A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies

美国Paper代写范文:“A Childhood That Matters Cultural Studies”,这篇论文主要描述的是作者周末在海滩度假的过程当中,遇到了一个充满的活力的小女孩而有所感悟,回忆起了童年那开心的时光,虽然随着时间的流逝我们已经渐渐习惯了年龄的增长,在感受到了这些孩子童年的经历后,作者认为在落后的国家当中有着成千上万的孩子需要人们的帮助,因此成立了专门帮助儿童的慈善项目。

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A Saturday afternoon, spent with thirteen of the most active little girls at the beach made me see how vulnerable we all are at that age. The simple cares of life and minor everyday hustles faced seem to be so very unimportant with age. We come across larger complications and truly difficult days. These girls have worse days coming. They were innocent at this moment in time where small waves were what they fussed over. The sea spray on their glowing faces and them jumping the waves is a memory I still see so clearly.

The project is inspired mostly by these thirteen orphan girls- ranging from the ages of 2 to 15- that I met during summer vacation. These children and so many more need security and better promise of a livelihood to look forward to. Some were left at the orphanage just because they were female children. In a country where its backwardness is its biggest weakness and its cultures and traditions are what are used as an excuse for it, some of these children have to face the negligence of common intellect. Knowing thirteen stories does not make up for the other thousands of innocents clinging on to the best of their younger and slightly safer days.

This project therefore, will only generate its profits for the betterment of the lives of homeless children.

A childhood is precious to us all. In a world where we are exhausted with the everyday of a fast pace and expecting life style, people are in search for a breather. We look for the simple inspirations and a relaxed, uncomplicated thought. We long for home or the idea of home we had as children; the peace and security of it. Our childhood is what laid the foundation of our later character. Our childhood plays the biggest role in determining what lives we choose to lead and how we live it.

Something we all share during these early years is a single universal thought -that a better world may be possible and you could be a part of its making. It is around this idea that my project makes its first search, the idea of recreating those certain moments and memories that we want to revisit to remind us of the beginnings.

When deciding on how to create a realistic experience of revisiting a memory back in time I had to address the issues of visual communication, tangibility and sound. Tangibility is impossible today but the closest we could come to a realistic experience is with the best of technology used for high quality visual projections and controlled sound systems. This could be possible in the years to come as many individuals and smallcompanies have dedicated their research expertise and knowledge in finding more realistic projections. From CGI to the house-hold Blu-ray player, we are now determined to take imagination and storytelling to the next level.

Holography has been developing for more than five decades and during that time; there have been sudden spikes in interest and periods in time where it has been used for artistic reasons. The beginning of its uses in the commercial world and by regular folk as well as in the development and betterment of the technology used has many details.

The following time line is a brief text on the most important years and the reasoning for this in the life of holography.1947- Denis Gabor a British/Hungarian scientist invented the theory of holography where a 3D image of an encoded pattern of data in a precise beam of light can be stored on photometric film. The set back was the sunlight and conventional lighting of the time was not suitable to put this theory into practice.

1960- The pulsed ruby laser, producing pure and intense light was operated by the US physicist Theodore Maimen. This not only was the solution to Gabor's problem but also helped with holographic portraiture due to the laser's ability to capture fast events.

1962- 1908's Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Lippman's work on colour photography helped Yuri N. Denisyak creates a hologram that was visible under an ordinary light bulb. Only small images were produced though as it lacked depth in its projections.

e awarded to Gabor for his invention and development of the holographic method in 1947.

- The School of Holography found in San Francisco by Cross and Pethick.

1972- Development of the first integral hologram. A moving 3D hologram is made using a recording of 2D movie footage.

1976- Museum of holography in New York is founded by Burns and Jackson, attracting more than 100000 visitors a year. The museum consists of both scientific and artistic holograms.


- The show 'Light Fantastic' at the Royal Academy in London by Holoco.

- The first holographic poem by German artist Dieter Jung from the NY School of Holography, and now at MIT in Boston. Spark of the renewing of concrete poetry of the coming year 1982.

1983 to 1988- Further successful commercialization of holograms. Master Card International, Inc. and VISA use a hologram of the dove on security documents. Also the National Geographic Magazine produces three holographic covers in three publications, all due to popular demand.

1992- Museum of Holography closes down due to financial turmoil, and MIT acquires its collections.

1994 to 1998- The program C-Project is formed for artists to experiment with holographic technology.

1999- The beginning of colour digital hologram printing by Geola, a holographic company in Lithuania.

2000- The Shoebox Holography Book by Frank DeFreitas helps armatures create cheap holography using inexpensive semiconductor lasers costing $5. This causes a rise in interest in holograms.

2003- Holographic video images generated on the graphic processor of a PC are made possible by MIT Media Lab.

2005- Production of the 120mm disk, named the 'Holographic Versatile Disk' that uses a holographic layer to store 3.9TB worth of data.

2009- James Turrell exhibits his work of 15 transmission holograms at NY Pace Wildenstein Gallery, allowing light to become the primary subject.

2012- Creation of a service that makes holograms from digital data rather than real life recording. Zebra Imaging's web interface for uploading data makes this possible.

