


With Britain 's rapid development of higher vocational education , vocational education has become an integral part of higher education . Vocational college classroom teaching as a core part of business , is the most basic , the most effective way to nurture talent . Currently British schools have been carried out research on effective classroom teaching , but mostly limited to basic education , applicable to relatively narrow. To improve the efficiency of classroom teaching , professional meet 21st century needs and application-oriented talents , strengthen vocational education research became effective classroom teaching vocational educators concerned about an important issue.

Classroom activities in school education is the center of a direct impact on a variety of application-oriented , professional quality of personnel training . Effective classroom teaching quality education in today's society in the context of a teaching philosophy advocated by the teacher to continuously upgrade themselves to actively build autonomous , efficient, high-quality classroom .

Improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching vocational necessity

Vocational classroom currently still widespread number of outstanding common problems , seriously affecting the efficiency of classroom teaching . For example, in the classroom teaching process is often straightforward and more, create situations less ; teacher speaks much less student activities ; random questions and more, stimulate thinking less ; classroom lectures and more, the next class extends less ; tradition inherited more, and less innovation . To change the existing problems and deficiencies in the classroom , the school must strive to build autonomous , efficient, high-quality classroom .

Vocational and technical personnel to meet the needs of the community . Higher Vocational training objectives is "doing fine and solid , entrepreneurship creation" is to develop application-oriented society , professional talent , thus higher vocational institutions from the point of view of social hierarchy of needs is essential . Currently lifelong education has become a trend attracts worldwide attention education , lifelong education goal is to improve the macro- personality . Therefore, the vocational education system to face the concept of lifelong education must make adjustments, which requires in the classroom , teachers in addition to students' professional skills needed to train students in the future beyond the face of society different levels required for jobs non-professional capacity , such as how to analyze and solve problems in the team , how to relate to people , unity, the gap between reality and the ideal face of how self- regulation . Higher effective classroom teaching is to train professional and technical personnel to meet the needs of society the main way .

Help to stimulate student interest in learning , reduce fatigue study . American psychologist through EEG studies have shown that the brain's excitement to learn the different ways according to the different level of activity will produce . When watching and listening to the brain when the excitement is only one message harvest rates were 10% and 20% , however, say and do when there are multiple brain excitement , information, harvest rates were 70% and 90%. Effective classroom teaching, teachers in the classroom by reducing the time and in terms of the time students are appealing to students to practice , explore and exchange opportunities through interactive learning process say to each other and hands , so that students in active practice stimulate interest in learning process , reducing inefficiencies fatigue study and improve their overall quality.

Improve the effectiveness of vocational teaching strategies - interactive teaching mode 

Teaching and learning in the teaching process is seamless non-strippable , is a unit , rather than by the teaching and learning simple addition of two units together . We refer to teach at the same time alluding to occur in this study under the guidance of teaching activities , or can only be regarded as monologue . Similarly, when we refer to hours while alluding to learn under the guidance of a religion , otherwise only be regarded as self-study. From the fact that the teaching process is the relationship between teachers and the teaching process to create cooperation between the main relationships. Classroom between teachers and students are occurring , between life and when bilateral or multilateral nature of interactions . Teaching process is a process of interaction . For teaching purposes , communication means interaction ; For teachers , communication means sharing ; For students, exchanges implies respect . Therefore, interactive classroom teaching language skills of teachers demanding, requiring teachers to make classroom language both have interesting logic, both the image also lack a sense of humor , but also pay attention to body language, expression and control language rhythm. Strive to create a harmonious, democratic, egalitarian atmosphere in the classroom , interactive classroom teaching mode to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching critical .

nteractive classroom teaching principle.

The main principles . The main principle is the first principle of classroom interaction model , is based on the student body created to highlight the students in learning the dominant position , in particular, from the characteristics of interaction , demonstrating the role of non-intellectual factors play subjectivity thought. Teaching, teachers should be student learning activities organizer, guide , mentor and collaborator, rather than knowledge of trafficking in persons , but can not dominate the classroom , a talk in the end . Therefore, teachers should give students the classroom , allowing students to truly become masters of the classroom , I believe that the ability of students , innovative student body forms, active efforts to construct the classroom , with full respect for the dominant position of students , give students enough time allow students to self-exploration , cooperation and exchange .

