

essay代写,名人崇拜,留学生作业代写,Celebrity worship,论文代写


The celebrities have become part of modern life today. Companies use the popularity of celebrities to do various kinds of advertisements to promote their new products as celebrity preference can have a huge commercial interest, and famous people themselves are more prone to participate in a variety of programs such as charities and TV shows. The cult of celebrity, of course, becomes a common thing in today’s life. The cult of celebrity can be generally defined as ‘the widespread interest in famous individuals’. People adore celebrities so crazily may because the charming appearance of famous people, the huge salaries famous people can earn or the rare talents celebrities are born with, etc. The cult of celebrity influence both individual and society greatly as it can change the behaviors of people and set examples of new rules and models. While there are certainly some inspirational examples posed by celebrity cult, the cult of celebrity also leads to significant risks to society, which should not be ignored. This essay will focus on the positive and negative effects of the cult of celebrities posed on adolescents’ health, behavior and value, as a reference to the whole society. Following this, it will discuss whether celebrities’ effects are likely to worsen in the coming years.

Celebrities’ positive influences

Firstly, the cult of celebrity can help teenagers build healthy para-social relationship on some extent. The celebrity has become a bridge linking the boundaries between peers from different gender, culture and states (Couldry&Markham, 2007). People can get to know different things through their idols, some things they may never have chance to experience themselves. Moreover, more strength the relationship is, higher efficiency can be expected to learn from para-social relationships (Lauricella, Gola, and Calvert, 2011).Healthy para-social relationship with the celebrities has a positive relationship with peer attachment and developadolescents’independent from parents (Giles&Maltby, 2004). Positive para-social relationship plays an important role on the independent of adolescent, making them depend less on their parents but attach more to their peers, as celebrities replace some functions that parents had fulfilled in childhood.

In addition, the cult of celebrity can inspire the young generation. There are many celebrities whose accomplishments make them excellent role models for young people. Most celebrities are self-made celebrity and their way to success is always inspiring as they need to demonstrate great effort, strong ambition and determination. A good example of this is Riddick Bowe, who is the 1988 Olympic silver medalist. The enticement encouraged him to become a fighter all time is the cult of Muhammad Ali from his 13 year-old. “I guess Muhammad Ali. I like the way he spoke, the way he handled himself. And things of that nature. And that’s what enticed me to get into boxing. I liked his spirit and I liked his style. (Bowe, 2011)”It is the worship of Muhammad Ali that enable Riddick Bowe went through years of practice and hard work and finally success.

Also, celebrities can be good role models of the social standard behavior and have good effect on citizens and societies. Many celebrities are keen to charity and are typically law-abiding citizens, which set a good role model to everyone. A telling example is Audrey Hepburn, a world-famous actress and humanitarian, who devoted most of her later life to UNICEF, a National Program providing long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to people in developing countries. Her participation to this program let more people get to know the living condition in the underprivileged countries and offer hands to help them.

Celebrities’ negative influences

However, the cult of celebrity certainly poses negative influences on young generation. First of all, the cult of celebrity can also lead the teenagers imitate the bad behavior of celebrity. Miley Cyrus, for example, set a typically bad role model to teenagers. Appearing half naked, smoking marijuana on stage, spitting on audience (Verdnik, 2014), all these bad behaviors undoubtedly will corrupt teenagers’ mind and thought. Drugs, tattoos, alcohol abuses that many actors may associate with can corrupt young teenagers’ mind to a large extent or even lead to crime.

In addition, the cult of celebrity can harm health of generation both mentally and physically. The data collected by a telephone survey of 833 Chinese teenagers in Hong Kong illustrates that celebrity cult can lead to poor identity achievement and lower-esteem (Cheung&Yue, 2003).  And para-social relationships with media figures perceived as having a good body shape may lead to a poor body image in female adolescents (Cheung&Yue, 2003).  Adolescent females may compare themselves with the celebrity that has a perfect figure and determine to lose some weight and eat less, which cause eating disorders and various other kinds of physically illness. Some adolescents, especially female teenagers, do cosmetic surgery just to look like the celebrity that they worship, which is bad for their health. And there is a finding about the relationship between the body image and celebrity cult demonstrates that female teenagers are more likely to the females on television.

Also, a new term which called ‘celebrity worship syndrome’ is coined to describe those obsessive-addictive disorder and mental disorder owing to celebrity cult (Chapman). Some crazy fans like to buy or even compete for all the things about their idols no matter what it is. Adolescents, especially, pursue things that are useless, which undoubtedly put great burden to their family finance. They cannot get rid of it because they have addicted to it, and all their topics with their friends are the celebrities. Some teenagers are even unable to control their behaviors and have hallucinations. They will always think of their idols and cannot help thinking about the situation that their idols immediately appear in front of them.

Finally, the cult of celebrity will also shake the teenager’s value towards personal value and hard work. According to Susan Boon’s research,60percentCanadian undergraduates questioned on the effect of celebrities on their lifestyles admitted thatidols influenced their attitudes and personal values (Boon&Lomore, 2001).Many famous people achieve their fame by inheriting money from parents, marring a famous person or doing some extreme things. For example, Peter Doherty, best known musically for being the co-frontman of The Libertines, has been repeatedly arrested for drug offences and driving problems such as driving under influence and driving with a suspended license.Teenagers adore him may develop the idea that good appearance, talents and media profiles are more important than other personalities such as honesty, law-abiding and hard-working spirit. 

whether it will get worse

In comparison, the cult of celebrity indeed has had a terrible effect on societies and it cannot be overwhelmed by the positive effects, and its effects are more likely to worsen in the following years. With the advent of new high technologies, it is much easier to become a celebrity by disclosing of luxurious personal life, or doing some extreme things. The worship of these celebrities will undoubtedly distort many people’s view of the world, undermine social values and lead to a society of materialism. Besides, young teenagers have a weak ability to tell right from wrong and they may imitate and worship the celebrity blindly, which will have an extremely bad influence on their self-confidence, personality, health and future plans. Not only the teenagers, but also the whole society is immersed in the effect led by celebrity cult. Research from the University of Calgary found that 60 percent of college students think their behavior, attitudes and personal values are impacted by a celebrity on different extent (Boon&Lomore, 2001).There is no doubt that celebrities have totally changed people’s modern life, and it will keep doing so in the coming years.


In conclusion, the cult of celebrity indeed has some positive influences as it can build para-social relationship and help teenagers become independent, give youngsters inspiration according to their experiences, set a good role models to the social norm. However, these positive influences cannot overshadow its terrible effects. The cult of celebrity may lead to blind imitation, adverse impacts on mental and physical health,‘celebrity worship syndrome’ and the distortion of view of the world. With the help of mass media and high technology, things may be worsen in the coming years. People can easily become celebrities or follow famous people, and there will be more copycats that make things worse. In years to come, not only the teenager, but also the whole society is immersed in the effect led by celebrity cult. In order to weak the negative effects caused by the cult of celebrity, governments are supposed to put up related laws and regulations to limit the exposure of celebrities and give more exposure to the positive side of famous people. At the same time, adolescents’ moral education need to be strengthened, and they are expected to develop their own life and world view. Teachers or parents should let teenagers know how much efforts celebrities have made in order to earn their fame and education and painstaking work are inevitable things towards success.


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