


The low status of rural women, in addition to the economic environment factors, more importantly from polygamy, religious and common customs. Summarize the fundamental reason, it is the human history’s length in this are. Africa is the origin of mankind, Asia has a long history, from the ancient times to the feudal society for long time discrimination and oppression of women, has become a social custom, and even into the religion. While Christian Europe did not practice the polygamy, the status of women is relatively fair. And because the city urbanization in Europe, European women were liberated; then, this European female equality colonial throughout the Americas, and very good with the local Catholic combination, the status of women got very good inheritance. In Africa and Asia, has a long history of derived oppressed women's social customs, local religion did not play a protective role for the status of women. This is the reason that India by the British colonial years and still became a nation of the low status of women. Religion and history became the accomplice whom ravaged town of women's status, and the boss is a long history of this area.

Some people have studied, in the south, north latitude twenty degrees in the countries and regions, the status of women is the lowest. People close to the Arctic and Antarctic countries, long-term to fishing, acquisition, processing for living, fat and strong endurance of female survival better than men, men's fertility difference is also a factor, the prominent position of women has become inevitable. The higher the latitude, the higher is the status of women. The reason for this situation is: in warm climates, often agricultural civilization was formed earlier; patriarchy of the patriarchal society idea is ingrained.

Human society in the process of competition for scarce resources during the evolution of a variety of configuration rules, in accordance with the gender division of rights is one of a kind, but this rule led to widespread discrimination against women. In order to make the limited rights for women is fixed, the rulers of the corresponding construction from the political, legal, social, ethical and religious beliefs and so on. Some religious organizations for women's rights limited provides the basis of rationality and legitimacy, which means that, women should have equal rights, not only need through political, economic constraints, but also achieve the support of religious organizations and promote.

On the other hand, social customs are deeply affect women especially life and status of the town’s women. Social customs are formed by people spontaneously, and for the majority of society often repetitive behaviors. Control on people's behavior is not mandatory; it is influence character by environment. It is the product of the specific social, which has a close relationship with the change of social system. Since ancient times human beings living in agriculture based rural life, produced a lot of social customs in the village. Flow of town’s population is very small, education is relatively low, and so many social customs have been fixed and rarely change. For example, the polygamy at African town, the wife sale at Indian town and so on, this is not a good social customs, impact on town’s women's life is very big. To change the status of rural women, to change social customs is the key.

Qualitative Method

In this research, selecting the grounded theory research method and phenomenological research method as the qualitative methods is more appropriate. Because these two kinds of methods are based on facts, and on the basis of the data, it summed up the conclusions would be more accurate and objective.

The main purpose of the grounded theory approach is established based on the data from the experience theory. To the start of the study, it is generally not theoretical assumptions, but directly from the actual observation of the original data, summed up the experience summary, and then rise to system theory. This is a bottom-up method for establishing substantial theory, namely finding reflects the core concept phenomenon essence based on systematic collection of data, and then between these concepts to construct relevant social theory. The grounded theory approach through constant comparison between continents town’s women's living conditions, and gradually refines the key point for the gap; then through the comparison between the key points, finally can objectively the status of the town’s women.

Phenomenological research method is capable of extracting knowledge from the direct way of intuition and previous experience in nature; it seeks to basic properties and structure through intuition to decide attention and concern of experience. Phenomenological research method can obtain from the life of the town’s women's representation in all continents, determine the research object is the world was not enough attention to the town’s women, and then began to step by step analysis from this representation.

In three other qualitative research methods on this topic is not very practical.

Narrative research is to describe the important events in the life of the study, which took the form of story to unfold, which contains the narrator's individual experience and its implementation. For this article research content, if a single story telling, it will easily from the macro level, also will cause the deviation of the true answer. Moreover, too much narrative research station to view and handle problems in the story center point. This practice biased strong, the Objectivity will reduce.

Ethnographic research method is based on the open or concealed identity, researchers through participation, and the subjects of daily life, work and study to describe. The contents of this study, we could not to the world of towns, to interview the women's living conditions. Moreover, ethnographic research is to observe the researchers to collect data, so it can only achieve the subjective truth and partially true, the conclusions would lack the general variable adaptability. In up to a certain level by grounded theory study, ethnographic research showed its limitations.

Case study method is mainly a group as a whole to study, collect, analyze their historical data, and then draw the general conclusion. The case study method to describe, explain the actual situation, many variables, the methods to solve the problems are various, so can not prove that the answer is correct or not, therefore, the reliability of the results and the universality is unable to obtain the exact description. Moreover, the researchers own subjectivity is also affect different to the case analysis.


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