The Awakening of Celie

Paper代写范文:“The Awakening of Celie”,这篇论文主要描述的是《紫色姐妹花》是美国黑人女作家Alice Walker的代表作品,该小说从发布后变得十分畅销,分别获得了国家图书奖、国家文字影评奖、pulizs奖,在小说当中茜莉的一生十分的悲惨,父亲强迫其嫁给了一个有四个孩子的男人,在这个家庭中茜莉就像是奴隶般的存在。

paper代写,The colour purple,留学生作业代写,紫色姐妹花,论文代写

The Color Purple, which was published in 1982,had become a best seller the moment it appeared. It was so successful that three prizes was given to it in 1983--- the pulizs prize, the national book prize and the national literal critic constitution prize. Its success not only due to the unique writing skill, but also the character’s awekening---how an obedient,submissive black woman became a dependable female.

Celie, the main character in the novel, is different from most other female characters. She is young but not beautiful. So what attracts us is not the outside appearance of her, but the inner thoughts and her life experience. Her development can be divided into three periods: the early period of only being a slave; the middle period of awekening; the last perod of becoming a dependable female.

Celie begins as a young girl, raped by her father, forced to give away her babies(born from incest). She is told that she is dumb, useless, and ugly. Her father forces her to marry Mr.____, a man much older than she, with four children from a previous marriage. He lusts after Celie's sister Nettie, a bright, attractive, and strong girl, and Celie hopes Mr.____ will allow Nettie to live with them since he's so taken with her. Celie marries Mr.____ and raises his children. In this period,she is treated just as a slave to do all the housework and all the things in the field, is treated just a tool for Mr.___ to have sex. She leads such a miserable life and does not realize who let her lives so unhappy. She believes in God and writes letters to him.

Letter 5

Dear God,

He beat me today cause he say I winked at a boy in the church.I may have got somethin in my eye but I didn’t wink. I don’t even look at mens.

That’s the truth. I look at women, tho, cause I’m not scared of them. Maybe cause my mama cuss me you think I kept mad at her. But I ain’t. I felt sorry for mama. Trying to believe his story kilt her.

Sometime he still be looking at  Nettie, but I always git in his light. Now I tell her to marry Mr.___. I don’t tell her why.

I say Marry him, Nettie, an try to have one good year out your life. After that, I know she be big.

But me, never again. A girl in the church say you git big if you bleed every month. I don’t bleed more.   

In the time, she just like a puppet. She does what Mr.___ tells her to do or even thinks what Mr.___allow her to think. Looking after the whole family,do all the work,not to say a unoedient word to husband...all these fill her life. She has no her own life, or she losses herself in the net. She acts numbly and obediently.

What really makes her to think about her own life, her self-esteem and herself life is the coming of Shug Avery. Shug Avery is the exotic singer and entertainer who steals both Mr._____ and Celie's heart instantly. She performs a famous nightclub act, known as the 'Queen Bee', develops a reputation for sinning and drinking, falls ill with the woman's disease, moves in with her lover, Mr._____, and eventually falls in love with Celie. Shug has all the things Celie lacks---dependable economic position, ultimate mentality, beauty and ability. Actually Shug is the one Celie wants to be. She teaches Celie the beauty of femininity of love of relationships and kindness. She helps Celie to get the letters which are wrote to her but hid by Mr.___.Even though she moves around the country and sleeps with many men, she ultimately loves Celie with all her heart. She is the person who opens Celie’s heart and brain to be herself. In this period she knows Mr.___ or men have no the right to tell her what to do and what not to do, where to go and where not to go. She is the owner of her life. From the letter to God, we can see what she writes.

Letter 11

Dear God,

Nettie here with us~~~

Mr.___ children all bright but they mean. They say Celie, I want dis. Celie, I want dat. Our Mama let us have it. He don’t say nothing. They try to get his tention, he hide hind a puff of smoke.

Don’t let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand.

They got it, I say. But she keeps on. You got to fight, You got to fight.

But I don’t know how to fight. All I know how to do is stay alive.

That’s a real pretty dress you got on, he say to Nettle.

She say, Thank you.

Them shoes look just right.

She say, Thank you.

Your skin. Your hair. Your teefs. Everyday it something else to make miration over.

First she smiles a little. Then she frown. Then she don’t look no special way at all. She just stick close to me. She tell me. Your skin. Your hair. Your teefs. He try to give her a compliment, she pass it on to me. After a while I git to feeling pretty cute~~~

At the last period, she does not only to has stronger and stronger consciousness of her own, but also try to carry it out. After a long time of thinking, she leaves with Shug and gets a new life. She makes trousers to make a living and even set up a company. She wins people’s, even Mr.___’s respect and becomes really dependable who owns self-esteem.

Through this novel, we can see how a black woman wins her own life under the racialism and the pressure of the black men. Her success set an example for other black females to win their self-esteem and self-worth.

Obstract: the Color Purple is the most successful novel of Alice Walker. As an blackfemale writer, she knows how the conditions like that the black women under. Through the color purple, she figured a black female’s image and described the development of her awakening---from an obedient, submissive woman to a dependable female.


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