

assignment代写,建筑企业发展战略,留学生作业代写,Management assignment,论文代写

1 did not understand the essence of strategy

Current major construction enterprises announced strategy is very similar to the homogenization of serious: are generally stressed the need to maintain stability of the main industry, and then engage in diversification, engage in real estate. Strategic homogenization effect is that these companies do not have strategies. Enterprise development strategy the most important role is to establish differentiated and unique core competitiveness, to find customers choose your reasons. More often than not want to do business strategy, what is probably not a good strategy, in this sense, strategy is to give up. Strategic thinking departure from customers and markets rather than from their own starting. What you can do is not important, customers will be how to choose is very important. China's large enterprises to build strategic convergence lead to market can not be selected, which will fall into a more serious vicious competition.

(2) but not in risk aversion increased business risk

Many construction projects in recent years, corporate profit margins because of declining real estate profits temptation to match, the transfer of resources to diversify into the ranks of the upstream and downstream diversification. The starting point is to consider the current building in order to avoid loss of the main business risks. That small profits or losses for the construction industry with other industries to fill the block, which is seriously flawed logic. Upstream and downstream industry chain integration in the corporate strategy of a certain stage is an advantage, but for most domestic construction enterprises in terms of time is not yet ripe, and the role of risk aversion smaller. Therefore, the current Chinese construction enterprises diversification strategy essence, not in the main business risk aversion but only in the enterprise development strategy to escape the pressure of internal changes and difficulties.

3 Strategic Focus mistakes

Most construction enterprises focus on strategic thinking is on the outside, rather than focus on the enterprise to find the problem. The current financial difficulties, I hope the Government to take measures to improve the price. Another mainstream approach, looking for opportunities outside the industry profits, where profits go. This will focus on focus on opportunities for government relief and external profiteering crawl is typical of strategic opportunism, and sustainable enterprise development strategy has nothing to do has nothing to do with the competitiveness of enterprises.

Second, building corporate business development strategy

1. Competitive enterprise development strategy

(A) cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership strategy is based on lower production costs or expenses operating wins aims to build low-cost advantage through the enterprise, and to seek cost leadership, to meet a variety of enterprises face competitive forces.

(2) differentiation strategy. Differentiation strategy is based on the core operating characteristics of construction win. Namely enterprises operating characteristics of the company's products or services is unique within the industry, thus ensuring the needs of those willing to accept the characteristics of products or services for the enterprises in the industry to establish a special position in the market, effectively protect the enterprise from or less affected by the impact of these threats, the production and operation of enterprises in the driving position.

(3) centralized strategy. By focusing on business strategy that focused all its forces to meet the needs of a particular group of the way for the system to establish their own defense threats. For relatively weaker companies are more suitable for this development strategy.

(2) stable business development strategy

Corporate strategy, also known as stable or maintain defensive strategy based strategy, which is characterized by enterprise resting on economic results, only the pursuit of the same or similar goals over the past year in the future to obtain the expected increase only slightly or substantially the same, which kind of strategic risk.

3 crunch enterprise development strategy

Corporate strategy is also known as tight-based retreat strategy, its core is to find ways to take the initiative to retreat towards steady through the crisis, waiting to take other corporate development strategy. Tightening enterprise development strategy is divided into three types, namely shift strategy, exit strategy and cleanup strategies.

(A) changes in strategy. Although the crisis is an enterprise situation, but there worth saving and rescue operations implemented a corporate business development strategy.

(2) withdrawal strategy. This strategy can save the enterprise strength, until a chance you can attack. Select the main method of exit strategy are: to sell some assets, cut spending, cut advertising and promotional costs; enhance inventory control, cut some of the management staff, to retreat some target market, the enterprise business resources to focus on core business projects and leading on the market . Abandon strategic retreat and separation strategies, including strategies. When companies face great difficulties expected to be difficult to reverse the situation by transforming the strategic shift or when used after a failed strategy, companies should give up the strategy.

