


1.    Introduction

This paper aims to discuss the key factors from the macro environment and the micro environment, and their influences on the marketing mix. The whole paper is separated into four main sections. The first section presents the definition of partners and customers through a detailed literature review. Meanwhile the 3D print and Samsung watches are used to show the influence of partners in the perspective of marketing mix. Staburks is another example to present the influence of customers. In the second section, the paper discusses the meaning of political force as well as the legal force. The author uses the cases ofIpad Air, Mc Donald to study the political force. Meanwhile the anti-dumping case of Shrimps is used to analyze the legal force. In the third section, this paper finds out that the concept of economic force comes from the ancient time, while the concept of technology only is accepted widely in the recent 200 years. The case of General Motor Corporation presents that the economic force could encourage the reformation inside the organization. The technological force, on the other side, can be disruptive, such as the technology in the Iphone. The fourth section discusses the definition of socialcultural force. The case comes from the over reacted actions from Chinese customers.

2.    The Influence from Partners and Customers

2.1 Partners

As one of the key factors in micro-environment of the marketing, partners are defined as the alliances who share resources, risks and fruits of the business in the market (Kogut and Singh 1988).On the one side, partners provide opportunities of stabilizing the resource exchange. Compared to mergers and acquisitions, partners have much more corporate flexibility. On the other side, the partnership would not last forever. Inkpen and Li(cited in Xia 2011) suggest that it is a temporary structure. Casciaro and Piskorski (2005) believe that the resource dependence constitutes the mutual interests between the partners. In addition, Xia (2011)suggests that the mutual trade dependence is the key reason that partnership survives.

In the perspective of marketing mix, the influence of partners could be seen in the case of 3D printer on the website of Kickstarter (Reidl 2013). In this case, the key partner is the financier. Since Kickstarter is website which provides the service of crowdfunding, the financiers are the website registers who fund the project. The existence of the financial funders directly affects the establishment of 3D printer. Thus the financiers support the birth of 3D printer. They make the idea become the reality. That is to say, the product in the marketing mix comes directly from the financiers in this case. In addition, Reidl (2013) point out that the designer of 3D printer does not have enough investors in the first place. Kickstarter allows the crowd to play the role of financiers. This type of financiers has more confidence in this product. Even though crowd founders do not affect the management decisions, such as the promotion, the place for sale or the price of the product, they do have great impact on the product in the marketing mix.

Another example of the influence from the partners could be seen in the case of Samsung advertisement. Samsung’s (2013) target customers are young people, such as the twenties. The advertisement agencies integrate the innovation within the whole advertisement which leads the audience to be motivated by the modern technology. Even though the price of Samsung phone is high, it still has a large share of the mobile phone market over the world. That is to say, the advertisement agency has positive impact on the promotion of the Samsung products in the perspective of marketing mix. The advertisement has great influence over the products. It creates the first image of the new product in the mind of customers. Even though the products have already been made, the qualified advertisement would directly influence the sales return and business performance of the product. In this way, the advertisement agency not only has influence on the promotion, but also has the influence on the price in the perspective of marketing mix.

2.2 Customers

Reizenstein (2004) defines the concept of customer as the recipients of goods, productions, ideas and service which come from the suppliers, vendors and sellers. Customers are also known as the clients, buyers as well as the purchasers. Homburg et al. (2011) also suggests that previous marketing literature has focus on this area for many years. The customer orientation studies are crucial part in the market research.

Ind (cited in Yu-Te et al. 2013) suggests that customers do not merely purchase the value of psychical product or service. What customer receive beyond the product and service is known as customer value. Yu-Te et al. (2013) believes that customers also buy a group of values from the companies. It is important in the perspective of marketing mix. The example could be seen in the case of Starburks.Founded in 1971, Starburks is a Seattle-based coffee company. As one of the world’s largest coffee suppliers,its products and service could be found in 18,000 retail stores in most of the countries. However, on the official website, Starburks (2013) suggests that it works hard to provide a connected feeling of people and the inspirations and nutrition. In the perspective of marketing mix, Starburks is promoting that their customers would gain a lot of additional customers value from the product. Since the customers want more from the products and service, the marketing mix of the company provides more in the product. The places of the stores are settled in the business region of the cities, because it targets the white collar workers as the customers. Starburks not only promotes its qualified coffee products, but also promotes it corporation culture to the world. The price of the products is not very low, because the customers are willing to purchase the additional customer value from Starburks. For example, some Chinese customers also attempt to experience the west culture through a cup of coffee in Starburks store. In order to make its brand be distinguished in the eyes of customers, Starburks also focus on the promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility, which satisfies the customers that the company has shown a balance between the profit and its social responsibility, such as the ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship and supports for communities. Through these activities, Starburks leads customers to believe that they are also part of the positive activities which give back to the communities and benefit the environment. In this way, the promotion adds additional value in the brand. In the perspective of marketing mix, customers affect the price, product, promotion and place all together.

