The Decline and Fall of the British University

Assignment代写范文:“The Decline and Fall of the British University”,这篇论文主要描述的是在我们现如今的社会当中大学是大多数年轻人都会接触到的教育机构,大学是传播教育知识的地方,但是随着大学经费的减少,大学被迫面临着减少教育的支出或者裁员,讲师们也开始简化自身的工作量,这使得大学的教育质量直线下降。


Introduction Universities are probably the most common institutions in the modern society.

Almost every young man gets the opportunity to be exposed to one university. However, in the past, the universities are places that not everybody has a chance to get into. The gate of the universities was open only to a few people who could read and write and wanted to learn. The universities are places that people in there can achieve and disseminate knowledge. So Dr. Mark Tarver who used to be a lecturer in a university thought that the British university is in a decline and fall in his article “The Decline and Fall of the British University”. Summary In the article, Dr. Mark Tarver said that the education in university had changed over these years. In his years as a lecturer, he experienced the expansion of the university system happened in the post-war Britain. The universities had to peg their incomes and reduce the funding for students. So the universities were forced to face the choice of less money and redundancies or reduce their demands. And because of this kind of expansion, the educational quality of the university had fallen. If the universities want more money, they have to keep the students as more as possible.

So it is getting harder for the lecturers to fail their students, and the lecturers have to simplify their assignments. And so did the lecturers’ quality. Tarver said that today’s lecturers believe that the more papers they write, the better a lecturer they will be. So the lecturers began to concentrate on working with paper after paper. Tarver believed that such a kind of life of a lecturer was a lie so he quitted and this new kind of educational system would bring the students less knowledge and more debts.

Arguments and Evaluation In his article, Dr. Mark Tarver pointed out three problems as his arguments to convince his thesis. In his opinion, the British universities were in a decline and fall. He believed that today’s educational system is getting worse and worse. However, there are some important points that Dr. Mark Tarver should have considered carefully when he makes his viewpoint. Tarver thought the expansion of the university system has bad influence for modern universities. Actually, the expansion can help to disseminate the modern knowledge to some degree. It would improve the level of education. It would be much easier for normal people to get higher education. And the educational quality is not really falling. Because there are more and more people get into the university, the lecturers’ assignments should adapt to the overall standard of students’ knowledge. So the lecturers should not fail so many students. Dr. Mark Tarver pointed out some potential risks in today’s Britain universities. For example, the lecturers’ paper works may really have some disadvantages to the lecturers’ quality.

Yet most of his evidence was based on his own experience as a lecturer in a computer school, which was too unbalanced to judge the whole situation of Britain universities. Actually in some other universities, the situation was not like what Tarver had said. So it was not right to believe what Dr. Mark Tarver said just because of his personal experience. Conclusion As a former lecturer of a university, Dr. Mark Tarver awakens people of the potential dangers of the modern educational system of the universities.

He pointed out the shortage of the modern system of university education. However, his view of this current situation is somehow too rash and his understanding of it is obviously limited. So we should recognize the reality clearly and try to find out the advantage of today’s educational system.


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