

assignment代写,快餐业市场分析,留学生作业代写,Management assignment,论文代写

Executive Summary:执行照耀

The food supply should be of high priority to study the development of the market give because of rapid urbanization and the increasing number of tourists. This industry has affected a large impact on the economy, but also by changes in customer preferences matter. Managers must gain a strategic advantage in this highly competitive and is obtained when the test preferences of local customers important industries. Tested measures of consumer preferences in the food service industry in Malaysia for the empirical dimension, reliability and validity are presented both exploration and confirmatory factor analysis in this book. Developed a questionnaire with 12 items and distributed to 50 students rehabilitation clients.


Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly given . While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food in a restaurant or store with low quality preparation and served sold to customers in a compact way to carry - out / take-away. The outputs can be placed kiosks or no protection or room , or fast food can offer ( also called fast food restaurants are known ) . Franchises are restaurant chains have standardized foodstuffs shipped to each restaurant from central locations. In the vicinity of the changing markets, foodservice operators today must be a high priority for understanding the market, to keep in the highly competitive field of rehabilitation and provide strategic advantage. The industry is considered as the fastest growing market in the industry worldwide and is described by the industry as a player in the middle of a perfect storm. In Malaysia, it is expected that the restaurant industry maintain the positive trend due to the increasing complexity and wealth between the recovery positions. Urbanization and the new fast paced life have made more changes to the preferences of local customers from Malaysia Hong (1985) stresses the importance of food in Malaysia in terms of more customers and tourist spending in this area. The tourism industry is closely connected with the food industry in conjunction thus further supports the importance of addressing the economy of Malaysia. (Firdaus, Abg Zainoren and Jamil 2013)

Background of the problem: 问题背景:

Problem statements:

The most hidden problem which would affect turnover intention in the most organization in the fast food industries of Malaysia is organizational fit organizational, commitment and organizational culture. These three factors may lead to increase turnover intention of the employees in the fast food industries if the organization does not manage well of these two factors.

Some new employees in the organization may not fit the culture in the new organization and decrease the motivation to work in the new environment (Maertz, Steven & Campion, 2003).Employees may not accept the new culture and will felt the new workplace is not suitable and withdrawal. Some employees are trying to learn and accept the new culture in the fast food restaurant. However the time of failure will lead to employee’s low motivation and rather choose to turnover (Aarons & Sawitzky, 2006). Organization should guide and explain to the employees about the culture of organization in order to enable employees learn and accept the new culture in the shortest time.

Clarke, Sloane & Aiken (2002) “Composition of the workforce. Over time, the people entering an organization may differ in important ways from those already in it, and these differences may impinge on the existing culture of the organization. For example, people from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds may have contrasting views about various aspects of behavior at work.

Another common problem of fast food industries of Malaysia that will affect turnover intention is organizational fit. This problem usually occurs among the newcomers in the Fast food restaurants because they do not fit in the new workplace. Newcomers are not familiar with the new workplace and turnover intention will be increase if newcomers find out them unable to fit and follow in the organizational (Kristof-Brown, Zimmerman & Johnson, 2005). Performance of newcomers will be poor if they cannot fit with the organizational (O’Reill, Chatman & Caldwell, 1991). Poor performance will lead to low motivation and less chance to get promote. Newcomers will choose to work in other organizations in order to perform better by the abilities they have.

Research questions and objectives:

Fast food is one of the world’s largest growing food types. Malaysia fast food industry is growing by 40% a year. It has caught on as a trendy thing amongst youngsters to visit the fast food outlets and spend leisure time there. This is apparently is due to modern look offered by the outlets. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the service quality offered by International fast food outlets in Chandigarh as perceived by experience of the respondents. The study is conducted with the following objectives:

1. To determine the perception of customers regarding the service quality offered by International fast food chains.

2. To analyze and compare the service quality perceptions of customer in different International fast food chains.

3. To determine the relevant dimensions of service quality.

Justification for the research

Marketing Models/Frameworks:

Service quality elements:

The SERVQUAL scale operates and measures service quality along five distinct dimensions that can be viewed as indicators of the construct of perceived service quality.

Tangibles (Physical evidence of the service: appearance of physical facilities, tools and equipments used to provide the service, appearance of personnel and communication materials)

Reliability (The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately: Consistency of performance and dependability, service is performed right at the first time, The company keeps its promises in accuracy in billing and keeping records correctly, performing the services at the designated time)

Responsiveness (The willingness and/ or readiness of employees to help customers and to provide prompt service, timeliness of service: m0ailing a transaction slip immediately, setting up appointments quickly)

Assurance (The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence: competence (possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service), courtesy (consideration for the customer's property, clean and neat appearance of public contact personnel), and trustworthiness, security (safety and confidentiality))

Empathy (The provision of caring, individualized attention to customers: informing the customers in a language they can understand, Understanding customer's specific needs, providing individualized attention)

Marketing mix factors

Customer satisfaction model

Customer satisfaction with a company’s products or services is often seen as the key to a company’s success and long-term competitiveness. The increasing importance of quality in both service and manufacturing industries has also created a proliferation of research. Oliver (1980) developed the expectancy discon???rmation theory, and this has been tested and con???rmed in several subsequent studies (Oliver and DeSarbo, 1988). According to this theory, customers purchase goods and services with pre-purchase expectations about anticipated performance. Once the product or service has been purchased and used, outcomes are compared against expectations. When the outcome matches the expectations, con???rmation occurs. Discon???rmation occurs when there are differences between expectations and outcomes. In the marketing literature, customer satisfaction is conceived to be part of an overall model of customer behavior that evolves over time. Figure 1 shows an example of how satisfaction is related to the other components in a typical model. This paper uses a polychromous logistic regression (PLR) model to quantify the categorical measurement of overall satisfaction. Logistic regression is frequently used to model the relationship between a dichotomous response variable and a set of predictor variables.

