Color and psychotherapy research

加拿大留学生Assignment代写范文:“Color and psychotherapy research”,这篇论文讨论了色彩与心理治疗。色彩作用人的视觉同时也影响着人们的精神和心理,人们的活动大都在室内进行,这就使得室内的色彩变化无时无刻不对人们的精神世界产生着影响。好的色彩搭配,不仅能让人精神愉悦、心情舒畅、充满活力,同时对人的健康也能产生一定的影响。研究证明,对待一些疾病的处理,通过色彩的心理疗法,所产生的作用往往是药物所不能达到的。


The color of human vision also affects people's mental and psychological, people's activities are mostly carried out indoors, which makes the indoor color changes all the time have an impact on people's spiritual world. Throughout the ages, many experiments have shown us that the beauty of color can have an unexpected effect on people's work and study. Good color matching, not only can make people happy, feel comfortable, full of vitality, at the same time on human health can have a certain impact. Numerous experimental studies have shown that the treatment of some diseases, through the color of psychological therapy, the role is often produced by drugs cannot be achieved. Since color can make people's psychological changes, we can use his characteristics, will be composed of them, think it will be more conducive to our daily life. At this point we can use a special way to tell people the value of the United States. So there is a communication organization, that is our specific art education.

Society in the comprehensive development requirements, but also pay attention to education, moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor development of the overall quality. Art education in the school is more and more cannot be missing a course. Because in the growth process, each child's growth environment is different, there are many factors. Like the essential family factors, school factors, are the most common child growth in the inevitable factor. As well as their own factors and more they have varying degrees of impact, emotional trauma of varying degrees, so these encounters often make children's lives and psychological mutation, they will produce different changes, autistic, violent, unable to learn, over time The students will plant a heart of unhealthy seeds. If through art education to help children transcend emotional trauma, promote their healthy growth, is faced with the thorny and urgent need to solve the problem.

As early as the time of ancient Greece, Plato put forward on the art of the impact of human exposition. He believes that the treatment of some diseases, through the impact of art can have an unexpected result, people's physical and mental state can have some changes; and he advocated the idea of whole-person education is uphold the same goal, that education and Art both for the development of the physical and mental health have played a catalytic role, and this body and mind hypothesis, but also provides a philosophical basis for the art of treatment. Well-known American educator Victor Ronfeld, the earliest in the mid-20th century, art therapy and art education on the integration of areas related to research and experimentation, which put forward the "treatment through art education," the idea, fully into the Art education is a kind of behavioral mood of an expression tool, and its essence is for creation of self-cognition method; the most important is to each person's latent creativity as the philosophical basis, so as to art as media To achieve the goal of self-realization, and promote the development of creativity. This has become the art of treatment and art education integration point, that is, art therapy through art education in some ways related to people's psychological treatment. Now 90 and the birth of those non-mainstream, fully embodies their arrogance, conceit, the purpose of no one's personality. We need art educators in the teaching process as much as possible the development of students' personality, aesthetic and emotional training of students, and then develop their creativity, and art through the painting of the students to correct some of the adverse psychological correction, So as to perfect the students 'psychology, so as to develop the students' mind and body. Compulsory education stage of art education, often through interactive groups in the way of painting learning. Interaction between teachers and students is through the process of teaching in the exchange. The exchange and learning between teachers and students are the main forms of art exchange for art therapy. In this process, the teachers and students on the ideas, culture and other aspects of communication, subtle guidance to infiltration, for the physical and mental health plays an irreplaceable role.

A student from a single-parent family background, is not satisfactory in school performance, but also often trouble the classroom, making its teacher is a headache; but she has a soft spot for art classes, elective art class when she is very active. Although she is not very seriously responsible for the work of art class representative, but she is very fond of drawing. She was very serious in painting, very invested. Although the painting is not very perfect, but can see, she is painstaking to draw, as if everything around nothing to do with her. She is using the brush to express the feelings of the heart. Later, her teacher to draw as a breakthrough, and gradually help the students out of the psychological inferiority complex. Every child has a unique place, has a different flash point, even the poor students are no exception. "Art" itself is the representative of creativity, of course, must not be so-called "poor students" to stifle creativity, to make their creativity in the art classroom to the full development of teachers as much as possible to encourage students to give Its self-confidence, so that the creative thinking of students more active, so that students become a platform for the development of creativity.