3.    The Influence from Political and Legal

3.1 Political

There is a long history for the previous studies on the political topics. In the ancient time, Aristotle (citied in Goodman 2012) defines the concept of politics as the affairs of the cities. The word “politic” was stemmed from Greek. In a narrow approach, politic is also recognized as the control over human communities. However, Joseph (2010) suggests that political discourse pay close attention to the relationship between politics and human and democracy in the modern age of time. It focuses on the way of government selections and the public policies.

In the perspective of marketing mix, one of the key aspects of the political influence could be seen in the area of trade policy which directly affects the price and the place of the product. Even though Deardorff (2012) suggests that it is a significant success that the history of trade policy has shown great efforts on the reduction of the tariff, people still have to face the tariff during the most global consumption. For example, in China, one IpadAir was sold in the price of 3588 RMB (16 G/wiff). Meanwhile, in the area of Hong Kong, an Ipad Air was sold only in the price of 3588 HKD. The product is the same. Actually, most of Apple’ products come from its supplier, FOXCONN, whose major manufacture factories are settled in China. As a matter of factor, an Ipad air would be installed and packaged in the mainland of China. However, Chinese government makes the relevant trade policy for the specific products from the world outside the mainland. In this way, even though the Chinese installed the product, they still have to pay the product in a higher price than the customers in Hong Kong or the other regions of the world.The specific tariff from the governments has shown directly influence on the price of the product. In addition, due to the difference of the price, the company usually has to target a new group of customers who are capable of the new price. That is to say, the target market of the product would be changed because of the political affairs. Another example of the influence of political issues in the perspective of marketing mix could be seen in the case of Mc Donald’s leave from Crimea. Since the political relationship between the U.S and Crimea has been deteriorated over the issues of Crimea, the America-based multi-national fast-food restaurant, Mc Donald decide to withdraw all its stores in the Crimea. In this way, political issues also affect the place of the product. It also indicates that Mc Donald remove Crimea from the group of target marketplaces. Above all, political factors affect the marketing mix in many aspects. The price of the product and place of the market would be influenced deeper by the politician factors in the macro-environment.

3.2 Legal

Hampstead (1972) suggests that there is not an universal definition of legal. Robertson and Roth (2007) believe that legal indicates the system of principles, guidelines and rules which are conducted through the enforcement from government organizations or social institutions. Currently, there are two major legal systems, including the civil law system and the common law system. The history of Roman law and Germanic law has great influence on the development of civil law legal system. Meanwhile the common law legal system is affected deeply by the legal system in the U.K. and the U.S.

The legal influence on the marketing mix could be seen in the governments’ behavior of anti-dumping. For example, in order to protect the local entrepreneurships, the U.S. government released the anti-dumping law to punish the dumping activities from the foreign companies. In 2003, the American domestic industry and work union appeal to the government for an anti-dumping duty on the shrimps from Brazil, China, India and three other countries. They claimed that these countries had sold the shrimps at an unfairly low price which hurts the local shrimps’ business. They believed that it makes the American workers in the shrimp industry lose the basic market demand which leads the local companies to the loss in the business performance. The plaintiff required that the U.S. government should charge the anti-dumping duty from 25.76% to 63.68% (Simi 2005). As a result, Chinese shrimp suppliers were asked to pay the tax from 7.67% to 112.81%; Vietnam shrimp suppliers were asked to pay 12.11% to 93.13% anti-dumping duty. In this case, the legal factors enforce the companies to change the price of the products. It also forces some companies to stop supplying shrimps in America because of the high anti-dumping duty which indicates the legal influence on the places of the business in the perspective of marketing mix. In addition, when the companies leave the American marketing, their promotion would also be affected. With different target customers, companies would change the promotion to meet the requirement of the new market.