Model estimation and data collection:

A survey was conducted to investigate the effect of different service factors on customer satisfaction and return frequency in fast food operations. In the return frequency model, the dependent variable is the number of return visits reported by the customer. In the customer satisfaction model, the dependent variable is the degree of satisfaction indicated by the customer. We have reviewed studies in Reuland et al. (1985), Davis (1991) and Woo and Fock (1999) to identify signi???cant factors that signi???cantly in???uence the return frequency and customer satisfaction. The selected independent variables are listed below:

Difference between expected waiting time and actual waiting time.

Satisfaction with waiting.

Satisfaction with the price of food.

Satisfaction with staff’s service attitude.

Satisfaction with the food quality.

Satisfaction with the variety of food.

Satisfaction with convenience.

Research Methodology:

This study attempts to determine the items for the dimension of customer preference in the foodservice industry and incorporate them into a Liker-type instrument, as well as administering the instrument to a sample population consisting of foodservice customers. The survey describes a sequence of valid and reliable steps for generating and measuring multi-item constructs. The first stage was to identify the important items for the dimension of foodservice customer preference. The process begins by undertaking a literature search to ascertain previous work in the field, and delineating the number of conceptual variables to be investigated. Specifically, this involves in-depth searching of the literature to ascertain items for the dimension of customer preference. The literature review provided the basis for generating items for inclusion in the draft questionnaire. Stage two involved the development of a draft survey instrument. The draft questionnaire contained 12 questions related to different aspects of the dimension of foodservice customer preference, and the items were presented as statements on the questionnaire, with the same rating scale used throughout. The questions were measured on tow pointes yes or no. The draft questionnaire was piloted to 50 students from different ethnic backgrounds resulting in 12 completed questionnaires returned. The draft questionnaire was subsequently submitted to experts for feedback before being administered on a full-scale survey. The majority of them considered the draft questionnaire to be in line with the relevant issues of the study although some modifications were needed. Thus, only minor changes were made whereby several items were redrafted and reworded, and technical jargon rephrased to ensure clarity and simplicity. The target students of this study were defined as the foodservice customers. Data was collected from students of various ethnicities in Malaysia.

Research Findings and Analysis:


From the results of study, it was shown that revitalization of the service quality has direct effect on customer loyalty, and indirect effect on customer value and satisfaction. There are two perspectives to explain the unpredicted findings. First, customers directly gain loyalty from the process of service revitalization. When they perceive higher service revitalization, they turn a loyal customer to specific service provider. Second, customers may expect to receive better services in the next transaction. When they expect better experience in the next transaction, they have higher satisfaction and higher loyalty. This study hypothesized that perceived value and customer satisfaction mediates the relationships among failure service quality, revitalization, perceived value, and customer loyalty. The results of data analysis indicated that the hypothesis was supported. In another words, failure service quality and recovery service quality influence behavioral intentions via perceived value and satisfaction.

Recommendations 建议

As for recommendation to maintain the food freshness, it is suggested that the food producer to improve the delivery of raw materials through JIT deliveries concept on hourly basis instead of daily basis. Through this system, the raw materials can be delivered more frequently and the freshness can be kept at the highest level possible. Another possible action that the food producer can take is to emulate the Vendor Managed Inventory system which is similar to that of the manufacturing sector practices but in a small scale. This can reduce the overall inventory cost which can be translated into cost saving that can be passed to the customer through reduction in the overall product price. To achieve food presentation quality, it is suggested that the cleanliness of the place and equipment to be given the highest priority. Cleaning should be done on a constant basis so that the food could be served in a clean and hygienic environment. Another way is to prevent a cross-contamination whereby unknown items are checked from being added to the food by keeping a neat and well organized kitchen. Furthermore, unsold food should be kept at an appropriate amount of time to ensure the freshness in the food presentation. In terms of food taste, the food producer should ensure a standard quality of raw materials being used in the production of food. This is to ensure that the customers could enjoy the same taste no matter how many times they are taking the food. Tastier food will make customers become loyal to the food and the restaurant of their choice. They are willing to travel far as long as they can enjoy the taste of food that they like. In order to produce the product that can create an intention from the consumer, the company should continuously do some new development in the production and also to the organizational structure. A customer loves to experience an innovation in every product that he/she purchases. Innovation in food industry must come with creativity and new ideas have to be presented to the customers’ expectation, thus it will create an intention to purchase food product in the market.


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