Pro-choice Philosophy and Abstinence

Essay代写范文:“Pro-choice Philosophy and Abstinence”,这篇论文主要描述的是对于道德我们有着不同的理解,道德并没有一个普遍的、客观的、人们都认可的准则,我们都根据自己的伦理观和同情心来做出道德的判断,我们应该学会道德的去尊重一名女性,让她从生活、健康等角度来做出正确的生殖决定,禁欲教育的开展并没有直接的证据能够证明这是有效的。


We recognize no single, universal, objective moral truth that determines our moral decisions. On the contrary, we must consider a broad range of values whenever we seek to make wise, ethical, and compassionate choices. We respect a woman's moral capacity to make decisions regarding her health and welfare, including reproductive decisions.

A woman's choices reflect how she weighs her various life circumstances: her important relationships, her economic, social, and emotional resources and obligations, her health, her religious or philosophical beliefs, and the well-being of others for whom she has responsibility.

We live out our destinies in a world of vast and profound complexity, where claims upon our compassion and our judgment compete and often conflict. A woman respects the preciousness of human life by acknowledging and honoring the intricate tapestry of her relationships and commitments; indeed, we believe that the complexity of human life can be a source of moral wisdom and courage. The woman's ability to choose is rooted in her individual conscience, not in her adherence to ancient religious superstitious beliefs.

In preparation for hearings on the renewal of the federal abstinence-only education provision, the National Coalition Against Censorship and 35 endorsing organizations, including the National Education Association, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, launched the "Campaign Against Abstinence-Only Education."

In a joint statement released yesterday, the groups said that they are deeply concerned about publicly funded sexuality education programs that restrict students' access to information and limit learning to one approved message about human sexuality. Students should be allowed to make up their own minds about whether to remain virgin, whether to engage in sexual promiscuity, whether to follow parental advice or not, and countless other issues related to human sexuality.

The statement also said that a provision in federal law mandating abstinence-only education in schools is censorship of sexual information because it does not give students access to condoms, to contraceptive pills and devices,and it "silences speech about sexual orientation," as well as limiting the students' free expression of their sexual rights in other ways.

Abstinence-only education also "affronts the principle of church-state separation" because it is "promoted by religious groups and individuals in an attempt to impose their own beliefs on all students in public schools," the groups said.

This censorship of sex education is "ineffective and unnecessary," the statement says. The groups conclude that there is "little evidence that abstinence-only education is effective in achieving its stated goals of reducing peomiaxuoua sexual conduct, non-marital sex, and teen pregnancy rates" (NCAC)


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