When studying the growth of holography and its gradual development as well as its numerous uses depending on the industry, I noticed that there is always somebody impressed and ready to take the next step to explore its possibilities. The making of a hologram has been made easier as well as cheaper. The best quality image with great depth to it is still to be realized but that is what this project seeks. Holography has been used for entertainment, commercials and art most commonly but now the scientific uses of it such as medical imaging have become popular as you will read later. My idea of making it a therapeutic tool is yet to be practiced, making this project a first.

String theory- a holographic universe'Man is an image, everything experienced is temporary and deceptive and this universe is a shadow'- Fredrick Vester.It is believed that our reality is a perception and that we actually live within our minds and according to the string theory and numerous quantum physicists, the easiest proof of this is our dreams. Our ability to live within our minds at a dream state, believing in an unreal world is apparently what we are doing even now. They believe that there is no such thing as death, but we will all awake at the time of our lives' end, from this life we live on earth.

This may be farfetched to many minds, and even though I too have not made up my opinion on the topic, I find the theory itself compelling. There is still belief in a soul, or a consciousness, but the brain is completely separated from this.

The idea of separation between the brain and the consciousness must mean that making an individual believe in a certain moment was tricky yet possible. As many scifi movies and books explore this topic, scientists have been in search of an explanation of our realities. Relativity and quantum mechanics refer to a holographic universe, and according to this theory, it begins with the simple process of seeing, touching and smelling. Even though light reaches our eyes to help see an object, light never enters our brain. Rather an electrical signal is what passes through our brain, telling us what we see. It is the same with the other two senses mentioned. This idea of perception is what speaks of a hologram or rather a holographic universe surrounding us. We receive electrical signals that are projected in our brains, as 3D holograms of the exterior world.

Further explained, the laws of physics, biology and chemistry agree that Matter consists of an illusion. The act of measurement and observation builds the universe. Until you consciously decide to look at it, the atom will not appear in that place. With no measurement of it being there, it will not exist.

It is believed that everything that makes up the universe was once a single atom. An atom that spread and expanded and grew and separated but consists of energy that connects to each and every part of it. 'An atom or electron is a multiversal object, and that multiversal object is what quantum mechanics is teaching'- Professor David Deutsch- Oxford University. Therefore, the idea of the parallel electron theory better known as the parallel universe theory is born.

The memory we choose to revisit, be it may your graduation after party or the rooftop at midnight, can most or all be brought to life using holography. The technology is still new in its making and is not fully exploited, but in a tech-adoring world, holograms are what could best create these memories. Gene Dolgoff's holodeck, found in the Star Trek TV show, was immensely popular as an idea. The holographer and inventor found it to be a futuristic invention that will someday

1962 to 1963- Holography is made more realistic. Emmett Leith and Jusis Upatnieks followed up on Gabor's work, resulting in the first laser transmitted hologram of a 3D object.

1966- Leith and Upatnieks together with Fritz Goro a photographer deliberately created a holographic image of geometric solids to show the ability of viewing it from all angles. This was made for the LIFE magazine.

1967- Conduction Corporation in Michigan explored the commercialization of holography. The first major commercial hologram of chess pieces on a board in mass production. Also Larry Siebert, a worker at the company created the first hologram of a person. This sparked the interest in artsy holography. Bruce Nauman and Salvador Dali collaborated with the company to create new pieces of holographic art.1968 to 1969- Numerous artists explore holography and exhibit their work.


- Conduction Corporation closes its holography laser facility due to financial crisis.

- Cross and Pethick find a solution to expensive isolation tables, making room for cheaper ways and the availability of facilities for other artists and armatures.

- Cartier jewelry store in Ney York uses holography for its window display.


- The Nobel Prizbecome real. It also revolves around creating imaginary worlds, to live within and experience using holography. Even though it is of a much larger scale when compared to my proposition, the idea of a holodeck has since been brought up repeatedly in time. Holography technology is yet to reach this level of sophistication, thus this project is an experiment of the limitless possibilities of it.

The brand or rather the shared value system of my project to both its users and its innovator will be the idea of a memory being a key inspiration or 'yuj', the Sanskrit word for yoga. It is believed to be a time that you become intimate with your inner being truly understanding our individual human nature, come to terms with our limitations and help us transcend our energy to what really matters.

The clients will share the belief of therapeutic memories and the importance of every child having the opportunity to make these memories whether spoiled or homeless.

Apart from the philosophical belief, the project is also for the millions of tech adorers and holographers of this time. It is a memorial in its own way for all those years of research and risks taken to help build holography. Since Gabor's findings in the 1940s, we have explored the possibilities of holograms, failing and rising repeatedly with the years. Therapeutic holography which is yet to be discovered is the imperative product of this project.

In search for an impression that speaks of the essence of the whole proposal and something that represents the many ideas as a whole. The experience in itself is what I tried imagining when searching for concept. The idea of bringing a memory to life and then re-living it at will.

I found the phrase 'afterimage' when studying art that leaves an impression. I realized not only did we all have an afterimage of all the memories we have but it also leaves an impression on the visitors' mind when leaving the building. An afterimage is an image left behind in your mind that continues to be there even after the experience of a particular moment has ceased. It is also what you see when you close your eyes. It is individualistic to every person.

If I could succeed at leaving an afterimage of the experience my project brings to its consumer, I believe the idea of making memories and re-living memories will makes its own cycle.


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