Under the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement, every country has the right to make the anti-dumping law.  Even though anti-dumping law is considered as the trade barrier as well as the over protectionism, it is a legal approach for local companies to take an advantage in the fierce global competition. It also indicates that multinational companies and international companies should take care of the legal factors when they make the marketing plan or the marketing mix strategies.

4.    The Influence from Economic and Technological

4.1  Economic

Oxford (2014) defines the concept of “economic” as a subject connected to industry, trade and wealth. The previous studies of the economic factors cover many aspects, such as the transaction of the production, services, consumption and distribution. In the past, economy was considered in relation to the natural resources, capital and labor. However, in the modern age of time, it is also considered in relation to culture, legal, social, history and other factors in the world.

As one of the most important factors which affect the marketing mix, the influence of economy could be seen in the case of General Motors Corporation. In the history of American automobile companies, large companies all established their own financial subsidiaries. These financial companies which provide the loans for the consumers, not only encourage the consumption of the automobiles, but also benefit the development of the automobile companies. However, it also makes a close relationship between the economic environment and the automobile companies. For example, during the recent global recession, most American companies suffer a great loss. Some even announce the insolvency, such as Enron Corporation who went bankrupt in the options market (Mizrach 2006). Meanwhile some other companies adjust their marketing strategies and current business which earned a chance to survive in the economic crisis, such as General Motors Corporation. General Motors Corporation appealed for the bankruptcy protection in 2009 because of the economic crisis and its wholly owned subsidiary, GMAC (Bernaciak 2013). The U.S government provides $49.5 billion as an aid for the corporation. Then General Motors Corporation conducted a serious reform and recon structure inside the corporation. For example, it cut off some of the products. The corporation only kept the core brands, including Chevrolet, Cadillac and Buick. It indicates the economic influence on the products in the perspective of marketing mix. Furthermore, General Motor Corporation also changes the promotion and target markets because of the economic difficulty. For instance, it focuses more on the emerging market, such as China and Brazil (Klikauer 2012). Through the advantage of the various sales agencies over the world, General Motor Corporation gets off the financial difficulties and becomes profitable. Sold 7,500,000 cars, General Motor Corporation creates a sales return of $ 105 billion. It also indicates that economic crisis also benefits the reformation of the corporation itself. In this case, due to economic problem, General Motor Corporation changes its marketing mix strategies in many ways, such as the places and promotion, in order to improve the current structure, to reduce the cost and explore the new segment of customers.Above all, economic factors could have great influence over the marketing mix of the companies, especially in a difficult economic environment.

4.2 Technological

Baldwin et al (1893) suggests that the concept of technology is not accepted widely over the recent 200 years. It was defined as the studies or descriptions of the useful arts. Later, it was referred as the technical education (Stratton and Manni 2005). Since the 2nd Industrial Revolution, the concept of technological issues rose in the eyes of public. Meanwhile, it is also considered as the industrial arts. Borgmann (2006) believes that technological relationship indicates the activities which create or changes the culture.

The influence of technology in the perspective of marketing mix could be seen in many aspects. For example, it could be seen in the case of Apple’s main product, Iphone. The leading technology forms the new style of smart phone. Then due to the popularity of Iphone among customers over the world, Apple’s own online store, App Store, gains an incredible business performance in the fierce app market (Renzulli 2013). It is the new technological marketing environment which makes the contribution to the booming of Iphone and the App Store. In the perspective of marketing mix, Apple’s original target customers do not cover such large segments. However, the new core technology expended its target people. It also makes the mobile makers focus more on the online market. The industry changes its promotion. They are not just selling the phones. They also provide the additional service in relation to the product. That is to say, the range of the products also has been expended because of the new technological environment. In addition, technological changes could be disruptive. They cannot be predicted. Florea et al. (2013) believes that “Disruptive Innovation” is how a new type of products has been developed with sustainable functions that are profitable. Therefore the influence of technological environment cannot be predicted either. However, once the technology has a breakthrough, the market and companies could be both affected deeply. For instance, as the former world largest mobile producer, Nokia does not follow the right technology to keep its business advantage. Just several years after its glorious business development and market share, it has to face the choice between insolvency and the merge and acquisition. And it indicates that technology can directly affect the business performance of the company. Above all, in the perspective of marketing mix, technological factors are crucial part of the product; they change the promotion strategies and the target customers; they can be disruptive, unpredicted and profitable. The author recommends that companies should pay attention to the support of the technology development, because a leading technological product forms the powerful competitive advantage in the fierce competition among the different customers as well as the market.

