


Critically evaluate the impact of technology driven change Waterstones in the course of the next 10 years.

‘In the 1990s, the human being has been entered into the ‘information technology’, ‘networking’ and ‘globalisation’ as the main feature of the new period of economic development.’ (Paul, 2012) In other words, information has become the main resource to support the development of social and economic after the material and energy, it changed people’s values and the way of life. For example, Steve Monaghan led Waterstones IT departments to build a digital reading platform and the virtualization support platform and improve the user’s experience of reading and shopping. He used this new information technology to make Waterstones which is a chain of traditional bookstore has been revitalized. This essay will evaluate the impact of new information technologies on Waterstones of the next ten years. On the one hand, with the development of online book serves and digital information, there will be some negative impacts on Waterstones in the next decade. On the other hand, the development of  RFID and organic electronics technology will reduce the cost of Waterstones and increase the operating which will help the development of Waterstones.

With the development of information technology such as sensing technology、computer technology and communication technology. There have some negative impact on Waterstones in the next ten years. Firstly, after ten years it will be an era of new generation who grew up in the digital information age. The development and perfection of network and information technology will affect their study and life. For example, they used the electronic products such as iPhone, Ipad and Kindle to read electronic books, which is most likely to replace the traditional paper published book. In other words, Waterstones will loss their consumers and reduce sales. It can be seen that there have some negative impacts on Waterstones, which is the traditional small high street retailer. However, they can use the new technologies to continue their online shop and change the traditional sales model dealing with this problem. For instant, Waterstones have deal with the relationship between it and Kindle. In October 2012, it started to sales the electronic paper book reader of Amazon on both online and shops. In this cooperation, each store is opening wireless to make sure that users could read all of the books in the store by using Kindle. Steve Monaghan hoped that the users could have a new reading experience. In addition, in contrast to the traditional photolithographic techniques, organic electronics can reduce the cost of printing. All of these methods by using new technologies will continue to develop the Waterstones in the next decade.

On the other hand, there also have some positive impacts on Waterstones in next decade. Firstly, the new information technology  RFID can use in electronic payment and smart shelf or checkout. It is a convenient and swift way for consumers that make sure to improve the user experience. Secondly, they can build a new electronic sales system to adapt to a new situation after the business changes. In addition, develop an App on smartphone. By this, I mean that consumers can easily shopping online and browsing the lasted relevant information anytime and anywhere, such as new books and bestsellers list. Thirdly, Waterstones can build a data model for display and inventory so that it can be composed of an effective network. All of these can promote the development of Waterstones in the next the years, expanding customer and enhance brand competitiveness.

In conclusion, technology driven change brings both opportunities and challenges to the Waterstones. Moreover, in the view of the Waterstones which is the traditional small high street retailer, as technologies continue to progress, in the nest decade will enter into the digital reading age. Therefore, Waterstones should continue to develop the new information technologies to adapt the new challenges. In other words, with the continuous advancement of new technology will bring more business benefits on Waterstones. At last, there is a suggestion for the CEO of Waterstones. As the Waterstones manager, should stand in the position of consumers and consider more for them. On this basis, it can be develop more and better technology.


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