

assignment代写,Marketing Report,留学生作业代写,市场营销战略,论文代写


To developing a preliminary marketing report, there are things to do.As can describe as the  diagram below.:

In this paper, I will describe the preliminary marketing report and introduce how to complete it.I will also give the recommendation of all of the chart’s direction

1.What is Marketing?

Marketing is a total system of bussiness activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute wantsatisfying goods and services to present and potenial customers.

Some definitions focus on marketing in terms of what it means to an organization, such as being the key functional area for generating revenue, while other definitions lean more toward defining marketing in terms of its most visible tasks, such as advertising and creating new products. 

There probably is no one best way to define marketing, however, whatever definition is used should have an orientation that focuses on the key to marketing success – customers.

In the first section of our highly detailed Principles of Marketing Tutorials we lay the groundwork for our study of the field of marketing with a   close look at marketing’ key concepts and the important tasks marketers perform. We will see that marketing encompasses a wide array of business decisions that are essential to the success of nearly all organizations. Coverage in this part of the tutorial includes a close examination of the definition of marketing. A dissection of the key terms in the definition will show that marketing’ primary focus is to identify and satisfy customers in a way that helps build a solid and, hopefully, sustained relationship that encourages customers to continue doing business with the marketer. We also will spend a short time on the history of marketing and see how it has evolved from a process centered on simply getting as many people as possible to purchase a product to today’ highly complex efforts designed to build long term customer relationships. Additionally, we'll see that marketing is not only important to individual organizations it also carries both positive and negative influences at a broader societal level. Finally we look at what it takes to be a marketer in today’s world .

After Introducing the market ,it will be returned to the purpose of this article. A marketing plan for Aboriginal group is not always the same.To say professionally,the process can be summarized as the chart below.

When we mention situation analysis, we must give a simple introduce of Market Analysis Report. Market Analysis Report belongs to the category of the writing style of the investigation Report. It is made up of two parallel moving phrases. "Market analysis" is the objective situation of enterprise market environment to investigate the analysis and research and to find the time, place, things happen, background, process and result, etc. "Report" is what the conclusions got from the market survey analysis. Through the analysis and synthesis, the market specialists can clarify the meaning of it, report to the relevant departments and the reader. This style is one of the main tools of collecting market information. It is also a tool for customer manager know market, understand the market, grasp the market,

Key Marketing Terms

If you want to do marketing well,, you should do marketing reseach before you doing some strategies.So,let’s know some thing about marketing  reseach.Many organizations find the markets they serve are dynamic with customers, competitors and market conditions continually changing. And marketing efforts that work today cannot be relied upon to be successful in the future. Meeting changing conditions requires marketers have sufficient market knowledge in order to make the right adjustments to their marketing strategy. For marketers gaining knowledge is accomplished through marketing research.For marketers, research is not only used for the purpose of learning, it is also a critical component needed to make good decisions. Market research does this by giving marketers a picture of what is occurring (or likely to occur) and, when done well, offers alternative choices that can be made. For instance, good research may suggest multiple options for introducing new products or entering new markets. In most cases marketing decisions prove less risky (though they are never risk free) when the marketer can select from more than one option.While research is key to marketing decision making, it does not always need to be elaborate to be effective. Sometimes small efforts, such as doing a quick search on the Internet, will provide the needed information. However, for most marketers there are times when more elaborate research work is needed and understanding the right way to conduct research, whether performing the work themselves or hiring someone else to handle it, can increase the effectiveness of these projects.

The role of marketing

In R&D, marketing encompasses more than the traditional fields of activity. This is why it is especially important that marketing should gain approval within the R&D institutions and companies .For under favourable conditions, marketing can assume the role of an"innovation navigator"(Abresch, 2000) both in public-funded and private research and development.Provided that this is possible, marketing conducted by a research institution or a company involved in research already combines the following phases at a very early stage: market analysis demand assessment development of ideas development of strategy research product or service development environmental and trend analyses.Marketing feeds the insights gained from the market into the R&D process. In his way,marketing prevents cost-intensive knowledge being established in Application-oriented R&D from which no innovation is to be expected. So marketing attempts to ensure that demand plays the key role for the R&D company or institute(demand requirements take priority). In contrast,researchers tend to attribute the key role to technology (technological advancement takes priority) (Gerybadze, 2000).