(3) clean-up strategy. Also known as liquidation strategy, namely enterprises due to insolvency, through the sale or transfer of all the assets of the enterprise, in order to repay the debt or stop all operations, and declared the end of the business life of the enterprise development strategy. Cleanup strategy of automatic cleaning and forced cleanup strategy, the former generally decided by the shareholders, which requires legal decisions. Cleanup strategy is to select the most painful of all strategic decision-making, it is usually the case for all business development strategy fails when using a strategy, there is no hope then resume normal operations, the early cleanup better than be forced into bankruptcy.

Third, cultivate the core competitiveness of construction enterprises

The so-called core competencies, that is, long-established companies, the implication of quality within the enterprise, the enterprise unique, support enterprises in the past, present and future competitive advantage and business in a competitive environment can long the initiative's core competencies . Constitute the core competitiveness of construction enterprises elements can be grouped into three parts: the ability of marketing, project management and service innovation. Marketing capability is composed of specific elements: in-depth understanding and the ability to accurately grasp the intent of the owners, that is the ability to understand the tender; corporate reputation and brand; services. Project management capabilities include a combination of social resources, technological innovation, risk control capability. Innovation capability is the ability to mix various social resources, through the integration of existing resources to achieve. Service innovation capabilities include institutional arrangements, corporate culture and flexible and close to the market to maximize workflow. Hardware environment easy to imitate, and the corporate institutional arrangements, corporate culture, the "software" is difficult to simply replicate, thus becoming the competitiveness of enterprises an integral part. Service innovation capability also means through flexible work processes to ensure rapid transformation in order to develop new markets.

1. The courage to accept the challenge of the industry

In the construction market, the number of construction project determines the degree of competition in the market size, but also determines the level of bidding companies bid rate, while contracting determines the level of prices. As construction companies, faced with a large number of competitors, from the psychological courage to beat his opponent to establish the confidence of victory. To establish determined to win the confidence and courage. Have the courage to fight major battles of faith, and must have the courage to accept the failure of courage and spirit.

(2) the development of talent is the deciding factor

Enterprise development is inseparable from the role of human resources, personnel training is the fundamental guarantee for enterprises to grow. In the training, the formation of stepped echelon personnel; formed in the configuration between departments focused on arrangements, so that "their talent before as I used to." Staffing business sector should be the strongest. On the strong and weak test criteria should be able to adapt to current and future needs of enterprise survival and development. The so-called strong and weak, I think mainly refers to the professional staff equipped with a reasonable economic aspects of existing buildings talents, another construction talents; existing civil engineering talent, there are other professional personnel. Operating personnel necessary knowledge is multifaceted, ie construction related laws and regulations, industry regulations, market management, public relations, psychology, computer applications, construction economics, construction technology, quality management regulations and so on. The face of the rapid development of knowledge and information today, the times we want to continue to learn and master new knowledge, prompted us to adapt to the market needs of economic development.

3. Improve the management philosophy

(A) a comprehensive collection of information. In today's world is the information age, we should be good to gather information, identify the authenticity of the information. In the face of rapidly changing market, to have the ability to not panic and feel the strain. The more information the master, more accurate business decisions, companies respond more quickly. Therefore, to establish the correct information age business concept for the development of enterprises play a vital role.

(2) to grasp the opportunity. Timely detection of sources of information engineering contracting, timely enrollment bidding activities in a timely manner all the conditions for the use of the strength of enterprises to promote their image, as well as timely sum up their own and others' successful participation in opening activities, to find out what you can learn, you can not put over every available opportunity.

(3) learn to use computer technology to master database of general knowledge, the general method of predictive analytics, electronic information gathering skills transfer printing applications and network technology utilization. Use of computer technology in the management of the information collected, the integration of various departments resources, improve efficiency and accuracy in order to achieve the best condition.

(4) in the actual business activities, to be able to learn. After joining the WTO, a new philosophy, different values ??of the impact on people, unfamiliar competition and enterprise management mode followed, requires companies to be good at learning, digest new knowledge to adapt to new environmental requirements. Which requires companies operating in the process good sum up operating experience, to learn and master the general business forecasting, decision making, control methods.


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