The Irony of Abortion

美国Assignment代写范文:“The Irony of Abortion ”,这篇论文主要描述的是人们对于堕胎的辩论是一件非常具有讽刺意味的事情,在我们这个极其注重个人权利的社会里,连最基本的生命权都处于长期被否认的状态里,有大多数的年轻的妇女怀孕都是处于不需要孩子的阶段,因此这些年轻的母亲就要做出痛苦艰难的决定,决定是否进行堕胎。


It is ironic that, in a nation that defines individual rights as supremely sacred, the most basic right to life is being systematically denied 1,500,000 persons each year. This is not done in the name of God but in the name of choice, pro-choice to be exact.

Admittedly, too many young mothers find themselves in unwanted situations which carry with them very difficult and painful decisions. This we cannot overlook. They deserve our mercy, compassion, and love rather than harsh words and uncharitable judgment. Nonetheless, their difficult plight can never warrant an unwarranted solution; the extermination of their defenseless baby. Eliminating the problem resolves nothing, but instead often triggers a long path of guilt and depression. In a haste to solve the problem, we ignore the long term consequences for both mother and child. Both will inevitably suffer. Ours has become a culture of death for the child..and the mother. One dies physically, the other begins dying spiritually and emotionally. Thus under the banner of freedom we enslave souls. In a thirst for "rights" we respect no one's rights. And in a frenzy to respect a woman's choice, we impede her from making a choice according to the truth which would free her from a false sense of liberty, from the lies of propaganda, convenience, and our me first generation.

Most especially, however, the rights of the Creator are snubbed. The child who exists in the womb - as well as the parents of the child - were created by God in a pure act of love. He responded in love to the union of a couple by giving them the gift of an infant. You see, it takes three to have a baby; the mother, the father, and Almighty God. They give the material element, while He gives the spiritual. They co-create with Him. He unites a soul to the matter which they have given. So when parents decide to abort their newly conceived child, it is a horrible infringement on the rights of God. He alone is Master of life and death, not we. We have no inalienable right to choose when someone will come into existence (we can do all in our power to bring about a child, but if our Lord does not respond, then nothing happens.) Nor do we have the right to decide when someone will cease to exist on this world. God alone possesses this right. And when we begin to play God, tragic - very tragic - consequences follow. We see this today as man tries more and more to dictate how, when, and who will live and die. The culture of death is tragic indeed and will turn on itself like the inventor of the guillotine who was himself guillotined.

Let us, instead, during 2002 and beyond, do all we can to promote a culture of life. Let us stand for life and the inalienable right of life of each person created in the image and likeness of God. For only when we begin to recognize that human life is a gift from God and not a commodity to be dispensed with, will we begin to see a change in individuals and in our nation. True peace and happiness comes from God alone. Thus, as long as we continue to reject the gift of life, individuals, our nation, and the world will never experience a lasting peace. The inevitable result will be war, for if we have no qualms of conscience in attacking an innocent baby, what is to prevent us from attacking our other brothers and sisters? Let us, therefore, pray and do what we can to assure an awakening in minds and hearts-before it is too late.


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