitive skills so that many raters in the last 360-degree Feedback agreed that I have deep knowledge and professionalism and I am strong at compliance related matter and I do share effectively my knowledge to others. Also, they agreed that I am a good example for effective and efficient work style. However, I have tried to do too much alone. I think subordinates should be able to overcome difficulties in they way to achievement by themselves as I am able to do and I reply on their self-direction and self-control very much. After reviewing my result of motivation style test, I learnt I should suggest alternative ways of doing things rather than indicating the way my subordinates prefers it themselves.

Giving effective negative feedback is the responsibility of me as a team leader of the local consulting team in my organization. The leadership effectiveness and adaptability description also raised my awareness of my lack adaptability to the team of low relationship and low task as I got 0 points in alternative actions in Quadrant 4 of the Tri-Dimensional Leader Effectiveness Model. I found that I was unable to realize the how to let go when I was facing a team in trouble but the trust between the team and me was not strong. I think this is also one of the reasons why my negative feedback cannot work without strong relationship. For example, I chose I would “allow group involvement in redefining standards, but not to push” when “my subordinates, usually able to take responsibility, are not responding to my recent redefining of standards”. However, a better thing I should do is to “avoid confrontation by not applying pressure.” This balance should be my next development point after my awareness of giving effective negative feedback.

Again, I found myself being too naive that I though I could develop resiliency simply by doing exercise. After I learnt more about myself, I found I did not think deeply about this serious issue.

When I rated myself in the questionnaire of Personal Assessment of Management Skills two months ago, I was so confident that I strongly agree that “I use effective time-management methods such as keeping track of my time, making to-do lists, and prioritizing tasks”, “I frequently affirm priorities so that less important things don't drive out more important things” and “I maintain balance in my life by pursuing a variety of interests outside of work”. And, what I missed is simply maintenance of an open, trusting relationship with someone with whom I can share my frustration and maintain a program of regular exercise for fitness. And then, I found the former one was easy to be solved because I had nice EDG group members who are either processionals or HR practitioners and the later one could also be solved if I overcome my mental barrier by consciously and actively taking care of my health and well-being and taking action to do regular exercises. I did enjoy doing exercise as I mentioned before I have not only felt satisfy about my fulfillment of my commitment, explored myself more to different places but also gained more care from family members, friends or even strangers at the City University.

However, my MBI-General Survey result suggested that I could not be so optimistic about resiliency ability. Both my emotional exhaustion and cynicism reached to high level. The scores are 4.8 and 5.6 respectively. According to the analysis, I am going to be burnout if my score of professional efficacy drops from my existing score of 5. I found almost everyday “I have become less enthusiastic about and interested in my work”, “I just want to do my job and not be bothered”, “I have become more cynical about whether my work contributes anything” and “I doubt the significance of my work”. The reason is because I disappointed to some comments in my last 360-degree Feedback. I was proud of my deep knowledge as I mentioned before and my efficient work style because of strong logical thinking way and absorbing ability. I can be able to understand other's meaning and then analyze and point out the problem quickly. However, I got the comment, “work quick but not good quality, should think how to work efficiently with good quality”, which did break my confidence and reduce my enthusiasm to work and doubt the significance of my work.

Fortunately, the facts about stress I was taught in Week 13 saved me because I found the reason why I overemphasized “work quickly” but overlooked “good quality”, and I developed my motivation style as a “lonely star”. I always “feel rushed because I overestimate how fast time is passing” and I “consult and listen to others less”. These facts are definitely describing me at the workplace. These are the behavioral problems driven by the stress given by myself. Therefore, managing stress is my next fundamental development point.

If I do not start to manage my stress well, I am afraid I will not only be psychologically burnout, but also negatively affect my job performance in a vicious circle. For example, if I “selectively perceive information and see only which confirms my previous biases”, “fixate on a single approach to a problem” and “rely on old habits to cope with current situations”, I cannot be a consultant because consultant needs basic skills of problem solving skills and human skills while problem solving skills include comprehension, etc. If I selectively perceive information, rely on old habits and solve problem in single approach, I lost the ability of comprehension which is the first step of solving a problem. Also, if I “become very intolerant of ambiguity and demanding of right answers”, I will think less logically then lost the ability to analyze problems. Moreover, if I “adopt a crisis mentality and cease to consider long term implications”, I lost the ability of learning by doing, planning, execution and accomplishment to assist my clients to prevent unwanted disputes in the long run as I am consulting them issues related to human resources which is an important capital for their survival in the market and needs time to plant. Nevertheless, if I “have less ability to generate creative thoughts or unique solutions to problems”, I cannot code with this changing world especially human resources related matter as market and culture changes never stop changing in accordance with sensitive economic situation and globalization. And then, I will be rated lower job performer, in turn lost more my confidence and reduce more my enthusiasm to work and doubt more the significance of my work.

