


As the internet advances, there are, nowadays, numbers of global television news networks.  Cultural divergence makes them show significant differences in the news contents while reporting the same world news. Here is a critique of two culturally divergent global TV networks- CNN and AL Jazeera-one western and one eastern famous news organization-by analyzing and discussing their news content comparatively focusing on the news agenda, sources and predominant news values. To achieve the aim, I spent a period of two weeks between August 23 and September 3 collecting data from CNN and AL Jazeera websites where I looked at the top five news covered by subject and by geographical interest. In addition, I read some related books in order to effectively complete the assignment. At last, the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and contrast have been adopted.

News agenda is arena of struggle of dominant news

News agenda is a list of news items which is related to news gathering and news setting. News agenda is arranged in order of priority and importance. Based on the observation of headline stories on the same webpage at the same time every day, I make the table below to show the Percentage of top five stories reported by region:

“The news media may not be successful in telling people what to think, but they are stunningly successful in telling people what to think about.”(Cohen ,1963)Media decide the focus of attention and the topics of discussion of the target audience in daily life by means of agenda-setting. Media make an event the focus and topic of the audience using the large size of headlines, the great length of articles and the page numbers. CNN has devoted a large part of all coverage to the events that happened between US and Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan In foreign-related news while trying to intend to draw the audience’s attention to the United States of America and the events between America and Iraq.  Al Jazeera centers on the news coverage of Middle East especially Iraq so as to attract the desired audience’s attention to the countries in Middle East and let people know the essence of the actions of the United States in Iraq. These days, news agenda of Al Jazeera is dominated by the events that occurred in Iraq. The intense exposure of Iraq and Anti-America reporting has aroused the America’s hatred for Al Jazeera. In foreign-related news, the events that take place in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have the dominant positions. CNN and Al Jazeera confine the much attention and topic of the desired audience to America and Middle East. And by reporting much on America, CNN helps improve the international influence and position of the United States of America.

From the agenda-setting, CNN reports more and more on China and India as their economies move forward quickly. However, Al Jazeera does little reporting on the Asian countries like China.

CNN has recently reported that Human rights lawyer who fled Iran is reunited with family while Al Jazeera has of late not, which indicates the attention of CNN to human rights.

The media determine the focus of attention of the public and the preferences for subjects have effects on the agenda-setting. The news organizations should take the interests and preferences into considerations, CNN reports on a very wider range of subjects so that it can satisfy various needs of the target audience and serve them better. CNN adds a local perspective which is important to local audience. (Whittemore, 1990) The effective management helps the CNN reach more local audiences and international ones.

Authoritative news sources are more reliable

In news coverage, sources are people interviewed for the story. James Gordon Bennett once remarked “We shall give a correct picture of the world”. (Bennett, 2004) Although “news media influence the pictures in our minds”, (Lippmann, 1922) the journalists should try to make their reporting sound true and reliable. To achieve this goal, they turn to government officials, experts, authorities for information related to the reporting because information and facts offered by them are believed to be trustworthy, reliable, and true.


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