

assignment代写,Economy assignment,留学生作业代写,WTO行政理论,论文代写

To the WTO, marked "British reform and opening up has entered a new stage ," making the United Kingdom in a larger scope , a deeper level , a higher level of participation in international affairs and the process of globalization , but the British accession to the WTO will also recommend the most severe of reform and opening up challenges. "WTO" First, "the government's accession," the concept of justice and administrative brunt . WTO requires administrative revolutionize the concept , which is the traditional bureaucratic cleanse . Specifically, the administrative concept of change reflected in the following aspects:

1 open concept

The inevitable trend of social development from closed to open . However , in the face of economic globalization , someone exclaimed, " wolf" , but in fact , only to participate in the largest market worldwide , the British economy was likely to have a greater effect . Therefore , it is imperative to learn how to "Dances with Wolves ." In the long run , benefit the British Open , and the result is that more and more isolated than alienation from the international community , it is difficult to obtain greater development of international space . Discriminatory policies and fragmented market system is bound to impede fair competition and efficient allocation of resources . The face of economic globalization, the objective situation , the government must establish the concept of globalization open , learn to make full use of both internal and external resources , participation in domestic and international competitive market .

Some scholars have pointed out , the UK remains the humanities gap with the WTO , of which the most important manifestations of privilege and discrimination spiritual thoughts , these are with the WTO principles ( such as non-discrimination principle , the principle of fair competition , etc. ) contrary . As we all know , even in the domestic market, still there is no uniform national treatment , there are various hierarchies , privileges ideas. To the WTO, which should actively integrate into the international community , on the one hand , in accordance with international practices and rules , to develop and improve national policies and regulations , and make it transparent, open up the domestic market in order to attract more international capital, technology and management experience, possible to rely on external resources to promote the UK economy and the international economy is connected ; the other hand, participation in international affairs , we should have an international perspective , "active opening, effective management , forward-looking development" and improve the country's overall competitiveness. Accession to the WTO is not an end , but rather use the WTO this activity centers, through participation in international cooperation and competition, and protect their own interests , to fight for social benefits and economic benefits double harvest. For the government, must take this opportunity to aggressive pursuit of innovation, improve administrative efficiency and improve service quality.

2 the concept of service

David Osborne in the " reform government " that: "Democracy is the government service for their citizens exist " and that " the public service to their customers who need to make sensitive the best way to react is to resource placed in the hands of customers so that they choose . " in the past, the government is the center of the whole community , play " all " the role of the executive power radiation force is too strong, the government too much attention to the command , control and monopoly . In modern society, the executive branch of government , in essence, is to provide the community service agencies , depending on the purpose and nature of public power . Government can not just implement a simple administrative controls , but for social, civil service administration . Governments need to realize from the " administrative control " to "service administration" changes to "service -oriented government " to replace "command, control -oriented government ."

Compliance with WTO rules , the government not only to change long-standing inequalities in the domestic practice of non-public economy , but also in other countries may not have any market players discrimination and prejudice , we must create a fair and open competitive environment. The Government is committed to improving governance capacity should create a favorable macro environment for reform and opening up , improve national competitiveness . Therefore, we must strive to improve the level of scientific decision-making , improve government management, improve efficiency, and reshape the image of the government in order for the community, provide citizens with more extensive and convenient information and services.

3 the concept of democracy

Democratic administration is characterized by the administration of state affairs in accordance with a series of legal procedures to implement, rather than by personal will. Democracy in terms of its intent , is the people in power management of state politics.

Many WTO principles ( such as the principle of non-discrimination , the principle of transparency , fair trade or competition principles ) , is to protect the interests of its members , to maintain a fair, just and democratic competitive environment. Administrative reform in the UK , on the one hand to expand democratic participation. Democratic participation in any decision-making for the government to give more rational and behavioral factors that influence to avoid excessive irrational factors . Government must participate in administrative decisions for citizens , chief executive provide formal channels , extensively absorb different views of citizens and improve government decision-making more scientific and feasible. On the other hand , to increase transparency in government . In democratic countries , non- government information resources monopolized resources. Lack of transparency will not only lead to corruption and undermine the government's credibility , but also may conceal errors and incompetence, limiting citizens' watchdog of government and the ability to choose competent leaders . Lack of transparency so that people can not grasp the future government policies to be taken , and this uncertainty will damage the business environment, especially the investment environment. In addition, the lack of transparency will lead people to lose confidence in the government . At this stage, we must effectively promote open government , increasing the transparency of public administration processes to enable the public to understand work procedures and rules , the realization of people 's right to information , participation and supervision, to truly improve the government serving the consciousness and initiative .

4 Efficiency Concept

The pursuit of efficiency is an inherent requirement of the government administration , efficiency is an important symbol of modernization of public administration . At present , the world in order to improve public sector efficiency and institutional capacity-building efforts . If government agencies competitive, its capabilities will be enhanced . Meanwhile, rely on more openness and competitive system , you can reduce the cost of internal management . Administrative efficiency is reflected in all aspects of public administration , at all levels , is a comprehensive index , will inevitably be complex factors outside the organization , therefore , improve administrative efficiency is also an integrated system engineering.