I cannot refuse to admit that I have the characteristics of Type A. I am “always talking and eating rapidly”. Other than the workplace discovery, I discovered I also had this intention when I was discussing with my EDG group members. I was being told that I was rude or overreacted to the issues we were discussing. Once I felt impatient with the long case studies written in English and in small fonts, I started talking fast without smile and comprehensive explanation. They felt hard and seems like they have made me angry. And then, I would lose my concentration on the case we were supposed to discuss but changed the topics. It has shown that I “strive to think or do two or more things at once” and “suffer from a sense of time urgency with my accompanying impatience”.

I stressfully focus on time control not only reflected from the comments I got in my last 360-degree Feedback at work and EDG group members, but also from the result of my Group Roles Inventory. I got imbalance roles in a group: 47 points for task roles and 33 points for maintenance roles. According to the analysis, I was too noise of being a initiator (11 points), evaluator (11 points), information processor (12 points) and a dominant summarizer (13 points) who keeps tight time control while I my voice of being and encourager (9 points), gate keeper (6 points) and compromiser (5 points) were too small that cannot be heard. The optimum point of each role is between 8 and 10. These results again let me aware that stress reduces my ability in building relations and being cohesive within a group. I lost the attention to the interest of the whole group and bring silence members in discussions to get the whole team commitment and let every teammates feel satisfaction which I have promised in the earlier stage that I should let my colleagues feel the good feeling of good communication, harmony member relationships, clarity, trust, openness and involvement which I have undergone by grouping with my EDG group members.

Still, I am positive towards my development of managing stress. I know I can develop because I also have some appropriate personality. I have the characteristics of Type B personality. I “feel no need to display or discuss either my achievements or accomplishments” although it has already led to some misunderstanding that I did not think deep enough while I did not have good storytelling techniques to present what I have achieved. I “play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit my superiority at any cost” nowadays after my awareness of being a good coach and I “can relax without guilt” as I took a whole week off to finish the written assignments on hand without thinking too much about it is the peak season of consultations for budgeting and new mediation of pandemic influenza because I have already prepared well by agreed job allocation and knowledge sharing with my colleagues before my taking annual leave.

So as to manage stress, I will slow down myself by practicing deep breathing and muscle relaxation once when I feel impatient. I will also keep reminding myself about “quality first”. I will think more deeply. For example, I will carry out the Small-Wins Strategy. Before going too fast to the judgement, I will “divide the major problem into smaller parts and then smaller once again”, and then “identify the actions that can be done that will be successful in coping with the subcomponents of the stressors” that I face. Also I should trust the ability of my teammates so as to relax myself from being a stronger summarizer. For example, I should “go for a compromise rather than a rigid position that could threaten the group cohesion” and let others “restate and elaborate the group opinion about an activity”. At the same time, I should take the role to “disallow a member to manipulate the group to his or her advantage”, and let others “put forward a suggestion” instead of my “putting forward a suggestions when I have detailed information to support it” to avoid my continuous dominance.

So far, I satisfy with my own ability as a self-developing manager because I have strong awareness mind of my develop points by grasping the chances to analyze myself, kept honesty to myself, open-minded to accept my weaknesses, always consider the action plan for the next step, never stop develop my strengths and believe I can do better. I applied help behaviours during development process. For example, I actively listen to my heart. Also, I allow my mind become empty when I am learning new things such as reading books, journals and research regarding mentoring and coaching skills, paying attention to the class about how to analyze my motivation style, leadership effectiveness and adaptability, group roles inventory, facts about stress, etc. I lead myself to think deeper by questioning “Why did I do that?” and “Can the issues be improved by me and under my control?” I also remind myself of how to feel better according to the experience or content that I intentional changed my behaviors towards to those situations. I summarize and reconfirm my experiences from the logbook which not only recorded what has happened in workplace, but also study life and private life before analysis. I keep in mind that my executive development should be regarded as a whole instead of piece by piece although break the developments down into incremental parts to gain the Small-Wins as Small-Wins can act as a momentum for my future steps. Nevertheless, I source information and advising by discussing with others, including bosses, associates, professors, EDG group members and friends.

To be a highly effective manager, the first fundamental change should be my behaviors when I am working as a team because I am the role model of the behaviors of our teammates. Now, I have awareness and good intention to facilitate a team by coaching with effective communication and balance my roles inventory. However, it is not enough because others may not be able to feel if I do not change my behaviors obviously. Therefore, I should show I try to balance my pressure of measuring my local consulting team's success in terms of how many or how much of everything we acquire and my allowance of the “group involvement in redefining standards”. Also, I should show that I have slow down myself and emphasis more on “quality first” during conversations with my colleagues. At the same time, I should proactively take the role to “disallow a member to manipulate the group to his or her advantage”, and let others “put forward a suggestion” instead of my “putting forward a suggestions when I have detailed information to support it” to avoid my continuous dominance because I will build their suggestions with detailed information so as to gain legitimacy and reliability. This behaviour may also change their perception of my giving instructions instead of coaching.


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