


1. Introduction:前沿

The recent financial crisis has exposed a number of weaknesses in the existing corporate governance structure of UK firms. Key areas that have been blamed for such failure of corporategovernance include the remuneration systems and incentive bonus schemes; risk management procedures; and board practices. Also the role of external audit as a corporate governancemechanism has been questioned. As the financial crisis is viewed as a political as well as regulatory challenge, governments around the world have come up with various initiatives,including regulations and bail-out packages.In the UK, the treasurycommittee of the House of Commons has issued a series of publications regarding the possible causes and consequences of the crisis, and potential ways of dealing with the crisis (House of Commons 2009a, 2009b, 2009c).  In evaluating corporate governance practices, the report (House of Commons, 2009a) has evaluated the effectiveness of different corporate governance mechanisms, including the non-executive directors, the remuneration policy, the roles played by auditors and credit ratings agencies, and the issues relating to application of fair value accounting. Recently, the organisation of economic cooperation and development has suggested a number of changes to the existing corporate governance framework (OECD, February 2010). Also, in the UK the combined code has been revised (in May 2010) as a response to the financial crisis.

2. The task:目的

For the purpose of this project, each student will be allocated with a specific industry. Your role would be to provide advice to five companies chosen from the industry allocated to youregarding changes in corporate governance structures. More specifically, you are expected to address the following issues-

Was the industry as a whole affected by the financial crisis?

Was this perceived as a failure of corporate governance for your in dustry?

What roles were played by various corporate governance mechanisms adopted by the sample companies during the crisis?

Did your sample companies change their corporate governance

strategies as a response to the financial crisis? Do you think any further change is necessary to enhance corporate performance?

In investigating the effects of the financial crisis on the individual sample company, you are expected to conduct an analysis of financial performance of the individual companies before and after the financial crisis. This may involve application of basic statistical techniques. To scrutinise the role of different corporate governance mechanisms and subsequent reforms, you are expected to collect information regarding the sample company from various sources, including the annual report, analysts’reports, and the popular press. The modes of analysis and other issues relating to the project will be discussed in detail in the tutorials offered by the lecturer.

3. Individual project report:个人项目报告

MBS Undergraduate Assessment rules apply to all projects. Please refer to the following link on the MBS Undergraduate Intranet for the MBS Undergraduate Policy on rules regarding Presentation and Submission of Undergraduate Assessed Coursework –secure/assessed-coursework.aspx. Please consult the BMAN31000 course outline for details of page length etc.

4. Tutorials:学习指南

There will be five tutorials in the second semester to explain the project in greater detail and to take you through the main of steps of conducting research on this project. From week 6 onwards, I will be holding an office hour instead of organising tutorials. You are welcome to drop in and discuss any issues that concern you about this project.

5. Preliminary readings:初级阅读材料

House of Commons, 2009a. Banking crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the city of London. HC 519.

House of Commons, 2009b. Banking crisis: dealing with the failure of UK banks. HC 416.

OECD, 2010. Corporate governance and the financial crisis. Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development.


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