


The Founding Charter of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) says "couples have the right to decide the number and spacing of their children." Rarely have words rung so hollow. For more than two decades, UNFPA has been strongly supportive of China's brutally coercive "one child per family" policy. In a letter last year to Bill Richardson, UNFPA Executive Director Nafis Sadik tacitly admits that China has used and continues to use population control targets, quotas and birth permits, although these practices were banned in the Cairo Program of Action because of the inevitability of abuse.

The occasion for Mrs. Sadik's admission was the announcement that UNFPA planned to embark on a $20 million four-year initiative in 32 counties of China (among the country's 2000+ counties). The experi-mental approach was described as "client-centered" rather than "administrative." In the 32 counties, couples will be "allowed to have as many children as they want," without needing a birth permit and without being subject to quotas.

Lest anyone be fooled by the apparent freedom, Mrs. Sadik adds that couples with more than the "recommended" number of children will still be required to pay a "social compensation fee." Sometimes such fees have amounted to 50% of the couple's annual salary.

But the most interesting part of the announcement is surely what one can read between the lines. For couples in the other 2,000 counties, it will be more of the same administrative approach, including forced abortion which, as Congressman Chris Smith has pointed out, "was rightly denounced as a crime against humanity by the Nuremberg Tribunal."

The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA) has just released a Fact Sheet summarizing China's population control program and UNFPA support thereof. Despite denials from the Chinese government and from UNFPA, evidence has been clear and mounting since 1979 that families are subjected to unimaginable violations of their human rights in the government's program to limit births.

Steven Mosher was the first to expose abuses uncovered in 1980 when he lived in rural China. In 1993 Mosher published a second book on the subject: A Mother's Ordeal: One Woman's Fight Against China's One-Child Policy, based on hundreds of personal interviews over a 3-year period with Chinese doctors, government officials, peasants and workers.

Only one year ago, an administrator from 1984 to 1998 in a Planned Birth Office (PBO) in China's Fujian Province testified before the International Operations and Human Rights Subcommittee (IOHRS) of the House International Relations Committee. Gao Xiao Duan chronicled proactices and abuses of which she had personal knowledge.

Computerized records are kept of the reproductive history of every women of child-bearing age.

Every woman must submit to "contraceptive ring reliability" and pregnancy exams on demand. Failure to report for an exam results in fines and apprehension for a forced exam.

"Birth-allowed certificates" and "birth-not-allowed notices" are issued to qualifying couples.

Fines are assessed for any violation of the population policy and violators or family members are detained until fines are paid.

Any woman found to be carrying an unauthorized pregnancy is subjected to an abortion up to full-term delivery.

Planned birth supervision teams are sent to villages to check on suspected violators and for routine checking. They "usually exercise night raids, encircling suspected households with lightening speed. Should they fail to apprehend a woman violator, they catch her husband, brother(s), and/or parent(s) in lieu of the woman herself, and detain them in the PBO's detention room to force the woman into surrendering herself. We then would perform a sterilization or abortion surgery on her."

She describes the fate of two women in Zhoukeng Town who had "extra-plan" births: "Sledge hammers and heavy crowbars in hand, we went to Zhoukeng Town and dismantled their houses. Unable to apprehend the women in the case, we took their mothers ... and detained them in the PBO's detention facility. It was not until a month-and-a-half later that the women surrend-ered themselves and money penalties were imposed."

Mrs. Gao summed up her experiences: "All of those 14 years, I was a monster in the daytime, injuring others by the Chinese communist authorities' barbaric planned birth policy, but in the evening, I was like all other women and mothers, enjoying my life with my children. I could not live such a dual life anymore. Here, to all those injured women, to all those children who were killed, I want to repent and say sincerely that I'm sorry! I want to be a real human being."


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