



Nowadays, the Internet has become more and more popular in the world. The advantages of the surveillance outweigh the disadvantages. It is a good thing with the online surveillance in people’s lives. The widespread network surveillance can monitor the legal and illegal activities, and the data will be stored in the hard drive of computers and can be transferred through the Internet (Diffie, 2008). The Facebook is popular among individuals, and it is a great tool to make friends with others. The surveillance of websites is beneficial for the law enforcement and the governments to implement some measures to control the society, identify the threats, and investigate or prevent the illegal activities. The network surveillance is also favorable for the development of the ecommerce.

2.0The Facebook is a good surveillance tool

2.1 The introduction of Facebook

Facebook is famous for its social network service. On the year of 2004, Facebook was founded. At first, this kind of networking service only existed in the students of Harvard University and then expanded to other colleges (Diffie, 2008). At present, it is popular among people in the world. The users can employ this network service to make friends with others and exchange individual messages (McKee, 2011). The pictures and the personal profiles can also be posted on the website. The groups of users who have the similar interests are useful for companies, schools and other organizations. The Facebook has now collected a large amount of the users’ data, and it has become a tool to monitor the daily activities of the users, which has caused a heated discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the online surveillance of Facebook (Connolly, 2003).

2.2The fine results of the surveillance of Facebook  

The online information has the trait of spreading quickly and it has been prevalent in people’s daily life (McKee, 2011). Through Facebook, parents can monitor the online activities of their children, which can promote the healthy development of kids. It is also more convenient to make friends with others, and updating the private lives online can increase the popularity of people, which can make people’s lives more colorful and interesting (Michael, 2004). For example, the intimate friends can know the mood and lives of each other, which can enhance the communication among them, and the relationship will become closer with the online surveillance of private lives (Smarts, 2012). It is really wonderful to become the users of Facebook and employ this method to communicate with others. The online surveillance of private lives by the Facebook can improve the interpersonal relationships to a great extent (McCahill, 2003).

3.0The good effects on politics

In the past, it is not easy to know the activities of the workers in the departments of governments. With the development of science and technology, it is easy to monitor the activities of the private lives of workers, which can lead the government workers to be more loyal to the country and the society (Connolly, 2003). The online surveillance can increase the efficiency of the political activities (Diffie, 2008). For instance, there many monitoring devices around the county, and the online surveillance of governments, mainly the police, can identify the criminals or dangers in people’s lives (McCahill, 2003). Thus, the criminals can be decreased and people can enjoy the protection of policemen in time. The enforcement of governments can be implemented more effectively with the network surveillance (Norrism, 2002). For example, when there are some bad comments on certain companies or certain government departments online, it is easy for the government to take some measures to investigate the facts and solve the problems with high efficiency. With the private lives online being monitored, people will perform much better in working time and relaxing time, which can benefit the society and the economy to some degree (Smarts, 2012).

When the online surveillance of human beings’ private lives is properly employed by government departments, the politics of a country will become much better, and the society will become more harmonious. The benefits of online surveillance are outstanding. It is necessary to use this approach to promote the development of the society (Norrism, 2002).

4.1The online surveillance enables customers to choose products conveniently

Nowadays, it is convenient for people to buy goods online without going to the markets in reality. The online marketing has become a necessary part in people’s daily life to some degree (McKee, 2011). The purchasing activities of the users of the online markets, such as EBay, can be recorded (Diffie, 2008). Thus, when the user has logged into the online markets for several times, the purchasing preferences and interests will be recorded and then analyzed, the website will recommend the suitable commodities on the webpage, which will benefit the online customers (Steeves, 2010). The choosing process of consumers online will become more easy and convenient. It shows the advantages of the online surveillance obviously.

4.2 The online surveillance can improve the ecommerce

The online markets can obtain the data of online consumers. Through the deep analysis, companies with the online markets can improve the quality of goods and the online service based on the needs of customers. The online surveillance of the private lives of human beings can promote the progress of companies and organizations to offer consumers with more appropriate and high-quality products (Michael, 2004). The sales amount will also increase for the improvement of the products. Consumers can enjoy the wonderful products and service on the Internet, which is a fantastic experience to go shopping online (Diffie, 2008). For example, if the goods or service of an online shop is not satisfying, consumers can leave their bad comments on the webpage, which will have a bad impact on the sales amount of the goods. Thus, when the shop saw the bad comments, it will think up some ways to deal with the problem and the customers will become pleased for the good service. The purchasing lives of human beings are monitored by the Internet, which has enabled customers to feel much safer (Steeves, 2010).

From this respect, the online surveillance of private purchasing lives can benefit the development of online markets, which can offer much more convenience to the daily lives of people as well. The ecommerce will become more and more prosperous in the near future with the online surveillance of the private lives of human beings (McKee, 2011).


The rapid development of social media, such as the Internet, has the function of monitoring the private lives of human beings. The heated debates on the good and bad influences of the network are popular in modern society. The online surveillance of people’s lives has lots of benefits on maintaining and enhancing the interpersonal relationships, on the improving the politics, and on promoting the development of online marketing. The well-known Facebook can offer the platforms for people to communicate with each other. The politics may become more public and the ecommerce will become more prevalent in the near future.

In conclusion, every coin has two sides. When the online surveillance of private lives is employed in the right way, it will produce much better impacts on human beings and the society.


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