


On the Legal as well as Non-legal Responses to Human Trafficking and Slavery in Australia

Nowadays, with increasing labor needs with the development of economy, especially that sort of industry which calls for more labor, more and more human trafficking and slavery take place all over the world. Everyday There are thousands of people falling victims to advertisements coaxing them with a promise of a better future as well as a better life.

Human trafficking is a universally commitment nowadays, it refers to the conduct of recruiting and transporting human beings, by means of using force, coercion, and sometimes even fraud, it aims at forcing people who are being transported into slavery. It involves a series of criminal activities in human trafficking. It includes It includes finding people to lure into slavery as well as transporting those people, besides, it also refers to selling them and making use of them in slavery or forced labor (AFP, 2014).

This kind of social issue has many bad affects on many aspects, such as the economy, the society, the political life as well as the cultural, especially in those countries and areas, where the issue seems to be more serious. As to political rank, human trafficking would threaten the normal political order, as to the economical life, human trafficking would cause many problems to the daily economy. As a matter of fact, children are the main victims of human trafficking; they suffer from many sufferings, such as disorientation as well as depression and disturbance in emotion. Some of them even suffer from psychological disorders. Since children stands for the future of a country, it is no doubt that human trafficking and slavery would destroy the future of a country.

It is no doubt that human trafficking and slavery is making serious influence on a country all over the world, the issue is also serious in Australia. As had been reflected in a report made by the government in Australian named “Trafficking in Persons”, there could be a number of four million people in slavery, to make matters worse, this figure even  does not include millions of people who are being trafficked within their own countries. Besides, more than half of them are 56 per cent of them are women and girls.

In order to decrease the bad effects human trafficking and slavery have on a country, there are many response to this issue both on legal rank and non-legal rank.

As to the legal response, at the year of 2000, the UN adopted a bill named Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, which is considered as the  first legally binding protocol which made a generally accepted definition for human trafficking and offers a series of protections at the same time. 137 countries signed on the protocol by the year of 2010 since the issue becomes more and more serious (Simmons et al, 2013). And the government of Australia adopted this document at the year of 2004 and it became the first anti slavery law adopted in Australia. What is more, in 2004, The Commonwealth Action Plan to eradicate Trafficking in Persons was introduced, which aimed at providing victims of human trafficking and slavery with support and necessary aids (Anti-Slavery Project, 2007).

At the same time, there are also many non-legal responses to this issue.

On international rank, Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking was set up by the UN and it aims at eradicating human trafficking as well as assisting NGOs in fighting with offenders.

On domestic rank, the government of Australia starts to track human slavery at the year of 1994. After that, it adopted the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Meanwhile, it spent much money helping The US has many countries to fight with slavery. The US set up a centre in 2004, which concentrate it on coordinating diplomatic representatives, police and intelligence to eradicate trafficking (Schloenhardt and Jolly, 2010).

These responses have great effect on this issue.

On one hand, there response had positive effects; the number of such commitment is decreasing since some of them are afraid of the sanctions stipulated in the legislation as well the administrative rules. However, these responses are still limited and there is still a long way to go.

Human trafficking is a complex issue, which results from many different factors, such as poverty, social factors as well as religious factors and so on. It calls for many resources, especially the combat of all available resources to deal with this issue. However, the combat is far from enough all over the world.

The key lies in education, many victims are exploited by criminal organizations as a result of poor education.

With the increasing demand for cheap labor all over the world, it is high time that National governments should implement international treaties. What is more, improved awareness as well as regional and international co-operation between crimes agencies are also greatly needed to reduce trafficking.


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