


Auckland Transport is an organization of Auckland Council which is responsible for all of the region’s transport services from roads and footpaths, to cycling, parking and public transport. And it does not include state highways. It was established by section 38 of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, and operates under that act and the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010.The organization combines the transport expertise and functions of the eight former local and regional councils and the Auckland Regional Transport Authority, also known as ARTA. As Mark Gilbert says that AT’s major priority is an increase in public transport patronage. The aim of the organization is to provide the best transport services for the people who works and lives in Auckland to make their life easy.Auckland Transport’s activities are directed and guided at a strategic level by the board of directors.

In past Auckland was well served by public transport, but an extensive Auckland tram system was dismantled in the 1950s, which, together with the decision not to electrify the rail network and instead heavily invest into a motorway system, led to a collapse in both mode share and total trips.Public transport use grew by 4.4% over all modes in the year to 2011.

It designs, builds and maintains roads, ferry wharves, cycle ways and walkways co-ordinates road safety and community transport initiatives, and plans and funds bus, train and ferry services. It is the largest of the council's organizations, with 1020 staff and annual revenue of $1.36 billion (as of 2010), controlling half of all council rates.AT's assets total $11.5 billion, including 8,000 km of roads (excluding state highways, owned and maintained by NZTA) and 850 bridges.

AT is using good quality vehicles and technology to provide more comfort to travelers. Recently they are providing wave card technology (Paywave technology) for the transport users. Using wave card technology users just need to wave their card when they need to pay fare and to top up their card. They also provide online support to book the vehicle from home through their website.

Some of its main tasks are listed below

to design, build and maintain Auckland’s roads, ferry wharves, cycle ways and walkways

to co-ordinate road safety and community transport initiatives such as school travel

Plan and fund bus, train and ferry services across Auckland.

According to their future strategy strong delivery criteria will be implemented to ensure that design, construction and maintenance processes enhance potential positive impacts of transport projects.

Why do we need innovation in public transportation?

When it comes to use any service then normal person goes with the attracted one. He goes with the better offer after comparing the price, comfort and standard of the service provided. So innovations are important for every organization which provides any type services. By their own and effective innovations they can make difference from the other service provider and they can make the better offer for customer that he can’t refuse. For example in old days people were not using the hop cards or smart ride cards but now they do. As they find it handy to pay their fares they will prefer the transport which provides this facility over the one which doesn’t. So we can say that innovations are necessary in transportation to attract the passengers.

How far the previous innovation is effective in the entrepreneurship?

The previous innovations like online top up facility and advance booking for the tours served the organization so well. These innovations helped AT to increase its business people prefer to go with the method that is the result of previous innovation. The benefits and other results that came from old innovations can be used to implement the future business strategies. As when organization started recording the number of passengers increasing after fixed time then it motivated it to use new technology like hop cards by which they could deal with the large number of passengers in less time.

What organization is doing in the terms of innovation?

ATorganization is bringing new technology for passengers like hop cards which are easy to use for paying the fare. These cards can be easily topped up online or on the provided machines. AT is improving and expanding its network in the city so that it can cover every part of it and can serve throughout it. They are also providing dicounts sometimes. They also provide discout for the students. They are working to improve their interiors like comfortable seats and enough space. They are trying to make the stations spacious so that travelers can take off easily with large luggage bags. They are providing special features and facilities for those who are physically challenged.

Your assessment of the necessary entrepreneur skills for leading business innovation and change

Auckland Transport meant for public and totally dependent on them so what comes through transportation innovations that have to keep the customers first and their safety and security, because consumers have confidence and are aware of that the change offered by them is safe and secure. So based innovation and technically and personally decided for the safety of the public. Sometimes technical change in the business could be dangerous to the public because it might not be able to operate the technology and can be misused.

Your assessment of the risk analysis strategy the organisation uses to assess risks and benefits of innovation and entrepreneurship processes and ideas and any recommendations you would suggest

Since transport of Auckland is a business that is based on such a large scale and is totally dependent on the public of Auckland because if the audience leaves the option of public transportation, then transportation customers and reduce Auckland company could suffer losses . So when any innovation comes from having to think about the bad side, which may affect the public in a wrong way, and even if the innovation is not liked by the public then the company may suffer a great loss may affect the willingness of Auckland transport, the company does not want the public what they want to believe and have faith in them.

Your insights into the influence that the organisation’s business vision and mission has on creative and innovative processes.

Auckland transport vision to provide safe transportation for the public who will enjoy the service that you want and also spread awareness through the use of private vehicles less impact on the environment of New Zealand. So Auckland Transport approach in many areas at the same time when it comes to innovation seen in public safety and security and also tries to take all possible technologies in the transportation environment safety.

Describe a situation where you come up with innovation solution to challenge current innovation?

They have innovated the idea of using hop card according to which person needs to pay according to number of hops he is going to travel through. On the first station they put the tag on for passenger and at last station of the passenger; passenger again needs to tag off. If he forgets to do so then his fare will be keep on deducting till the last hop of the train. Passenger should have the facility to tag off using their account either online or by using phone service. Second thing is that if someone lost his card then anyone who found can use that because there is no specific id required to use that card with. There should be specific id or code on the card by which person can transfer his remaining balance into his new card and can say to terminate old one.

In what areas we look for innovation?

When we look for something innovative that means we want something better than the normal one. We expect the more comfort in the service provided by the provider. There should be something innovative idea to keep the customers informed about the current and coming events and offers. There should be SMS and email system to the passengers informed with the required information. There should be special offers for the regular travellers and family and group deals. There should be LCD screens at the stations giving information about the timing and fare. There should be contract with the motels so that they can arrange accommodation for the passengers who are new to the city and don’t know anyone in city. And in all other areas which increase the comfort like Wi-Fi availability etc. are important.

How does entrepreneurship use creativity innovation to add the wealth, power, prestige?

Entrepreneurship and innovation are synonymous. Innovation is central to modern theories of growth and development. Along with factors like cost, technological products and process, innovations are became a key to innovation is intimately tied up with changes in structure of economy, technological upgrading in production. Simply we can say that new entrepreneurship started with new innovative idea and technology helps to improve the business productivity which then helps to add the wealth, power and prestige to the organization.


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