5.    The Influence from Socialcultural

Briggs (2000) suggests that a society is constituted by different human, such as different merchants and men, who are gathered through a sense of utility. Meanwhile Hoebel (1966) believes that culture is an integrated system for people to learn certain behavior. He suggests that culture is one of the characteristics of the social members in the society. After all, socialcultural force comes from both society and culture.

The socialcultural influence can be seen in study of the comparison between Chinese and Americans.Minkov and Hofstede (2011) suggest that Chinese have shown a great respect to the power and authorities. However, Americans do not emphasis the power that much. The socialculture force also show a difference in the perspective of marketing mix in this way. For example, Chinese new president Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan pay a visit on many foreign countries recently. The first lady Peng also take this chance to demonstrate her tastes of the Chinese products, such as the clothes, smart phones and bags. Every time Peng’s new style of image would cause a shopping rush inside China. People want to buy the same products that the first lady has used. This paper believes that it makes them feel closer to power. Sometimes the share price of the brand would also be improved. For instance, during the investigation of the situation of Yaan, a city which just suffered an earthquake in 2013, a picture which was shot when the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was enjoying his breakfast was discussed widely by the Chinese. There was a bag of Zhacai (a traditionalChinese food) which comes from SichuanpeilinCompany in the picture. Then the price of the company’s share was increased by 7% through the picture(Changjiang weekly 2013). Such products do not even have to strengthen the promotion; their products would be sold out soon in China. However, it is hard to see the same phenomenal in the U.S. It also indicates that the different attitude of the customers toward the same behavior from the socialcultural enforce. In the perspective of marketing mix, socialcultural influence affects the beliefs, preferences of the customers. That is why Chinese have shown a much stronger interest than the Americans in following the style of the First Lady.

6.    Conclusion

Partners are defined as the alliances who share resources, risks and fruits of the business in the market. In the perspective of marketing mix, the influence of partners could be seen in the case of 3D printer on the website of Kickstarter and Samsung advertisement. Customers are the recipients of goods, productions, ideas and service which come from the suppliers, vendors and sellers. Customers are also known as the clients, buyers as well as the purchasers.Customers do not merely purchase the value of psychical product or service. The example could be seen in the case of Starburks. In the ancient time, politics are the affairs of the cities. The word “politic” was stemmed from Greek. In a narrow approach, politic is also recognized as the control over human communities. In China, one Ipad Air was sold in the price of 3588 RMB (16 G/wiff). Meanwhile, in the area of Hong Kong, an Ipad Air was sold only in the price of 3588 HKD. Legal indicates the system of principles, guidelines and rules which are conducted through the enforcement from government organizations or social institutions. The legal influence on the marketing mix could be seen in the governments’ behavior of anti-dumping. For example, in order to protect the local entrepreneurships, the U.S. government released the anti-dumping law to punish the dumping activities from the foreign companies. Economic as a subject connected to industry, trade and wealth. The previous studies of the economic factors cover many aspects, such as the transaction of the production, services, consumption and distribution. In the past, economy was considered in relation to the natural resources, capital and labor. However, in the modern age of time, it is also considered in relation to culture, legal, social, history and other factors in the world.Technology was defined as the studies or descriptions of the useful arts. Later, it was referred as the technical education. Meanwhile, it is also considered as the industrial arts. The influence of technology could be seen in the case of Apple’s main product, Iphone. A society is constituted by different human, such as different merchants and men, who are gathered through a sense of utility. Culture is an integrated system for people to learn certain behavior. After all, socialcultural force comes from both society and culture. The socialcultural influence can be seen in study of the comparison between Chinese and Americans. Chinese have shown a great respect to power and authorities. However, Americans do not emphasis the power that much.


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