Interactivity Principle . Interaction is based on the behavior of the other party to make an interactive influence their behavior and role of the reaction , teacher-student interaction is the interaction between teachers and students , the role of two-way , not a student or a teacher for students on a one-way division linear effects . In this interactive process , students 'cognitive , and emotional evaluation of the impact of action by teachers ; conversely , the teacher's role while reaction in the students' psychological experience and mental state. Role and influence between teachers and students is a cycle , a chain of continuous process , teachers and students in the process of mutual influence ongoing interaction , rather than a one-time intermittent interaction influence each other.

principle of openness . In an open classroom , teaching activities through the exchange of teachers and students to start the process in the exchange of teachers and students of both the recipients of information , transfer , processors and creators , such as multiple roles . By teachers to create a relaxed and harmonious cooperation of independent inquiry learning environment for students dare dare dare dare dare doubt unconventional . In this atmosphere , it will definitely appear full play to the situation of information resources , some novel idea most likely not in the teacher's emergency plan , which makes the teacher must continuously improve their professional accomplishments, personal qualities and educational wisdom to achieve continuous self- transcendence.

Interactive classroom teaching mode implementation strategy

classroom teachers equal dialogue . Classroom interaction between teachers and students , between life and thinking and thinking of the collision, heart to heart communication , a blend of love and affection . Communication is the most common manifestation of dialogue , democracy and equality is the first law of dialogue . Only students will completely break the mouthpiece of equality , democracy will have classroom interaction . Equality in a democratic atmosphere in the classroom and students to achieve two-way active , bi-directional and bi-directional dynamic actuation , allowing teachers to teach good for students to enjoy learning , so as to motivate each other , both teaching and learning .

Dynamic instructional design . Classroom teaching is in the " multi-directional interaction, dynamically generated " under the guidance of this logic . In the classroom , teacher-student interaction is through teaching activities aim to promote students' growth and development. Interaction between teachers and students is the process of mutual definition of collision process, in such collisions produce large amounts of new resources, teaching resources is dynamically generated . More usually in the form of the interaction characteristics of students for the transfer , so teaching program design should be dynamic, even teaching content unchanged , lesson plans used again when the student has changed, teachers should be based on the characteristics of students and student the number of the original design involved the analysis and restructuring , the formation of a new lesson plan is the process of generating new processes dynamically generated .

Historical data reflective learning . Teachers and students interactive process between teachers and students is constantly self-reflection and self- construction process , teachers in the teaching process, in order to better enable students to achieve their goals, in addition to the mastery of course content , but also to study the historical data , extracting useful information , the students familiar with the laws of cognition , combining interactive mode of specific performance in the classroom , in a timely manner to reflect on their teaching behavior, adjust their instructional design . According to the specific circumstances of the classroom students to create learning situations to stimulate students' thinking on giving students the necessary macro- guidance and coaching . Students in the learning process to their own learning process at any time to reflect on the knowledge and methods of carding system to diagnose and define their default target is satisfied, in order to better accomplish the acceptance of external information and processing . Teachers and students through reflection , so that teachers " teaching" and "learning " to better blend.

In short , to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching vocational , requires teachers in the teaching process should implement the following changes in the teaching methods from " teaching to learning " and " indoctrination " teaching mode to " teaching and learning " teacher-student interaction pattern, in teaching purposes by the " teach for exams , in order to test and learn " to training with the " spirit of innovation and innovation " talent shift in thinking from emotion "absolute authority and absolute obedience " to the " democratic cooperation" changes. In order to achieve the requirements of educational innovation , as a teacher should be interactive classroom teaching practice and strive to explore new forms of classroom teaching , to create a new classroom culture.


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