


1 Introduction

1.1 background and significance

At present, China's railways still take integration of enterprise management and control model exposed the problems increasingly appear, the railway reform is imperative. Of railway reform: separation is recognized as the first step, after separation, however, regulatory reform China's railway industry go from here? How rail economic regulation of the railroad industry what degree of control should be? It is worth studying. Study on the control of natural monopoly industries, has been one of the most important areas of research in industrial economics, railway industry, as a typical natural monopoly industry, it is an important object of regulation reform of natural monopoly industry.

A long time, represented by the railway has always been considered to be easy to form a monopoly of natural monopoly industries, are areas of the market mechanism not functioning very well, for a long time, Governments around the world for railway pricing and market access are strictly regulated. After 70, Western countries have Jian exhibition on telecommunications, electricity network monopoly industries, railways and civil aviation regulation reform, deregulation and liberalization policies, positive results have been achieved, deregulation of such trends for regulatory reform.

China's highways, railways, civil aviation, water transport, pipelines and other modes of transport development achievements in recent years have made National Chiao Tung University, transport has entered into the various modes of transport, interoperable interconnection and coordinated development, capacity expansion and quality improvement and the construction of modern comprehensive transportation system of the new stage of development. Constitute a transportation system in all modes of transport, railway transport has always been a key position, and closely related to the development of the national economy is first off, played a strong supporting role in the development of the national economy. As China's road transportation and civil aviation regulation reform and rapid development of railway industry is facing tremendous pressure of competition. United States leads the world's transportation, integrated transport system perfect, United States railway development with almost 200 years of history and the control of the transport industry was first formed in United States railroads. Study of United States economic regulation of the rail industry, construction of China's comprehensive transportation management system, railway development and the integrated transport system in the future railway market positioning exercise of governmental control and how the Government has a very important significance. What are the main points of the theory of government regulation? United States take what railway control mode? What are the advantages? Railway control what problems exist in China? United States model gives us the kind of inspiration? This paper attempts to find answers to these questions through research.

1.2 research methods and ideas

First through on Government control theory of related literature for check out, combs Government control of related theory; then through on United States Ministry, and United States ground Transport Committee, and United States railway industry association, website and the related literature books Shang of information, and data of Zha read, on United States railway control changes made summary, again from price, and market access, and exit, aspects specific introduced United States now railway control how implementation; next, from multiple angle on United States railway economic control mode for analysis summary ; Current situation and main problems of China's railway control from United States comparative analysis of control experience, draw inspiration and then leads to the conclusion. General ideas are as follows:

2 United States railway control changes

2.1 United States rail economic regulation changes

United States experienced a freedom in the early development of the railway, to rigorous controls, deregulation and then to form a moderate, the change of effective control mechanisms.

2.1.1 free stage

Prior to 1870, United States transportation market in the very opening phase of competition, the Government not only to the Government rarely intervened in the market for transport control, assign gifts of land, tax breaks and other preferential policies to encourage developing. With the encouragement of the Government, formed the climax of the construction railway, United States rail reached its peak about 406,000 kilometers form the United States unique multi-line parallel railway structure. At this point, the passenger and freight transport railway transport occupies the vast majority of the market share but also causing, dispersing the excessive number of railway building, part of the unrestricted competition between parallel lines. Railway Enterprise after merger cases continue to increase, more and more railway companies seeking monopoly and restrictive way to get a bigger profit, Union mergers began to rise. Union mergers has reduced competition between the railway companies, and some large railway companies is made up of many small railway companies.

By the middle of the 19th century, composed of most railway companies to take large trusts and other ways to expand enterprise scale and reduce internal competition, avoid excessive losses due to competition on the transport market. By 1865, the railway has identified its monopoly position in the transport industry. In the railway company prior to the merger, social dissatisfaction with the railroad already exists, the perception of tariffs are too high, especially in areas without railway competition. For railway companies another reason for discontent is the existence of differential treatment, due to the presence of large amounts of fixed costs in railway costs, freight rates in different regions, charges differ for different goods or differential treatment, discrimination is also reflected in the variety of concessions with the personnel of the company. Conflict of interest caused public outcry in the railway, which in the United States apparently in the Midwest. This area used to be United States important agricultural production area, local farmers used to invest in railways was enthusiastic, but operations are now poor service, freight rates are too high, particularly in agricultural product prices lower, they are unable to pay the exorbitant shipping costs. So they set up a Grand of its farmers ' organizations, actively promoting the control of railway, United States history known as "peasant movements."

These State peasant movement in the Midwest contributed to the protection of farmers ' produce, although these laws exist for a short time, but attracted the attention of the Government. Granges method is a United States law on social controls imposed on transport enterprises for the first time, played a role in the limited freight.


Government regulation is Government in order to achieve the public interest objectives, in a certain period, involved a certain special economic characteristics of industry on prices, market access, direct or indirect intervention in the exit. Control is not a general economic phenomena, an industry need for control, how to regulate and control the degree to which, according to the industry's economic characteristics in different stages of development of the industry, according to industry characteristics and changes in the market situation may be. Government control of the industry, according to industry characteristics, as the industry changes in the external regulatory environment, legislative, regulatory and controls related to the control organization, control function, control, control, control policies and other reforms and adjustments.

United States railway history of United States railway history of regulatory reform, United States railroad industry has experienced an initial free, strict controls and deregulation of change. United States now has formed has world Shang most developed of railway network, its railway control legal system perfect, and control institutions independent efficient, and to high incentive relax of freight control for core, and clear defined railway industry of part public features of border, and developed clear of railway transport policy for railway of stable development provides superior of external environment; developed of railway network efficient running of while, also accept United States Government of moderate effective control, relative perfect of control mode worth research and reference.

United States relax restrictions was not told of the railway now forms we want to phase out controls, but re-thoughts and positioning of controls, change and adjustment to the control; it's a process of deregulation, as well as control the reconstruction process. Transport market of needs, and transport technology of improve, and different transport way of development progress, and transport organization of changes, can led to railway industry natural monopoly property weakened; integrated traffic transport of development, and on different transport way mutual promote, and Exchange interconnected, and coordination development of strategy development thought, let we need again review railway industry in transport in the status; railway in coal, and ore, and food, bulk goods and in the long transport aspects still has of advantage, these are is effect control of important factors. But to ensure that public interests and perspective of railway property with public goods, Government control over the part of the railway industry continues to be needed.


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