Marketing is understood as a steering of the(research) institute or company by the market .And additionally, marketing crucially influences R&D. This means that target markets and groups are defined. Requirements can be deduced from this context, and the R&D process can constantly be measured against the compass needle of the market. If this proves successful,marketing is able to fulfil its role as an "innovation navigator".

The Role of Marketing Managerial Philosophies

Customer orientation: under the perspective of the marketing concept - that argues for placing clients’ interests first - a customer orientation is one of the most fundamental aspects of organizational culture. Following the organizational learning theory, Huber (1991) and Sinkula (1994) see the customer knowledge process as consisting of three sequential aspects: customer information acquisition, interpretation and integration

Competitor orientation: a focus on the client alone can take the institution to a reactive cycle, instead of proactive, if it does not equally consider the competitors’ actions. A competitor-oriented company seeks to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in relation to its main competitors, with the objective of maintaining or gainning advantage. Competitor knowledge process is the process of information collection about the strengths and weaknesses of the competition, analysis and integration in decision making. Like customer knowledge process, this process involves three behavioral aspects: competitor information acquisition, interpretation and integration. De Geus (1988:4) argues that in the future the only competitive advantage of a company will be its ability to know about the competition quicker than its rivals.

Although the definition of marketing association a step forward that meet customer needs and realize the company's operating profit as a goal, but two definitions that marketing activities are production activities in the beginning of the end of the middle after a series of business sales activities, when the commodity to the user the hands of the end, the enterprise marketing activities and therefore is limited to the narrow scope of circulation, rather than operating as a business for sale throughout the entire process, including marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution, advertising, publicity reports, sales promotion, marketing staff, after-sales service and so on. 

Christian Grnroosto the definition and emphasized the purpose of marketing: Marketing is in the interests of a whole, through mutual exchange and commitment to establish, maintain, consolidate and consumers and other participants in the relationship between the parties to achieve the purpose.

2.Markets Philosophy

Marketing Process

A marketing management philosophy is how a company thinks about its target market.We will look at five different marketing management philosophies a company can use: ①when a philosophy should be used.  ②what a company should do. ⑴ The production concept (philosophy) A company should use this concept when customers want a product that is cheap and convenient to buy. Example: beer company should improve its production of the product to reduce its cost, and make sure customers can buy the product in many different places. ⑵ The product concept -This concept should be used when customers want a product that has high quality and high performance. Example: computers. -The company should always try to improve the quality and performance of its products. ⑶ The selling concept -This concept should be used when a company sells products people do not normally think about. Example: life insurance. -The company should advertise and promote the product as much as possible. -The aim is to make people think about the product more often.

The Marketing Environment

The marketing environment involves factors that, for the most part, are beyond the control of the company. Thus, the company must adapt to these factors. It is important to observe how the environment changes so that a firm can adapt its strategies appropriately. Consider these environmental forces: ·Competition: Competitors often “creep” in and threaten to take away markets from firms. For example, Japanese auto manufacturers became a serious threat to American car makers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Similarly, the Lotus Corporation, maker of one of the first commercially successful spreadsheets, soon faced competition from other software firms. Note that while competition may be frustrating for the firm, it is good for consumers. (In fact, we will come back to this point when we consider the legal environment).Note that competition today is increasingly global in scope. It is important to recognize that competition can happen at different “levels.” At the brand level, two firms compete in providing a very similar product or service. Coca Cola and Pepsi, for example, compete for the cola drink market, and United and American Airlines compete for the passenger air transportation market. Firms also face less direct—but frequently very serious—competition at the product level. For example, cola drinks compete against bottled water. Products or services can serve as substitutes for each other even though they are very different in form. Teleconferencing facilities, for example, are very different from airline passenger transportation, but both can “bring together” people for a “meeting.” At the budget level, different products or services provide very different benefits, but buyers have to make choices as to what they will buy when they cannot afford—or are unwilling to spend onboth. For example, a family may decide between buying a new car or a high definition television set. The family may also have to choose between going on a foreign vacation or remodeling its kitchen. Firms, too, may have to make choices.

