

assignment代写,市场营销计划,留学生作业代写,Marketing plan,论文代写

1. Introduction

Burberry offers luxury fashion products for customers, but this proposal is aimed tooffer high-end fashion product forordinary customers. The notion is ‘offering stylish, high-end, fashionable, and authentic fashion products that affordable for most customers’.

2. Background

2.1 Macro Environment

Industry Rivalry

The competition in the fashion world is especially fierce. There are many strong brans in this market and they compete for market share and customers.

Threats of New Entrants

Threats of new entrants arein the mid-level. It is hard to shiftthe core customersof Burberry, partly due to itsstrong brand image.

Threats of Substitutes

The treats of substitutes are low, in that fashion product can offer additional customer value via indicating fashion trends and involving stylish elements.

Bargaining Power of Supplier

The bargaining power of Burberry’s supplier is low, since its strong brand name of is attractive.Furthermore, partnership with Burberry can lead to large quantities of order(Burberry, 2013),leading to suppliers’ competition for cooperation.

Bargaining Power of Buyer

For Burberry, the shifting costs arehigh, due to its strong brand identity, representativeness of UK traditional culture, as well as its elegant and stylish design. Thus, the bargaining power of buyer is low.

2.2 Market Trend

The market trend show that the luxury fashion industry is facing with a recession, due to the prevalence of e-commerce, global economic recession, and the changed value of customers.Therefore, Burberry should consider expanding its marketand cater to the mass market.

2.3 Competitor

If Burberry shifts to the high-endfashionmarket, its competitors include those fast fashion brands, such as ZARA, H&M, and Topshop. All of those brands offerfashionable products with short product life circle and with affordable price.

3. Products

The new product would be stylish apparels that integrate the UK culture and customers characters with affordable prices.This is a major change for the target market, which should be discontinuous innovation. The competitive advantage is the strong brand name of Burberry in the luxury fashion market (Luxury Society, 2011).

4. Target Market

The target market should be customers in lower middle class or middle class.They are city dwellers and are sensitive to fashion.They generally use products to reflect their traits and areprice-sensitive.

5. Customer Value

Sufficient customer value is created, in that the strong brand name and high quality of Burberry’s productscan satisfy customers’ favour for luxury brands (Functional, Image, and Psychological value). The stylish design can meet their demand for fashion and self-representation (Psychological value). Besides, purchasingBurberry’s product is also an indication of highfashion taste and high social status (Functional and Psychological value). Since it creates sufficient customervalue and can meet customers’ expectation, customersatisfaction should be high, and thus loyalcustomersmight be formed.

6. Recommendation

Accordingly, this plan can bring benefits to Burberry in three major aspects:

l  Toexpand the productportfolios of Burberry which can rich the product diversity and can share the potential risk;

l  To focus on the high-end fashion market, where customer volume is high.

l  To help Burberry to increase its financial performance.


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