To the WTO, requires government policy decisions , dispute resolution , policy review , market supervision , etc., responsive , improve efficiency , and create a more competitive , more favorable macro environment . Therefore, we must establish a correct concept of efficiency , streamlining their organizations , streamline functions , a sound legal basis, to improve the quality of the civil service and administrative management techniques and methods to achieve modernization .

5 rule of law

One of the biggest drawbacks of traditional administration that "Word behalf of the law " and " the right to substitute the law ," the rule of man . Administration according to law is the basic principle of modern government operations . Government action is required by law boundaries , administration is the core of effective government . On the one hand , administration refers to all levels of state administrative organs and their staff must be based on the Constitution and the duties and powers conferred by law , permitted by law within the purview of state law for effective management of social affairs activities ; hand, administration according to law also includes legal right through to supervise the legality of administrative acts and to take measures to prevent the occurrence of violations , corrective illegal administrative acts .

In some scholars, % & ' is both a formal international organization , but also the system of rules of international competition is the " International Code " , the government must adapt to these changes in the concept of rules . Where legal principles and we are implementing the "rule of law " to strengthen democratic supervision is consistent. In order to achieve from a planned economy to a market economy transition , must be adapted to complete the transition from the rule of man to the rule of law , government administration from the traditional way of simply relying on administrative means towards more reliance on law, management tools up, which the objective laws of historical development of the decision, is not the people 's subjective will , reflects the characteristics of the socialist legal system with English self-improvement and development, and ultimately realize from the " rights- oriented government " to " rule-oriented oriented government "changes.

6 Responsibility concept

Administrative responsibility is the basic concept of modern democracy , but also the democratic control of public administration institutional arrangements . In democracy, the rule of law in society, any of the powers and duties are the responsibility of unity . For administrative organ , even more so . Therefore, the powers conferred on the executive organ , it should also define their respective responsibilities and constraints , supervision of administrative power operation, to prevent the abuse of power , in order to fully ensure the fairness of the exercise of executive powers , impartiality , effectively stop administrative body "rent-seeking " behavior, thereby improving administrative efficiency and establish a harmonious relationship between the executive , making the value of the individual pursuit and administration throughout the administrative body and the value of the pursuit of social groups to achieve unity . Democratic administration positioning also requests the Government must serve citizens to obtain citizens 'trust and support , recognize and respect the citizens' ability to reason , is a " sense of responsibility " and " mission " of the government .

Legalization and the WTO principles of transparency , objectivity will lead to government decision-making , government behavior increased responsibilities . Establish the powers and responsibilities linked to the mechanism of making the government must act in a scientific, fair and reasonable in the form of , and to promote broad public servants pursuant to statutory authority and procedures for the exercise of powers to achieve a reasonable administrative , efficient administration, honest administration .

7 positive concept

In the traditional concept , the government plays a " night watchman " role. With the new understanding of the functions of government , as well as society continues to change and development , government administration is no longer as before in single , passive " night watchman " status , but must be derived according to the situation innovative, proactive, rather than legalistic , follow the old chapter . With the arrival of the information age , the government manage its functions , behavior patterns , operational procedures , and other aspects of the implementation approach is bound to be some impact , effective government must adapt to the constantly changing " environment " , and adapt to the environment and http://liuxuelunwen.org/dxassingment/ ongoing system innovation in order to create a new situation in public administration .

To the WTO, means that the UK will be greater participation in international competition. Faced with complex and changing environment , government policy to respond effectively is the most important . For the policy to take appropriate course of action should also be subject to adjustment as the environment changes , we must cultivate a variety of management issues and able to cope with the task of effective government . In the UK, there are still many administrative absence of the phenomenon, the lack of administrative acts automatically force mechanism , it tends to be passive and static . Usually poor management , problems have become increasingly complex, acute and only rely on "special action ", " inspection " and other forms to be processed . Therefore, the Government must adapt to a rapidly changing , highly competitive characteristics of the times , improve foresight , and actively take the initiative to the needs of the community and citizens to respond effectively .

8 credit concept

" Stands by its word , line must be fruit ", " keeping promises, Lutheran ," and so on, both the noble virtues of the Chinese nation , but also the breadth of the essence of oriental civilization . Confucian doctrine , advocated " benevolence, righteousness , propriety, wisdom and trust ." Among them, the "letter" is both a homogeneous body of the country, but also " for the government of the Road, ruling should ." However, due to many factors, in terms of ideology , the concept of insularity many Government officials , feudal " official position" mentality , the lack of awareness of service ; administrative behavior , ignoring the laws or lax enforcement , the lack of professional ethics ; government decision-making , policy changes , such as poor decrees have occurred , resulting in the government 's credit crisis has seriously damaged the government's image .

As traditional moral norms is one of the most important , credit both the basic rules of market economy , is a modern social system premised on maintaining the "lifeline ", is also public servants the primary factor in personal accomplishment . Some scholars believe that the government credit issues credit to the entire community has a guiding role . Therefore, we must take advantage of WTO and further economic integration with the international market the opportunity to accelerate the pace of reform , to promote scientific decision-making , strengthen law enforcement and improve the government 's ability to implement commitments , public opinion and exposure while increasing efforts to improve government agencies and the vast majority of civil servants credit awareness , not only conducive to the development of government administration , but also conducive to establish a good image of the government .


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