
美国MBA Essay代写范文:“现代管理学之父彼得·德鲁克精彩的一生”,这篇论文主要描述的是彼得·德鲁克被人们誉为现代管理学之父,出生于奥地利最大城市维也纳的他曾经从事过许多行业的工作岗位,他的管理者思想受到了人们的普遍认可,他将企业管理的观念带入到了我们的生活当中,彻底的改变了现代商业发展的格局,管理一词在企业当中被广泛应用着。



Peter Ferdinand Drucker, who was born in Vienna which is the largest city of Austria, was being well recognized as ‘The Father or Founder of Modern Management’. During his remarkable ninety-five years of lifespan, he had worked in many fields of occupations such as author, educator, management consultant, financial reporter, correspondent, economists, professor and many more. He was being declared as ‘Management Guru’ for contributing books and widely spread his teachings of philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation. He was one of the great authors who had published more than three dozens of book. Peter Drucker was born in 19th of November 1909 and leave this world peacefully on 11th November 2005.

Peter Ferdinand Drucker, who was also being known as ‘The Management Thinker’, was educated in Austria as well as England that earned him a doctorate in public and international law at Frankfurt University in Germany. He started his first career as a financial reporter in Frankfurt and then moved to England to continue his profession life till the end of his life. He began in the United States as a correspondent for numerous amount of British newspapers. He was professor of business at New York University Graduate School of Business from 1950 to 1972. In 1971, he moved to California to aid in developing one of the country's first executive MBAs at Claremont Graduate University, and its business school is now named after him. Through his writing, he had developed a series of professional training programs as well as courses on management and business strategies. His first management book was published in 1946 which named ‘The Concept of Corporations’. In his lifespan, he had nominated and received the U.S.’s highest civilian honour which is ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’.

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In his legendary 70-year career, Peter Ferdinand Drucker had revolutionized modern business practices, influencing such far-reaching developments as decentralization, privatization, and empowerment. His management teachings toward the modern businesses had brought brilliant outcome and success for thousands of businesses around the world from one generation to another. There are various type of teachings that had been implemented by him to start a great business.

First of all, the most well-known Peter Drucker’s teaching towards modern management managers is to pick the best and most suitable people for your company. To overcome this, managers need to understand and get to know what they want best for the company and the specific criteria that a candidate should have in order to be hired by the company. This is because nowadays, a lot of modern businesses have workers that are not really fit the position they hold because of lack of knowledge about their works. Therefore, another great advices from Peter Drucker is to focus on effectiveness rather than efficiency. By hiring the correct person to do the correct things definitely save more time and bring lot advantages than hiring a not suitable person to do the things correctly. For example, the well-recognized ‘Google Company’ often made their interview different from other company by interviewing the candidates in many phrase in order to choose the most selective people to work in the company.

Secondly, Peter Ferdinand Drucker, also emphasize that management nowadays should not treat their employee as the liabilities to be eliminated, but made them the company’s assets that are essential. He strongly clarify that employee shall be hired to work together and help the corporation to achieve goals as brain workers but not force workers that only received instructions from higher management. Drucker describe those as ‘knowledge workers’ who helps under a new style of management that treats them more as volunteers or partners than as subordinates. This advice and theory indeed made lot of industries nowadays become successful and productivity increase by working together as an organization to help achieve company’s mission and vision.

In addition, another essential teaching lead out by Peter Ferdinand Drucker to modern business management nowadays is that people today need to manage business to obtain customers because if there was no customer, they would be no business activities going on. The objective of a business was not to gain profit at all, but to create a customer to enable the process going on. Profit was simply a necessary element to accomplish this. Hence, obtaining a customer is not the only point here. A business organization also need to understand on how to keep the customer. Therefore, businessman nowadays should enhance strong bond as well as relationship with customer so that customer will keep continue purchasing and trusting their products. To achieve this revolutionary idea from Peter Drucker, marketing department in every company should take actions on how to attract and get to know more about their customers. The aim of marketers is to understand and receive either positive or negative feedback from their customers in order to create more products that will exceed the customers’ satisfaction and expectation.

Other than this, Peter Ferdinand Drucker also educate businessman today with the ‘abandonment’ skill that are in great significance to modern businesses. Abandonment is the skills that always require by top management to plan and organize certain goals. When managers start to plan new objectives, the first steps through the growth policies are always on what to abandon but not on where or how to start the business. Always think of the ending so that the business will be going through systematic ways that could eliminate the outgrown, obsolete, the unproductive from happening. Mr. Drucker strongly advice that choosing what not to do was a great decision as strategic which are better than choosing what to do but in the end meet problems that could not be solved.

Nevertheless, the idea of ‘decentralization’ had been share among businesses today by Peter Drucker Ferdinand as the basic step for every large corporations in the globalization world. This concept was released through one of his books named ‘The Concept of Corporation’ with the proverbs of ‘Little Fish learn to become a Big Fish in a Little Pond’. Similarity, this concept is to create awareness for every businessman today to start the business from small organization before plummeted into huge organizations which are very difficult to handle. As a novice businessman, they should start from the very beginning by witnessing the process of their business grow and the efforts been putting out by their employees or partners. Besides that, a nascent leader that just only start the business have the advantages to make mistake and learn from his mistake with smaller organization. This will not easily bring down smaller organization because the risk of failure have also being reduced.

As conclusion, Peter Ferdinand Drucker was definitely one of the most amazing management professor that had lead many huge organisations to success with his brilliant idea on how to manage modern business management. Through this report, I too had learnt numerous skills about the management theories and how to handle a business organization well. Without the existence of this great man, the business world nowadays would definitely having a hard time in managing their management and be success.


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