A Farewell to Arms and East of Eden

Essay代写范文:“A Farewell to Arms and East of Eden ”,这篇论文主要描述的是在长篇小说《永别了,武器》当中,讲述了凯瑟琳与亨利这两个人物之间对于彼此的爱情,并且用了这么一句话来描述他们的爱情“死亡不停的真爱”,海明威认为一堆夫妻之间的强度会随着时间的推移,而变得更加的浓厚,是一种直至死亡也不会停止的爱情。

essay代写,A Farewell to Arms,留学生作业代写,永别了武器,论文代写

"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." This quote summarizes Catherine and Henry's love for each other. Even though Catherine died, Henry had a huge space of emptiness left in his heart. Marriages in today's society are very serious relationships although some people don't seem to take them so seriously. Take for example Dennis Rodman, who married Carmen Electra and they divorced a week later. This shows how men are sometimes over powered by looks. My essay contrasts the relationships in Hemingway's Farewell to Arms to the relationships in Steinbeck's East of Eden. E. Hemingway displays a sense of respect for couples whereas J. Steinbeck portrays that women are venerable can't hold a steady relationship. Abra gradually fell in love with Cal and eventually cheated on Aron with his brother Caleb. Cal slowly tries to ruin Aron. Cal influences Abra's thought of Aron by saying sweet things to her. Adam smiled at her. "You're pink as a rose," he said. (590) The passage shows that Cal is trying to romance Abra. He knows Abra is venerable because Aron is away in the army and she misses him. By Aron absent, Abra needs a man and she turns to Cal.

Henry and Catherine hold a steady, loving and trustworthy relationship even through the tough times of war. Even though there are disputes on whether Henry and Catherine really loved each other, they held a good relationship. They tended to each others needs. Catherine took it slow while Henry wanted to rush into things to quickly. "Hello," I said. "When I saw her I was in love with her. Everything turned over inside of me." (91) Catherine and Henry were inseparable. Throughout the novel, their relationship became more serious and Henry had finally decided that he was in love with Catherine Barkley. "I really love you. I'm crazy about you." (92) This quote displays how Henry just can't get enough of Catherine how he wants to rush into things to quick. Henry doesn't like Catherine for who se really is but is taken over by the power of her looks.

Cathy is a back stabbing devil and everyone knows it. Cathy tricks Adam into drinking her opium medicine so it allows here to sleep with Charles. Cathy heard Charles footsteps as he returned home. Charles went into his room, flung off his clothes and got into bed. He grunted and turned, trying to get comfortable, and then he opened his eyes. Cathy was standing at his bedside. "What do you want? What do you think? Move over a little." (125) This passage illustrates that Cathy wants Charles and that Charles didn't have any part in her seductive plan. Cathy obviously tricked Adam into taking the sleeping the medicine so she could have sex with Charles. This demonstrates that Cathy is a whore because the day she had sex with Charles, was the day of the marriage of Cathy and Adam.

As you read, the details explain how Hemingway shows that women are faithful to their partners as Steinbeck displays women as not being trustworthy and as being easy. I think that the time setting in the stories had an effect on the strength of couples. As the years progress, things start to become more serious. Back in the day, marriages were pre-arranged, sometimes even before the child was born. I think this is totally wrong because they don't love each other, they are made by their parents to love each other. I think these are phony relationships with no meaning. To make a marriage a successful one, it takes the energy and time of both partners, not just one of them. A good marriage has to contain trust, love and faithfulness or there won't be any chance of the a successful and loving relationship.


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