


However, performing successfully as a team is not as easy as itmight seem. Effective teamwork certainly would not take place automatically; itinvolves a great deal of hard work and compromise. There are a number of factorsthat ought to be in place to cohere as a team and work seamlessly.The key to teamwork is putting the needs of the project over one's own pettydesires and cares. It is the goal that matters, not the individual. It is a concept muchmore complicated than it sounds. In some culture the society seems to reward thosewho are not really good team players. Yet that is not necessarily the fact. If you one isan up and coming executive, before he reaches the top he has to learn to play wellwith others. Otherwise, he will be fired long before he hits a position of power. Thenafter he makes it to the top, he may not look like a good team player, at least from theviews of the common workers, but that is just because his project goal is no longer thesame as others’.

Chapter Two Team Cohesion and Teamwork

2.1 How Team Cohesion Affects Teamwork

Team cohesion counts as a new era of collectivism sublimation and theexpansion of the contents of collectivism. The division of a work team can not dowithout the support and cooperation. Without the support of a team, work can hardlybe carried out to successfully. In short, team cohesion is a new era where the power ofunity.Team cohesion in our work can not do without the leadership, and the team cannot do without a unified leadership and unified commanding. In our differenthistorical periods, teamwork played different roles; one thing worth attentions is thatmorale in the cohesion of the people plays an important role. Teamwork is the essenceof a unit or an organization.Team honors and the team members have a fighting force, in essence for theteam members to improve the overall quality of the team.

To great extents, leadersinsert major influences on team-cohesion. No matter in meetings or parties theyshould stress that “we” “our department” or “our team”, so as to make the teammembers stand together with the leadership and have the common goals for the teamefforts. If he blindly says “How do you ... ...” or “How do I ... ...” it will definitelyobliterate the sense of team. Secondly, leaders ought to talk about some past meaningful, special and exciting events without a trace statement to team members;on the other hand, leaders should lead the initiative to organize the celebration of thestaff who are supposed to be congratulated for birthday or other event occurs. Thirdly,leaders should edify team members with the concept of “as long as we win, it does notmatter who should take credit”.

It means that leaders always have to worry aboutwhether the working team had achieve goals or not, but they do not have to worryabout who likes to show off. Therefore, the team members will make their best efforts.Fourthly, leaders must try to figure out the psychological staff carefully to observe theperformances of employees to give them assistance, recognition, encouragement andpraise at any time. They also should clearly explain to team members the importanceof them for the team member, which should also compliment the building of a teammember's behavior. Over time, this work team will become very harmonious andcordial atmosphere.


The unjust understanding of individualism was the hidden danger leading tomany social problems. Although Individualism brought America prosperous anddeveloped society, it will turn to egoism if people let it be. Those people whoadvocate egoism treat themselves as the center of the world and turn a blind eye to themoral norms and ethical concepts have made much destruction to the society.

The test team effectively used its time off the critical path to ensure that their testprocesses would be as effective as possible by first establishing the test laboratory.They also effectively worked other critical resource issues such as the sources fortheir test plans. When the usual sources proved to be unstable because of schedule andmarket pressures, they sought other sources for input to creating the test plans. Theysought alternative solutions to critical problems instead of complaining about notbeing able to do their job. Finally, they took a proactive role in improving theirprocess and test support: the moved from manual testing to automate testing. Sincetesting is a labor intensive process, automation can in many cases provide significantprocess improvements. And of course, in the case of regression testing much of thework is repetitive; automation can be an especially attractive source of making thetesters more effective.

Two benefits were accrued: their manual work was made more effective, theirtesting effectiveness more uniform, and the testing cycle reduced by a significantfactor. Thus, not only did the manage themselves, not only did they plan well for theirwork, not only did they get their work done, but over time they did their work betterand faster.


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