A student, at the outset of his academic performance is excellent, but later because of his parents divorced, father busy work makes him have little time to accompany him, his grandmother had to take him. And his grandmother that the child is poor, their favorite but his grandfather that the child lack of discipline, often their beatings, coupled with the child to leave the mother for a long time, the lack of maternal love, making its premature formation of rebellious and temperament, with Violent tendencies. Although he has a certain interest in painting, but for weapons, automotive and other related content of interest. His father found that although he was interested in painting, he sent him to paint. Finally, the child was admitted to the University, has become more successful designers.

This case tells us that educators should not stay in the surface layer, but should be in a deep level through a certain way to discover students' interests and hobbies, so as to promote the development of their creativity. The impact of teachers for students is extremely important, a teacher's eyes, once affirmed, students have a very important impact. As in the case of students in 2, due to the influence of the family, making him too early to form a rebellious mentality, thereby suppressing its own development possibilities. Each child's heart has a positive seed in the germination. Want to be the best. Faced with such students, can not only stay on the surface, and then develop a program, for its related issues, its stage art therapy. Using the method of excavating his glittering point, to encourage and affirm it, using the principle of praising education as the main concern, to continue to correct their rebellious mentality, change the long-term inferiority complex, and thus into motivation; Constantly developing, his painting skills continue to develop, let him get self-affirmation, but also in other areas so that he gets continuous development.

Painting art therapy as a medium of art education, is a kind of psychological therapy, through the painting so that the patient by their own imagination and creativity to their own love students a way of collective or individual participation in a variety of art activities, try all kinds of Learning the beauty of the taste, and then interest in art learning. In the process of learning for art, to understand the basic skills of art skills, master the relevant ability, through the form of painting to fully express their emotions, and then stimulate imagination and creativity, the formation of their own beauty for the aesthetic, the aesthetic influence of their own, thus promoting the harmonious development of body and mind. There is another world in between the wrong and the right, in the creation of painting everyone has complete freedom. Painting is only a basic expression of art, but not a non-linguistic art form. As an art, it is associated with people's emotions, is an important way for people to vent and express the inevitable. People through the art of skills and mastery of relevant skills to learn, so as to express their true inner world, to a certain extent, promote the healthy development of their physical and mental. Therefore, as a modern society of art communicators, must not be a simple professors of professional skills, but first of all should improve their own ideological analysis. For example, in command teaching, students can be divided into several groups, the use of sub-group teaching model, targeted to guide each student. So that students in their respective groups within the mutual discussion, evaluation, to promote more students to participate in them. In the chorus, each student can take turns command. Teachers can also carry out weekend concerts, holiday choirs and other choral command special, to provide students with more opportunities for stage performances, improve the students' chorus enthusiasm. At the same time, in order to strengthen the interest of the chorus, so that students like the chorus, the scene teaching mode can be brought into the chorus and command of the classroom, creating the appropriate scene, combined with the chorus, which is the combination of performance and singing, The establishment of the stage, musical has similar characteristics but not exactly the same chorus art.

The communication between the higher vocational colleges and universities and the opportunity to participate in the competition are often more, which makes the art of chorus must follow, and continue to develop. In the choice of teaching content, can arrange a number of major domestic and foreign choral competition projects and rules and other teaching content, through practical knowledge, so that students really into the choral teaching of training and learning. Teaching works should be selected from many angles, in addition to such as "Ala Khan," "Pastoral" and other basic classic songs, but also at different times and ethnic groups, including a variety of excellent choral works. Whether the history of Chinese and foreign outstanding folk songs, modern jazz chorus or other types of works, teachers should take the students to try. It should be noted that, in the choice of choral works cannot blindly seek "big, difficult, all", but should be combined with their own characteristics and the actual situation, select the most suitable for students and teaching the work required, the difficulty of the work should Low to high layer by layer progressive. In addition, the chorus training of functional training, learning and training can choose the singing and singing, and so on, which for the students breath and vocal grasp and change has a certain role, for the works of artistic expression will be easier to deal with.


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