


This assignment will endeavour to analyse Leadership and Management practices and how fundamental they inter-wine with other areas like Organisation Culture and Organisation effectiveness. The Organisation that the author will be focusing on is the Irish public Sector, Health Service provider, The Health Service Executive also known as the HSE.

The aim of the assignment is to examine and understand theories of Leadership and Management and examine weak areas within the HSE like Motivation and there commitment to change in the health Service Executive.

Section 1 Understand effective leadership theory and practice

In the author’s opinion, Leadership styles vary from one organisation to another. Some leaders use the lasses-faire style while others use the autocratic style. In the author’s opinion, the Organisation that will be under discussion will be the Health Service Executive.

The crux of every management job relies on the commitment of staff to the objectives of the organisation.

The Health Service Executive also known as the HSE uses the autocratic style been a bureaucratic organisation.

The style of leadership varies according to the individual traits and skills which can be can depend on individual’s leader and how they guide and direct the organisation.

Leadership and management exists at every level within the HSE, however, the grouping of leaders varies according to the managements chain of command.

For example, the board of the HSE has more of a superintendence job which is to provide the Organisations vision and how to achieve it, while the manager of any department decides what the next job/task should be and what is the best way to approach the situation.

Leadership is a quality that defines a manager being able to lead can form the staff success in the organisation that you lead

The Irish health system is currently engaged in an ongoing process of change and transformation at every level. The key focus is to ensure that all our resources are directed towards better services for our population.

The HSE Transformation Programme 2007-2010 clearly outlines our fundamental purpose: ‘to enable people live healthier and more fulfilled lives’. It also outlines our vision for the future:

Everybody will have easy access to high quality care and services that they have confidence in and staff are proud to provide.’

The leadership and management practices within the HSE suggests developing a need for vision and focus throughout the organisation; encouraging staff with that ability through communication; and motivating staff to action through a clear vision and basic need fulfilment.

It is recognised that the leadership involvement through-out some areas of the HSE creates uncertainty and change and within the HSE and this can lead to a lot of unpredictability in job roles and tasks.

In understanding the importance of Leadership and its practises, Leaders of every organisation like the HSE would need to understand the importance of the role they play in achieving their Organisations goals and vision.

Section 2

Understand how the organisational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organisation.

In the health service executive the culture of the Health Service Executive is embedded in its vision and its purpose and goals and is influenced by many things such as external and internal environments, organisational Policies and structures, employees skills and the communication Process in which the organisation operates.

The organisation culture in the health Service Executive unites staff and Management in achieving a common goal and platform both beneficial for staff and service users.

The Health Service Executive is setup in a matrix hierarchical structure. This consists of a Minister for Health who oversees the overall Health Service and who employs a C.E.O Clerical executive officer.

The CEO have a number of Line Managers and supervisors that reports directly into them. Managers play an important part in management responsibilities and delegation of works within the HSE.

The Managers role can be complex and have many facets. They are responsible for getting a job well done’ usually through other people.

Managers must be good motivators, while setting realistic and achievable goals and offer guidance and support should the situation arise. The crux of every management job lies in the job holder’s capacity to obtain the commitment of people to the objectives of the Health Service.

Organisational effectiveness is dependent on a clear purpose and direction.

It follows that an important aspect of organisational culture is the overall strategic direction of the organisation as a whole, indicating purpose, forward planning and high-level thinking and reflection. The significance of organisational strategy was highlighted by Nadler (1987) who described strategy as the set of key decisions about the match of the organisation’s resources to the opportunities, constraints, and demands in the environment within the context of history. Moreover, he pointed out that the output of the system is, in general, the effectiveness of the organisation’s performance in meeting the goals of the organisation’s strategy.

It is imperative that the understanding of an organisational culture and cultural types also helps to understand why manager’s reforms differ from Organisation to Organisation.

An organisation in the public sector like the HSE with a strong bureaucratic hierarchical structure will not embrace change than an organisation with participative leadership with the private sector. In the author’s opinion, change must occur if the culture of this Organisation will meet the demands of its stakeholders.

Change is a constant feature of health Service Executive service delivery. It is prevalent and something that cannot be avoided.

The ongoing change within the Irish health system impacts upon almost every aspect of our culture: the way we work, the way we relate to each other and how we plan and deliver services for the benefit of patients, service users and local communities.

The recent embargo which was introduced in the in the health service executive in 2008 due to a ecomic crisis has created a culture shift in the health service.

Staff have felt undervalued and Management feel that there are under increased pressure while trying to operate a system with a restricted budget.

However staff and management have railed around and have came out the other side with the economic turnaround in Ireland it is clear that this has made us a stronger organisation and has united staff and management in workplace diversity.

However change is not linear. It is a continuous and adaptive process in which all of the elements are interrelated and can influence each other. Organisational change is also dependent upon people changing. Therefore, it cannot be predicted easily and can emerge over time.

Understanding the cultural and people aspects of change can greatly enhance our capacity to effectively manage change. In addition to the need for a strong people orientation,

A public sector organisation like the Health Service Executive has come to realise that organisational change often requires changing the organisation’s culture and learning.

For example, in terms of improving career progression arrangements.

The topic of Culture plays a fundamental importance on an organisation’s effectiveness and its culture share a symbiotic relationship employee behaviors and beliefs initially defines the HSE

The HSE program, once implemented, will then affect the culture. As the culture progresses, this in turn will allow the HSE program to shift to a level of greater prominence, which will then again affect change in the organization’s culture. This process will continue until halted by the culture reaching a point of resistance philosophically in which beliefs and/or behaviors can no longer be changed.

To improve areas like Culture and for the HSE Organisation to embrace Change, the Management and Leaders within the HSE organisation started with various break-out sessions and workshops to discuss a number of employee topics.

The areas addressed were, Leadership, Motivation, Performance Management, and Knowledge sharing. This helped the Leaders and Managers to focus their attention on these areas and to reduce staff absenteeism and strikes within the Health Service Executive.


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