The firm has the cash flow either to remodel its offices or install a more energy efficient climate control system; or the firm can choose either to invest in new product development or in a promotional campaign to increase awareness of its brand among consumers. Economics. Two economic forces strongly affect firms and their customers:  Economic Cycles. Some firms in particular are extremely vulnerable to changes in the economy. Consumers tend to put off buying a new car, going out to eat, or building new homes in bad times. In contrast, in good times, firms serving those needs may have difficulty keeping up with demand. One important point to realize is that different industries are affected to different degrees by changes in the economy. Although f -amilies can cut down on the quality of the food they buy going with lower priced bra-nds, for examplethere are limits to the savings that can be made without greatly affecting the living standard of the family. On the other hand, it is often much easier to put off the purchase of a new car for a year or hold off on remodeling the family home. If need be, firms can keep the current computerseven though they are getting a bit slowwhen sales are down. The economy goes through cycles. In the late 1990s, the U.S. economy was quite strong, and many luxury goods were sold. Currently, the economy fluctuates between increasing strength, stagnation, or slight decline. Many firms face consequences of economic downturns. Car makers, for example, have seen declining profit margins (and even losses) as they have had to cut prices and offer low interest rates on financing. Generally, in good economic times, there is a great deal of demand, but this introduces a fear of possible inflation. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve will then try to prevent the economy from “overheating.” This is usually done by raising interest rates. This makes businesses less willing to invest, and as a result, people tend to make less money. During a recession, unemployment tends to rise, causing consumers to spend less. This may result in a “bad circle,” with more people losing their jobs due to lowered demands. Some businesses, however, may take this opportunity to invest in growth now that things can be bought more cheaply. 

Inflation. Over time, most economies experience some level of inflation. Therefore, it is useful to explicitly state whether a reference to money over time involves the actual dollar (or other currency) amount exchanged at any point (e.g., one dollar spent in 1960 and one dollar in 2007) or an “inflation adjusted” figure that “anchors” a given amount of money to the value of that money at some point in time. Suppose, for example, that cumulative inflation between 1960 and 2007 has been 1,000%--that is, on the average, it costs ten times as much to buy the same thing in 2007 as it did 47 years earlier. If the cumulative inflation between 1960 and 1984 had been 500%, we could talk about one 1984 dollar being worth fifty 1960 cents or two 2007 dollars. It is important to note that inflation is uneven. Some goods and servicessuch as health care and college tuitioare currently increasing in cost much higher than the average rate of inflation. Prices of computers, actually decline both in absolute numbers (e.g., an average computer cost $1,000 one year and then goes for $800 two years later) and in terms of the value for money paid once an adjustment has been made for the improvement in quality. That is, two years later, the computer has not only declined in price by 20%, but it may also be 30% better (based on an index of speed and other performance factors). In that case, then, there has actually been, over the period, a net deflation of 38.5% for the category. Political. Businesses are very vulnerable to changes in the political situation. For example, because consumer groups lobbied Congress, more stringent rules were made on the terms of car leases. The tobacco industry is currently the target of much negative attention from government and public interest groups. Currently, the desire to avoid aiding the enemy may result in laws that make it more difficult for American firms to export goods to other countries. Many industries have a strong economic interest in policies that benefit the industry may have a negative impact on the nation as a whole but enhance profits for the industry. For example, regulations that limit the amount of sugar that can be imported into the United States is estimated to cost each American approximately $10.00 a year. The total increase in profits to the sugar industry is difficult to estimate because many of the large producers of refined sugar are privately held corporations, but it is likely that the net gain to the industry is as much as the roughly $3 billion lost by Americans a whole. However, the interests of the industry are much more concentrated. The industry can rally its stockholders, unions and employees, and suppliers (e.g., fertilizer manufacturers and manufacturers of sugar cane processing equipment) together to lobby for their special interests. In turn, the industry can join forces with other agricultural interests which each support each other’s programs.


Targeting Market  means the sub market that company decided to enter based on their analysis and decision; it is also the most profitable market for the company. Specifically, Nestles choose the kids groups, elders, and over weighting people as the most potential targeting markets, and respectively design Chocapic, Cini Minis and Fitness for these markets.

Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments. It can be the key to a small business’s success.

The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. Target marketing provides a focus to all of your marketing activities.

While market segmentation can be done in many ways, depending on how you want to slice up the pie, three of the most common types are:

(1)Geographic segmentation – based on location such as home addresses;

(2)Demographic segmentation – based on measurable statistics, such as age or income;

(3)Psychographic segmentation – based on lifestyle preferences, such as being urban dwellers or pet lovers.

The most successful small businesses understand that only a limited number of people will buy their product or service. The task then becomes determining, as closely as possible, exactly who those people are, and 'targeting' the business's marketing efforts and dollars toward them. For example, in a business that I have attended, an eco-tourism company, we made some specific decisions early in our market planning. As a charter boat business, we knew that there were plenty of fishing charter operators in the area, and 'party boats' as well. So we decided that we would offer sightseeing or special event charters, and that we would not allow alcohol on board, or fishing rods. Yes, this decision eliminated a percentage of the market - but it also gave us a 'niche' that we could capitalize on, and expanded our market in a way that other charter operators could not take advantage of.

