Abortion and the Media

美国Assignment代写范文:“Abortion and the Media ”,这篇论文主要描述的是在1997年美国的参议院和众议院就对堕胎的合法性进行了听证会,媒体也对此进行相继报道,但是在这些报道当中,堕胎的拥护者们被一些重复、虚假的新闻媒体所冲击着,一些媒体掺杂着个人情绪,扭曲堕胎方案的报道。


Three Works Cited     On March 11, 1997, US Senate and House Committees met jointly to hear testimony on "Partial-Birth Abortion: The Truth." The following testimony was presented by Helen Alvare, director of Planning and Information of the NCCB, specifying the lack of accuracy, if not purposeful lies, of the media regarding this abortion technique:

Another theme that featured prominently in our educational materials was the way that I proponents of partial-birth abortion were repeating false information -- and getting away with it in the press. A few examples will illustrate.

I was interviewed last June by Eric Zorn, a columnist from the Chicago Tribune. Mr. Zorn's "thesis," as he explained it to me, was this: if any partial birth abortions were being performed for truly "elective" reasons, for reasons the public would consider nonserious, as the pro-life movement was claiming, the movement should produce the mothers involved. I explained at some length that it wasn't "the movement" claiming that the majority of these procedures were "elective", this fact was asserted by the partial-birth abortion providers themselves. I sent Zorn Dr. Haskell's statements as quoted in the American Medical News. I also sent the charts Dr. McMahon had provided to the Subcommittee on the Constitution in which he had detailed the rationales for abortions he had performed. These documents showed the elective nature of the majority of these procedures -- and in the words of the abortionists themselves. I asked Zorn to reconsider his own logic: aren't patient records confidential and in the possession of the abortion providers themselves, I asked? And if you were a woman who had your healthy child aborted would you be eager to go public? Nothing, however, could shake Mr. Zorn's tenacious grip on his thesis. He ended up writing- "That explanation won't do. If these once callous, cruel, selfish women who drive this national debate truly exist, let's hear from ." (June 6, 1996). In a follow-up column, he wrote: "Well, there are late-term abortions, there are "partial-birth" abortions and there are abortions performed for non-medical or elective reasons. We find very little overlap ... because later-term abortions are very rare and almost always performed for serious medical reasons. . .." (June 13, 1996).

Since Mr. Zorn's column, regarding the reasons partial-birth abortions are performed, the Bergen Record quoted an abortionist whose clinic performs about 1500 of these per year stating-. "Most are for elective, not medical, reasons: people who didn't realize, or didn't care, how far along they were." Mr. Zorn has never corrected himself. (Alvare)

Distortions by the media are reflected in this Letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal on May 14, 2001:

The Journal has informed its readers that partial-birth abortion is a "rare" procedure, "typically performed when the life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is determined to have severe abnormalities" ("Drive to Ban Abortion Procedure Slows," April 27.) But those claims, fabricated by pro-abortion advocacy groups in 1995, had been thoroughly discredited by early 1997.The Journal said that "critics . . . contend the procedure sometimes is used in less dire circumstances." Actually, it was abortionists and their paid spokespersons who admitted that partial-birth abortion is routinely used for purely elective abortions, usually in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy. For example, Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, told The New York Times that "in the vast majority of cases, the procedure is performed on a healthy mother with a healthy fetus" (Feb. 26, 1997). Mr. Fitzsimmons elsewhere estimated that 4,000-5,000 abortions annually are performed by the partial-birth method. He expressed regret for his own role in previously propagating what he called a "party line," stating, "I lied through my teeth."

The claim that partial-birth abortions are used only or mostly in unusual medical circumstances was also disproved by reporters for the Hackensack (N.J.) Record and the Washington Post, among others. These reporters interviewed numerous abortionists, who readily acknowledged that they routinely use the method for purely elective abortions. In January 1997, the PBS media criticism program "Media Matters" treated as a case study in bad reporting the news media's earlier, uncritical dissemination of the abortion lobby's lies about partial-birth abortion. For a respected national newspaper to resurrect such blatant misinformation four years later may demonstrate how attached some journalists are to comforting myths about abortion.

Sincerely, Douglas Johnson (Johnson)

Attorney Mark Crutcher comments on the media's deep bias against the pro-life stance:

Most American's would be surprised to hear that the pro-life side is winning because their primary source of information is a media overwhelmingly dominated by pro-abortion journalists and editors. But the pro-lifers are winning this battle and, despite their media clout, the opposition is running scared. (Crutcher)


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