4.Marketing strategies

For better comprehension and availability, we now need to introduce a great multitude of specific items and buzzwords. These items cover the field of marketing, and assist you to smooth the reading of the thesis. Just as we mentioned above, marketing strategy plays a vital role in the success of ones business, yet what marketing strategy really defines might still puzzle certain people, so let us turn now to the definition of marketing strategy first.Indubitably, the marketing strategy is paid to fairly high attention while people conduct their business. The vital triumph of a business is at times connected to its marvelous marketing techniques. Therefore, people, the businessmen in particular, heighten the role of the marketing strategies with constant effort. It is worthy of dedicating much to the research and calculate the strategies of extravagance use, in order to avoid the failure resulting in the careless and rash decision.

Getting contact with the definition of the maturity stage comes after understanding the concept of PLC; therefore we should first engage ourselves in the comprehension of PLC.To give the barest definition, it refers to 4 parts: the introduction phase, the growth phase, the maturity phase, as well as the decline phase.

As the thesis merely focuses on the marketing strategies on the maturity stage, therefore, it is just willing to concentrate on the terminology of the maturity stage, and omit the others for convenience. Maturity stage refers to the stage in the product life cycle in which sales growth slows and levels off.

For the maturity stage, the core feature of the marketing strategy is that, the strategy or plan we make should firmly adhere to the principle of maintaining the market share. The aim is to consolidate and protect the market share. Only now can profits be taken from the product offer. These fund new product offers and provide a profit contribution. Consequently, all decisions should be made to maintain the product offer in the minds of the target audiencekeeping the product up-to-date. Notice how the detergent manufacturers keep their product offers alive by new ways to communicate the same basic message. The major brands have been in their maturity stage for many years, but still deliver the same basic function. They help to wash clothes. Take Haier as a specific example, the robust firm has been running for years to diversify its product categories, from the list of fridges in the earliest time, to the nowadays mobile phone and computer hardware, and the firm indeed succeeds in smoothing and extending its market share. However, though the firm has already fruited in revenue, it still spends the majority of funds on the investigation and research of the fridge rather than other items. The aim, beyond any doubt, is to make full use of its paramount products and maintain their marketing demands, Haier‘s market share.

In order to make better marketing strategies for Nestle, to expand its market share in global foodstuff markets, especially in the developing countries, I proposed several suggestions which are listed in following texts.  (1) Local Marketing Management. In order to better implement globalization and localized operations. Nestle should be effective integration of centralization and decentralization. In order to properly implement this new policy, Nestle should concern the companys brand strategies and production presentation details. For example, labeling standardization, this is a guiding document composited by its clear label and various elements. And standardization of package design manual. It is a document includes different kinds of packaging standard ways, such as the materials and design of packages. (2) Branding Strategy. Making the clear brand strategy, which contains the detail information of Nestls’marketing principles, background and strategies of branding. Characters of brands, expectation, related companies of brands and the development of brand utilization are also included in the brand strategy. Moreover, beside the branding strategy, Nestle need to pay more attention for propaganda and establishing public relations, to cultivate the long term consuming preference. For example, assisting the student union activities in university and holding the public activities to publicize companys culture.  (3) Dynamic Propagation. In terms of designing commercial advertisement, Nestle need to consider the change of consumer’s preference and the influence of pop culture. For instance, Nestlé’s commercials represent different themes in different time and place. In the 1940s, Nestle emphasizes the convenience of instant coffee. That theme brings great success for Nestle at that time. However, the wide application of instant coffee, the advantage Nestle publicized shrink soon. Nestle thus transform the theme to emphasize the delicious taste of its coffee in 1980s. Recently, the theme of Nestle coffee commercial transfer to the concentration of personal relationship within families and friend, and encouraging the young people to make better beginning for their life.


Marketing methods are informed by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology is also a small, but growing influence. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research.When a marketing strategy, which is developed through strategic market planning, is implemented properly, it achieves the organization‘s marketing objectives; these objectives in turn contribute to accomplishing the organizations overall goals. However, certain cautions should be paid attention to in the application of marketing strategies: environmental forces are important in the strategic market planning process and very much affect it. These forces imply opportunities and threats that influence an organization‘s overall goals.


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